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1、 After the elections大选之后:新概念英语第二册自学导读笔记第83课新概念英语其次册第83课课文重难点: 1the former prime minister, mr. wentworth lane, was defeated in the recent elections. 前首相温特沃兹莱恩先生在最近的大选中被击败。 (1)former在这里表示“以前的“、“从前的“或“前任的“,后面需要跟名词: yesterday, he received a letter from his former wife/english teacher.昨天他收到了他前妻以前的英语教师的一封

2、信。 (2)election指一般选举时用单数,指全国性的选举时用复数: an election will be held next month.下月将进行一次选举。 he hopes to defeat his rival in next year”s elections.他盼望在明年的大选中击败对手。 2the ex-prime minister had gone abroad.这位前首相出国去了。 前缀ex-加在名词前表示“以前的“(相当于former),如ex-husband(前夫), ex-wife(前妻),ex-taxi-driver(前出租汽车司机),ex-manager(前任经

3、理),ex-headmaster(前任校长)等。 3though a little suspicious this time虽然那位警察这次有点疑心 这是一个省略了主语和连系动词的让步状语从句。通常,假如从句的主语与主句的一样而谓语带系动词be,则主语+be可省略(缘由状语从句例外): while at college, she wrote a novel.她上大学时写了一部小说。 he acted as if certain of success.他的举止就像肯定会胜利一样。(方式) if possible, please let me know by this evening.假如可能的话

4、,请在今晚以前告知我。(条件) though tired, he went to bed very late.他虽然疲乏,但还是很晚才上床。(让步) 缘由状语从句的省略形式要带分词being: being worried about his child, he walked up and down in the room他由于为孩子担忧,在屋子里来回走着。 新概念英语其次册第83课重点单词学习 word study 1suspicious adj. (1)猜疑的,认为可疑的,对起疑心的,多疑的: if travellers look nervous, customs officers get

5、suspicious.假如旅客看上去神情紧急,海关官员就会起疑心。 customs officers are suspicious of nervous-looking travellers.海关官员对那些神情紧急的旅客起疑心。 don”t be so suspicious. everything”s all right.别这么多疑。一切正常。 (2)可疑的,令人起疑的: you get a lot of suspicious-looking people in this bar.你这个酒吧里有很多人看上去很可疑。 the car crash looks suspicious.这个撞车事故看上

6、去可疑。 2temper与mood (1)temper可以指“脾气“、“性情“,mood则不行以: this time, the policeman lost his temper.这一次警察火了/发脾气了。 whatever happens, remember to keep your temper.无论发生什么事都要记着保持冷静。 my sister is of a calm/quick temper.我姐姐/妹妹性情平和/脾气急躁。 my grandfather has a temper.我爷爷简单生气。 the boss is in a temper today.老板今日脾气不好。 (

7、2)temper指“心情“、“心情“时,与mood同义: that morning george was in a good mood/temper.那天上午,乔治心情好。 但bad mood与bad temper稍有区分: when he is in a bad temper, he gets angry easily. but when he is in a bad mood, he likes to sit alone.当他脾气不好时,他很简单生气。但当他心情不好时,他喜爱单独坐着。 (3)mood可以表示“有意/想要(做某事)“,temper则不行以: at that time i w

8、as not in the mood for talking/to talk.当时我没有心情/不想说话。 although jeremy is well-known for his great sense of humour, he is in no mood for telling funny stories today.尽管杰里米以绝妙的幽默感着称,但他今日没有心情讲笑话。 新概念英语其次册第83课课后练习答案 key to written exercises 1难点练习答案 1 he refused to help us and i lost my temper with him. 2

9、they were very rude but i managed to keep my temper. 3 he isn”t usually in such a good temper on a monday morning! 4 don”t ask him for a rise now. he”s in a very bad temper today 5 she”s just won a prize in the lottery, so she”s in a very good mood. 6 he”s just lost a lot of money, so he”s in a very bad mood. 7 let”s go out. i”m in the mood for a celebration! 2多项选择题答案 1b 2a 3c 4c 5a 6b 7c 8b 9c 10d 11a 12b


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