小麦苗期氮营养效率相关性状的QTL分析 苗期 性状 小麦 效率 营养.docx

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小麦苗期氮营养效率相关性状的QTL分析 苗期 性状 小麦 效率 营养.docx_第1页
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《小麦苗期氮营养效率相关性状的QTL分析 苗期 性状 小麦 效率 营养.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小麦苗期氮营养效率相关性状的QTL分析 苗期 性状 小麦 效率 营养.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小麦苗期氮营养效率相关性状的QTL分析 苗期 性状 小麦 效率 营养小麦苗期氮营养效率相关性状的QTL分析 本文关键词:苗期,性状,小麦,效率,营养小麦苗期氮营养效率相关性状的QTL分析 本文简介:摘要小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)是我国和世界最重要的粮食作物之一。小麦的产量和质量直接影响着我国农业的可持续发展和粮食安全。氮元素是植物的三大矿质营养元素之一,影响着小麦的生长发育和产量,长期以来人们通过补施氮肥维持小麦高产,但是氮肥利用效率普遍较低,而且造成了生产成本增加、小麦苗期氮营养效率相关性状的QTL分析 本文内容: 摘 要小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是我

2、国和世界最重要的粮食作物之一。小麦的产量和质量直接影响着我国农业的可持续发展和粮食安全。氮元素是植物的三大矿质营养元素之一,影响着小麦的生长发育和产量,长期以来人们通过补施氮肥维持小麦高产,但是氮肥利用效率普遍较低,而且造成了生产成本增加、资源枯竭和环境污染等问题。本研究以山农 0431鲁麦 21衍生的小麦 RIL 群体(176 个家系,SL-RIL)为研究材料,采用苗期营养水培实验,设置高氮(HN)、中氮(MN)、低氮(LN)共 3 种处理,进行两年试验,测定不同氮含量处理下的氮养分效率相关的 14 个性状,并结合分子标记遗传图谱,进行小麦苗期氮营养效率相关的 QTL 分析,为氮营养相关性状

3、的基因克隆和分子标记辅助选择育种提供参考。试验结果表明:(1)表型变异分析表明,SL-RIL 群体不同氮处理环境下 14 个苗期性状在基因型间均表现极显着差异(p0.001);母本山农 0431 在不同 N 处理环境下所有被测定性状的数值均明显大于父本鲁麦 21;各株系在不同处理下表现出性状变异范围大、超亲现象明显的特点,多数(78.6%)的性状变异系数超过 10%;除 RDW 外,广义遗传力都在50%以上,变异范围为 40.01-90.28%;多数性状间相关性达显着水平。(2)SL-RIL 群体 3 个氮处理苗期 14 个性状进行 QTL 分析表明,共检测到 168 个QTL,位于 3D 以

4、外的 20 条染色体,单个 QTL 可解释表型变异的 3.3017.68%,53 个QTL 加性效应为正值,表明 QTL 增加效应来源于母本山农 0431;115 个 QTL 加性效应为负值,表明 QTL 增加效应来源于父本鲁麦 21。(3)168 个 QTL 中,46 个为 RHF-QTL,涉及除 SNCe 以外的 13 个性状,位于 1A、2A、2B、3B、4D、5A、5B、5D、6A、6B、6D 及 7A 染色体上,平均贡献率为 3.7116.16%。38 个 RHF-QTL 加性效应为负值,说明 QTL 的增加效应来自于父本鲁麦 21;8 个RHF-QTL 的加性效应为正值,则增加效应

5、来自于母本山农 0431。有 20 个 RHF-QTL 在单一 N 环境监测到,22 个 RHF-QTL 在 2 个 N 环境检测到,4 个 RHF-QTL(QTnue.4D.2、QSdw.5A、QSdw.5B-1.2、QRsdw.5D)HN、MN、LN 三种处理均检测到,受环境影响小。(4)本研究的 QTL 簇指染色体同一位置包含 2 个以上 RHF-QTL。共获得到 9 个QTL 簇(C1C9),位于 3B、4D、5A、5B、5D、6B、6D、7A 染色体,共涉及 33 个RHF-QTL,占 RHF-QTL 总数的 75.00%,增加效应来自父本鲁麦 21。其中位于 5A 的C3 包括 8

