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1、单词拼写1 We hope the _ (友谊)between our countries will last long.2 Yesterday he _(认识到)that he made a lot of mistakes at last.3 We should not be _(害怕)of any outside challenges.4 He was very _(感动的)by what his father did.5 If you are more careful , you will not make _(错误).6 I really dont know how to _(处理)w

2、ith the problem.7 Listening and _(说)are a little more difficult for Chinese English learners.8 I cant catch you because you speak too _(快).9 Her parents always _(把视为)her as the cleverest of their children.10. Shes very good at making friends and_(介绍)people.11. Please speak _(大声)I cant hear clearly.1

3、2. He is so _(激动)that he cant say anything.13. The sun will come out _(稍后)on.14. If you dont know you can take _(笔记).15. We should help others when people are in _(困难).16. You can _(查字典)up the word in a dictionary.17. He runs _(慢)every day .18. Dont _(嘲笑)at old people.19. I used to eat _(糖果)all the

4、time. But now I like chewing gum a lot .20. The disease causes thousands of _(死亡).a year.21. You _(浪费)a lot of water by having a bath instead of a shower last night.22. Guy was going to buy a bookcase, but in the end he made one _(他自己).23. You need to be _(有耐心的)with children.24. I cant _(担负的起)to buy

5、 a house.25. She has had to make some very difficult_(决定).26. Is it _(必须的)for all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon ?27. If you dont pay _(注意) now, youll get it all wrong later.28. My little brother used to spend much time _(看)TV.29. You should be _(友好)to the old people.30. Im more _

6、(感兴趣)in English than Chinese.31. I used to be really _(安静).32. I go to _(入睡)with my bedroom light on.33. Dont _(担心)about the test. Its easy.34. I used to _(花费)a lot of time playing games with my friends.35. These days I _(几乎没有)ever have time for concerts.36. I really _(想念)the old days.37. My daily l

7、ife is _(不同).38. Do you have a drivers _(执照)?39. Kathy made a _(愚蠢的)mistake in the examination.40. You can go _(代替)of me , if you want.41. Youre not _(允许)to talk during the exam42. We have no money at _(目前). But Im sure , in the future, I can make much money to help the poor. 43. She _(回答)that it wa

8、s 12 oclock.44. The health report stresses the _(重要性)of fresh food in a diet.45. Shes been trying to pass her driving test for six years and shes finally _(成功).46. He isnt _(平静)enough.47. We have a lot of _(规则)at my house.48. Im allowed to go _(购物)with my friends.49. Parents should not be too _(严格)w

9、ith teenagers.50. You should _(保持)your room clean.51. If I were you , I would _(散步)a long walk before going to bed.52. Im going to give a _(演讲)in front of the whole school.53. I would start borrowing his clothes_(没有)permission.54. How many people would talk to the friend right_(立刻)?55. I cant _(睡觉)t

10、he night before an exam.56. I would _(邀请)him to have dinner at my house.57. If the weathers nice we could have a _(野餐)in the park .58. He cant _(可能地)have drunk all that on his own.59. Amanda _(掉下)her sunglasses into the lake yesterday.60. They were happy because they had _(捕获)a lot of fish that day.

11、61. We still havent found the dogs _(主人).62. The teachers _(数)the students as they got on to the coach.63. Whos the most famous person youve ever _(采访)on TV ?64. Some of the _(邻居)have complained about the noise from our party.65. She has become the _(主任)of the new information center.66. She cut her

12、_(手指)while chopping onions last night.67. It _(一定)be a dog.68. It must _(属于)to Linda.69. Today he must _(穿戴)a suit.70. He _(曾经)to be a teacher , but now he is a worker.71. This T-shirt _(不可能)be Johns. Its too long for him.72. If you have any idea, please _(打电话)me.73. These _(相片)must be Jims.74. I th

13、ink it _(也许)be a dog, but I cant see a dog.75. There must be something _(拜访)the homes in our neighborhood.76. I dropped my backpack _(期间)the concert.77. Mum bought the skirt for me as a birthday _(礼物).78. The _(秘密) of success is hard work.79. He was so _(困倦的)that he had to go to bed early.80. He is very sad _(由于)of his mothers death.81. How can you _(提高)your speaking ?82. I le


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