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2、和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、What time do you expect me to finish the task?_ two hours.ABeforeBAtCForDIn2、_ new study says that going to_bed late is harmful to our healthA/, /BA, /CA,theDThe, the3、Our parents always give us many useful suggestions, however, we sometimes cant understand them _ we get into troubl

3、e.AifBwhenCthoughDuntil4、-Dad, I had a quarrel with my deskmate yesterday. Could you tell me_ to ask for forgiveness from him?-Of course. You can say sorry to him first.Awhat I should doBhow can I speakCwhere I can find himDwhen I could come back5、-Did you hear someone knock at the door just now?- S

4、orry. I _ to my friend on the phone.Awas talking Btalked Cam talking6、I hate traveling by air_you usually have to wait for hours before the plane takes off.AbecauseBthoughCuntilDso that7、 Whats in the fridge, mum? _. We need to buy some food.ANoneBSomethingCAnythingDNothing8、Unfortunately I was sitt

5、ing at the table with smokers on side of me.AeitherBbothCotherDall9、How did you put the model robot together so perfectly? Its easy. I just followed the .Ainterviews Binstructions Cinstruments Dinventions10、Is it cold_winter here? No, it isnt. The temperature normally stays_zero.Ain; above Bon; abov

6、e Cin; below Don; below. 完形填空11、 You do not always need to have new things. Suppose there are 1 in your socks, Mend (修补)them and wear them longer. You dont have to have a new telephone 2 the old one doesnt work anymore. Think twice before 3 something new.When something you want is not 4 look for som

7、ething else that you have to 5 the place of. Suppose you are preparing your lunch for tomorrow and want a butter sandwich. 6 , there is not any butter in your home. Have a cheese sandwich instead so that you can use all of the cheese. With a little thought only, you can make 7 done instead of buying

8、 something new 8 those things that you would like to have. Do you 9 9 10 need them? How long will you play with the new toy? Make a list of things that you want. Delete( 删除) the things that you dont really need, so you can _ a lot money.1ApicturesBholesCdustDwounds2AifBafterCuntilDalthough3AbuyingBs

9、ellingCsendingDrepairing4Ain orderBon handCin dangerD0n show5AbringBtakeCcarryDmake6AAlsoBYetCHoweverDSo7AeverythingBanythingCnothingDsomething8AThink aboutBGive upCPut offDGive away9AsafelyBexcitedlyCfreelyDreally10AwasteBsaveCincludeDachieve. 语法填空12、Parentsarethemostimportantpeopleinourlife. Theyi

10、nfluenceourlivesinsomanyways. They teach us almost everythingaboutliving, giveusstrengthofcharacterandmakeuswhoweare. It is because of them that we become able to do our duties. The thingsthatweareabletodoareactuallytheirgiftstous. Right from taking care of us when we are young to guiding us wheneve

11、r we need their advice, they are always there by our side. Allwecandoforthemistogivethemloveandhappinessandtrytomakethemfeelproudofus. Firstofall, youneedtofollowallthegoodthingstheytaughtyouwhenyouwereveryyoung. It could be about eating healthily or exercising in a regular way, or it could be about

12、 helping anyone who needs help.Notmakecomplaintsisalsoagoodway. Sodontcomplainaboutwhatyoudonthave. Learntoappreciate (感激)andlovewhatyourparentsgiveyou;youmaynotknowthestrugglestheygothroughinordertogiveyouthat.Thirdly, youalsoneedtostartmakingyourowndecisionswiselyandconfidently. Inotherwords, take

13、 control ofyourlifebydecidingwhatwillbegoodorbadforyou. Let them see that you are able to do all kinds of things without asking others for help.Moreimportantly, youshouldtrytobeagoodperson. Bepoliteandrespectfultoyourfamilyandfriends. Whentheygiveyouadviceorasuggestion, youdbettertaketheirideasintoc

14、onsideration. Try to work as hard as you can and be modest with what you have achieved. Anyway, seeing you grow into a good person will surely make your parents proud. MakingyourparentsfeelproudofyouWhatyourparentscandoforyouTheyteachyouhowtomakealivinganddevelopastrongcharacter. Your 1 todealwiththingsisagiftyourparentsgiveyou.Theyarealwaystheretolookafteryouandguideyou. 2 tomakeyourparentsfeelproudofyouFollowwhatyouwer


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