6、 个 RHF-QTL(QRdw.5A、QRnce.5A.2、QSdw.5A、QSnc.5A、QSnue.5A、QTdw.5A、QTnc.5A.1、QTnue.5A),解释平均表型变异的 6.4711.40%。QSdw.5A 可以在 3 种氮处理中被检测到,QRdw.5A、QSnc.5A、QTdw.5A、QTnc.5A、QSnue.5A、QTnue.5A 在2 种氮处理被检测到,QRnce.5A 仅在中氮条件下被检测到。关键词:小麦;重组自交系;QTL;氮营养效率;苗期。AbstractWheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most importa

7、nt staple crops in the world. The productivity and quality is very important for agricultural sustainable development and the food supply in China. Nitrogen (N) is one of the three most important nutrients for the growth and yield improvement of wheat. A lot of N fertilizers are supplied every year

8、to grain high wheat productivity. But N efficiency of wheat is relative low, which increased crop production costs, exhausted non-renewable N resources, and caused a series of environmental problems.In this study, we conduct the quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using a set of 176 recombinant i

9、nbred lines (RILs) derived from a Shannong 0431Lumai 21(SN0431LM21)cross (SL-RIL).The 176 RILs and their parents were grown under hydroponic culture in greenhouse. The concentrations of N treatments were high N (HN), moderate N (MN) andlow N (LN). Combined with a high-density genetic map, QTLs were

10、located for N use efficiency traits at the wheat seedling stage. This should be helpful for gene cloning of related traits and molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) in breeding programs. The main results are as follows:(1)The variation of phenotype showed that significant difference (p0.001) was

11、 detected between genotypes in all 14 targeted traits. Relative values of female parent SN0431 wasobviously larger than those of male LM 21 for all traits under different N treatments. For RI lines, the wide variation ranges and transgressive inheritance under different treatments were detected. The

12、 variation coefficient for most traits (78.6%) was higher than 10%. The broad-sense heritability ranged 40.01-90.28 % for all traits except for RDW. The correlation coefficients were significant among the most traits.(2)QTL analysis was carried out for the 14 traits at the seedling stage under three

13、 N treatments, the result showed that a total of 168 QTLs were detected on 20 chromosomesexcept for 3D. The individual QTL could explain 3.30%-17.68% of the phenoty picvariations. A number of 53 SN0431 derived QTLs showed positive additive effects, whereas 115 LM21dirived QTLs had negative additive

14、effects.(3)Atotal of 46 RHF-QTLs were detected on chromosomes 1A, 2A, 2B, 3B, 4D, 5A, 5B,5D, 6A、6B, 6D and 7A for 13 traits except for SNCe. The average contributions ranged from 3.71 to 16.16%. A mumber of 38 LM21 dirived RHF-QTLs showed negative additive effects,whereas 8 SN0431 dirived RHF-QTLs h

15、ad negative positive additive effects.A number of 20 and 22 RHF-QTLs were found under a single and two N environment(s), respectively. Four RHF-QTLs (QTnue.4D.2、QSdw.5A、QSdw.5B-1.2、QRsdw.5D) were detected under all the three environments, HN, MN and LN, indicating they were affected diminutively by

16、environment.(4)The cluster was defined as the co-location of RHF-QTLs for more than two traits in this study. Nine QTL clusters (C1-C9) were mapped on eight chromosomes: 3B, 4D, 5A, 5B,5D, 6B, 6D and 7A, including 33 RHF-QTLs (75.00%). The increasing effects of QTLs come from LM21. The cluster C3 included eight RHF-QTLs (QRdw.5A, QRnce.5A.2, QSdw.5A, QSnc.5A, QSnue.5A, QTdw.5A, QTnc.5A.1, QTnue.5A) with the contributions



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