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1、湖北省宜昌一中11-12学年高二上学期期中考试(英语)缺答案宜昌一中2011年春季教期下2年级期中测验英语试题命题人:董冬、蒋伟审题人:墨教恒第一全体:听力(共两节,谦分30分)第一节(共5小题;每一小题1.5分,谦分7.5分)听上面5段对于话。每一段对于话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C3个选项当选出最好选项,并标正在试卷的响应地位。听完每一段对于话后,您皆有10秒钟的光阴去回覆无关小题以及浏览下一小题。每一段对于话仅读一遍。1. What does the man want the woman to do?A. Go shopping with him.B. Teach him som

2、e French.C. Help him get the photos.2. Why is the woman unsatisfied with the fish?A. It tastes terrible.B. It is served too late.C. Its not what she ordered.3. What is the woman doing?A. Searching for an apartment.B. Hunting for a job.C. Planning a trip.4. Why wont the man attend the lecture?A. It w

3、ont be open to everyone.B. There arent enough seats.C. He hasnt got a ticket yet.5. What does the man imply?A. He is planning to look for a job.B. He doesnt want to give up his job.C. He looks forward to stopping his job.第2节(共15小题;每一小题1.5分,谦分22.5分)听上面5段对于话或者独黑。每一段对于话或者独黑后有多少个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C3个选项当选出最好选

4、项,并标正在试卷的响应地位。听每一段对于话或者独黑前,您将偶然间浏览各个小题,每一小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做问光阴。每一段对于话或者独黑读两遍。听第6段质料,回覆第6、7题。6. Where does the conversation take place?A. In the theatre.B. At the entrance to the theatre.C. At the box office of the theatre.7. Why is the womans dog allowed in the theatre?A. It is very clever.B. She

5、 has got a ticket for it.C. There are few people there.听第7段质料,回覆第8、9题。8. How is the woman now?A. She is well.B. She is badly ill.C. She is badly burnt.9. What do we know about Alice?A. She forgot to turn off the light.B. She set fire on the womans room.C. She fell asleep with the candle burning.听第8段

6、质料,回覆第10至12题。10. What are the speakers mainly arguing about?A. When they had a talk about using the car.B. Who should have the car today.C. Whether the boy should keep his promise.11. How does the woman suggest the boy go to college?A. By car.B. On foot.C. By bus.12. What do we know about the boy?A.

7、 He is going to take an exam next Wednesday.B. He will attend a lecture in Birmingham.C. He broke Alans car.听第9段质料,回覆第13至16题。13. What is woman doing?A. Promoting a product.B. Introducing a collection.C. Recording a radio broadcast.14. What does the man say about the collection?A. He will make cupboa

8、rds with them.B. He has got more than 1,000 in all.C. He is planning to sell all of them.15. What does the collection look like?A. They are big and beautiful.B. They look different in shape.C. They come in many different sizes.16. Why does the man collect these strange things?A. They can please him.

9、B. They can treat his illness.C. They are worth a fortune.听第10段质料,回覆第17至20题。17. Where is the speaker now?A. On a hill.B. In a forest.C. Beside a lake.18. What is the purpose of giving the talk?A. To describe some plants and animals.B. To persuade the listeners to go on a tour.C. To make the listener

10、s familiar with the area.19. What do we know about Summit Lake?A. People can catch fish and take photos there.B. There is a wooden bridge on it.C. It is surrounded with hills.20. What is mentioned as a part of the trip?A. Walking through a field.B. Boating across a streamC. Climbing up rocks.第2全体:辞汇

11、学问使用(共两节,谦分40分)第一节:多项取舍(共10小题;每一小题1分,谦分10分)从A、B、C、D4个选项中,选出能够挖进空缺处的最好选项,并正在问题卡大将该项涂乌。21. Operations which left patients _ and in need of long periods of recovery time now leavethem feeling relaxed and comfortable.A. exhaustedB. astonishedC. injuredD. deserted22. The stronger the _ is, the more quick

12、ly a person will learn a foreign language. Thats to say,its up to whether he has an interest in the foreign language.A. occasionB. competitionC. motivationD. inspiration23. Doctors are often caught in a _ because they have to decide whether they should tell theirpatients the truth or not.A. puzzleB.

13、 conflictC. dilemmaD. confusion24. Franklins ability to learn from observations and experience _ greatly to his success inpublic life.A. contributedB. owedC. attachedD. related25. Throughout last year and this we have continued our reform and opening up, although at amore _ pace.A. admirableB. cauti

14、ousC. nervousD. aware26. Im not sure exactly how much money youll receive, but it will _ cover your majorexpenses.A. firmlyB. roughlyC. relativelyD. urgently27. My new job _ me traveling all over the country, which means I wont be able to spendmuch time with my family.A. promisesB. causesC. takesD.

15、involves28. Our government _ the measure put forward by some experts at the meeting and decidedto carry them out at once to prevent further air pollution in this area.A. agreedB. approvedC. absorbedD. applied29. Some advertisements, like the environmental protection advertisement, _ our conscienceor our desire to be worthy citizens.A. adapt toB. belong toC. appeal toD. adjust to30. After he retired from collage as an English teacher, Mr. Smit


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