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1、1.aboutThey gathered about the desk.他们围聚在书桌旁。(在周围)He felt weak about the knees.他感到膝部无力。(在部位)I hadnt enough money about me then.我当时身上没有足够的钱。(在身边)There is something queer about him.他身上有种怪异的东西。(状貌,属性)He has read about the adventure.他读过那个冒险故事。(关于)What the hell are you about?你到底在干什么?(从事)There is a mature

2、 wisdom about him.这人颇有大智。(在性格中)Bob is really keen about the trip.鲍勃真是热衷于这次旅行。(涉及,关于)She is smart about business.她经商很精明。(涉及)Make yourself easy about it.对这件事你尽可放心。(关于)She left on or about the eighth of May.她大约是在5月8日前后离开的。(在前后,大约)(a little more or less)about构成的惯用短语:1 be about to正要,正打算They are about to

3、leave.他们即将动身。How about.?(你觉得)怎么样?(你认为)好吗?How about a cup of tea?来一杯茶怎么样?What about.?.好吗?怎么样了?(建议或询问消息)What about a walk?散散步好吗?What about your new job?你的新工作怎么样?2.aboveThe water was already above ourknees.水已经浸过我们的膝盖上面了。(在的上方)The coat cost above/over/more than10.这件外套价格超过10美元。(多于,超过)He is above me in ra

4、nk.他的级别比我高。(高于,优于,重于)The book is above my understanding.这本书我读不懂。(超乎之所及)He is above doing such things.他不屑于做这种事情。(不屑于)The hotel was on the hill above thetown.宾馆坐落在市镇上方的小山上。a five-percent commissionaboveexpenditure开销之外的5%的佣金(除去,在之外)The ship sank just above the island.船在群岛正北方沉没。(在北方)He ran to the first

5、building above thefactory.他朝工厂前方的第一幢楼房跑去。(比更远)Oxfordis above Henley on the Thames.牛津与亨雷比,在泰晤士河更上游处。(从往上游)The road above the village leads to the churchyard.村子那边的公路通往教堂墓地。(在的那边)above构成的惯用短语:above all尤其是,最重要的是above suspicion无可怀疑above/beyond praise赞美不尽above question不容置疑above reproach无可厚非 abovecriticism

6、无可指责above the average超过一般水平above/beyond price价值连城above ones income/means入不敷出be above oneself兴高采烈above/beyond dispute无争论余地above/beyond comprehension不可理解above/beyond ones capabilities超过某人的能力 above ones head/understanding不可理解3.afterHe will return after three oclock.他将在3点钟后返回。(在以后)(时间)Shut the door afte

7、r you,please.请随手关门。(在后面)(位置)Day after day he worked on.他日复一日地辛劳着。(接着)After what has happened,he refused to accept it.鉴于所发生的事,他拒绝接受它。(鉴于,由于)After all his efforts,he failed at last.尽管做出了种种努力,他最后还是失败了。(尽管)All men seek after happiness.所有的人都追求幸福。(追求,追赶,搜寻,询问)She asked after your health.她问起你的健康状况。(关于)The

8、child was named for/after hisuncle.这孩子起的是他叔叔的名字。(按照)Hisactionsarenotafterour expectations.他的行为与我们的期望不符。(与一致,符合)He takes after his mother.他像他母亲。(像)After water, foodisthe most important for human life.食物是除水之外对人类生命最为重要的东西。(低于,次于)It is a large hall fitted up after the Roman style.这是一个以罗马风格装饰的大厅。(以为模仿对象)

9、The museum was built after the plans of an American architect.这座博物馆是按一位美国建筑师的设计建造的。(根据,仿效)after构成的惯用短语:after all毕竟,到底(作状语)day after day日复一日one after another接二连三 page after page一页又一页地year after year年年岁岁 wave after wave一波又一波地bus after bus公共汽车一辆接一辆time after time一次又一次week after week一周又一周 door after doo

10、r挨家挨户month after month月月 one after the other逐一4.againstMy house stands against the church.我们的房子正对着教堂。(向着,正对着)Can you show any evidence against him?你能出示任何对他不利的的证据吗?(对不利)It was a race against time.这是与时间的赛跑。(以为竞争对手)The building was insured against fire.这幢大楼保了火险。(以为抵御/抵抗对象)Ants stored up food against/on

11、 thewinter.蚂蚁为冬天贮藏食物。He saw a woman leaning against/on a pine tree.他看见一个女的倚靠在一棵松树上。(倚,靠)You should balance what you spend against what you earn.你应该量入为出。(以为标准)The rates against U.S.dollars havedropped.美元的比率下降了。(以为交换对象)The rain was beating against/on thewindow.雨敲打着窗户。(碰撞,触)Dont cross the street agains

12、t the redlight.勿闯红灯。The sunset was charming against the clear blue sky.在蔚蓝的天空下,落日非常壮美。(以为背景)The resolution was adopted by a vote of 92 in favour to 9 against it.决议以92票赞同,9票反对获得通过。(逆,反)Our steel output is 3, 000 tons this month as against 2, 500 tons last month.我们的铜产量上个月是2500吨,而这个月是3000吨。(和对比)He was

13、recalling the icy river, the lonely spiral of chimney smoke against the vast snow-land, and the muddy country road in early spring.他想起了那条冰冷的河,天边雪野上的那缕孤烟,还有早春乡间泥泞的小路。比较:The boat is sailing against the stream.小船逆流而上。The boat is sailing with the stream.小船顺流而下。The ship struck against a reef.船触了礁。The shi

14、p struck on a reef.船在礁上搁浅了。They fought against the enemy.他们同敌人战斗。(强调困难大,敌人有优势)They fought with the enemy.We should take steps to provide against accidents.我们应该采取措施预防事故。(provide against 为预防,指灾难、意外、恶劣天气等)He provided for his family by working in a mill.他靠在一家工厂做工养全家。(provide for养活,为做准备)5.atShe lives at

15、No.15, 20 Lane ParkStreet.她住在帕克大街20弄15号。(在里,在上)(比较:Shelives on Park Street.)The dog barked at the old man.狗朝那位老人叫。(向,朝)He retired at 60.他60岁时退休的。(在时刻,在岁时)The storm was at its worst.风暴正肆虐着。(处于状态)He drank the wine at a gulp.他把酒一饮而尽。(以方式)Please go out at the back entrance.请从后门出去。(经由,通过)I found her at her desk.我发现她正伏案工作着。(忙于,从事于)He was



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