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1、Remarks of President Barack ObamaWeekly AddressThe White HouseJanuary 1, 2011Hello, everybody. As we close the books on one year and begin another, I wanted to take a moment today to wish you a very Happy New Year and talk a little bit about the year that lies ahead.At the start of 2011, were still

2、just emerging from a once-in-a-lifetime recession thats taken a terrible toll on millions of families. We all have friends and neighbors trying to get their lives back on track.We are, however, riding a few months of economic news that suggests our recovery is gaining traction. And our most importan

3、t task now is to keep that recovery going. As President, thats my commitment to you: to do everything I can to make sure our economy is growing, creating jobs, and strengthening our middle class. Thats my resolution for the coming year.Still, even as we work to boost our economy in the short-term, i

4、ts time to make some serious decisions about how to keep our economy strong, growing, and competitive in the long run. We have to look ahead not just to this year, but to the next 10 years, and the next 20 years. Where will new innovations come from? How will we attract the companies of tomorrow to

5、set up shop and create jobs in our communities? What will it take to get those jobs? What will it take to out-compete other countries around the world? What will it take to see the American Dream come true for our children and grandchildren?Our parents and grandparents asked themselves those questio

6、ns. And because they had the courage to answer them, weve had the good fortune to grow up in the greatest nation on Earth.Now its our turn to think about the future. In a few days, a new Congress will form, with one house controlled by Democrats, and one house controlled by Republicans who now have

7、a shared responsibility to move this country forward. And heres what I want you to know: Im willing to work with anyone of either party whos got a good idea and the commitment to see it through. And we should all expect you to hold us accountable for our progress or our failure to deliver.As Ive sai

8、d since I first ran for this office, solving our challenges wont be quick or easy. We have come through a difficult decade; one of new threats and new trials we didnt expect when it began. But a new year and a new decade stretch out before us. And if we just remember what America is capable of, and

9、live up to that legacy, then Im confident that we are poised for a period of progress one in which our economy is growing, our standing in the world is rising, and we do what it takes to make sure America remains in the 21st century what it was in the 20th: the greatest country in the world.Thanks f

10、or listening. And Happy New Year.胡锦涛2011年新年贺词是我们口译学习的资料,如果能把这封新年贺词中的词汇表达以及长句整理好,那将积累至少50个常见表述,与其背一本冷冰冰的字典,不如把下面的新年贺词当做口笔译材料好好利用。词汇整理部分请大家熟记。题目:共同增进各国人民福祉译文:Promoting the wellbeing of the worlds people together共同增进各国人民福祉中国国家主席胡锦涛2011年新年贺词 2010年12月31日- 2011 New Year Speech delivered by Hu Jintao, Pres

11、ident of the Peoples Republic of ChinaDecember 31, 2010女士们,先生们,同志们、朋友们,Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends,新年钟声即将敲响,人类就要进入2011年。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,向全国各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国的朋友们,致以新年的祝福!译文:The New Years bell is about to ring, and 2011 will soon begin.

12、At this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, via China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television, I am delighted to extend New Year greetings to Chinese of all ethnic groups, to compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative

13、 Regions and Taiwan, to overseas Chinese and to friends all over the world!词汇整理:辞旧迎新的美好时刻:the beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new全国各族人民:Chinese of all ethnic groups2010年,对中国人民来说是很不平凡的一年。面对国际国内环境的复杂变化,中国人民团结一心、开拓前进,成功举办上海世博会、广州亚运会,战胜青海玉树强烈地震、甘肃舟曲特大山洪泥石流等重大自然灾害,保持经济

14、平稳较快发展,着力提高人民生活水平和质量,胜利实现“十一五”规划确定的目标任务,经济实力和综合国力进一步增强。中国加强同各国的友好合作,积极参与应对国际金融危机、气候变化、核安全等问题的国际合作,发挥建设性作用,为促进世界和平与发展作出了新的贡献。译文:The year of 2010 has been a very unusual and uncommon one for the Chinese people. Facing difficult domestic and international situations, Chinese people of all ethnic groups

15、 united in one heart and one mind, with perseverance, successfully dealt with the disasters brought about by the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province and the Zhouqu mudslide in Gansu Province. We successfully held Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games. We maintained a stable and relatively f

16、ast economic growth, and successfully completed the goals set up in the 11th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development. The living standard of the Chinese people has been further improved. The economic strength and the overall national strength have been further strengthened. The Chinese people conducted friendly exchanges and pragmatic cooperation with the rest of the world, activ



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