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1、Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the three represents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such changes were made, is conducive to implementing the innovation of Marxism in China, especially the scientific concept of development the strategic task of arming the whole party, play gr

2、ass-roots organizations in promoting the scientific Outlook on development into the grass-roots level, and to implement the important role. Third, how to use the contents of the new Constitution guiding party building through studying the essence of the new Constitution, the flexible application of

3、the essence of the Constitution in party building, and I think the key to grasping the following: to catch the discipline, focus on strengthening the partys rules and regulations binding. To strictly observe and carry out the partys political discipline, ensure the centralism and unity of the whole

4、party. Party cadres, especially leading cadres, both doers, but also have a strong sense of political awareness to dry line, line, not lack of ability to work, become a talker; hard work isSkill, political direction, unable to understand when confused. Flag of the CPC Central Committee and the Commi

5、ttees requirements into Departments request, to a holistic and concerted efforts, subject to the overall situation. Second, cadres and strive to play an exemplary role of party members and cadres of hardworking and clean, emphasizes lead, shift, led. Lead is to adhere to set an example, to lead by e

6、xample, deal with the relationship between individuals and parties, real lead role shift is in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility, creating a fighting force; lead is to adhere to strict requirements, strict management and strict supervision. Three catch basis and strive to enhance the c

7、ombat effectiveness of the party organization. To according to Constitution on grass-roots party of requirements, to implementation good basic system, for members for, regardless of party positions has more high, administrative terms has more big, any when are to has Organization concept, active par

8、ticipate in organization activities, consciously accept party of supervision; to do based sex work, management good members, service good members, grass-roots party to using members organization received turned, and members thought reported, and party of Conference and dues pay, opportunities, maste

9、r members of basic situation, care members life. Four to focus and work hard to resolve. Comrades, the above is what I give you guidance in the new Constitution. Hope every Member of the party to pass the tutor, deepen our understanding of the Constitution in the partys guiding ideology advancing wi

10、th the times, consciously link their own thinking and practice, after careful study, read and carefully understand, think, relate, apply what they have learned. Not only runs through the mass line of the party Constitution to learn the new educational practice all the time, but also to harvest as a

11、good starting point to learn, study and work to do better in the future, and strive to create a new situation for school education contribute their一、单项选择题(共60题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 一、 1财务评价是根据(B),计算和分析项目的盈利状况。 A预期市场价格 B现行市场价格 C历史市场价格 D影子价格2某建设项目的现金流量为常规现金流量,当基准收益率为8%时,净现值为400万元。若基准收益率变为10%,该项目的NP

12、V(C)。 A不确定 B等于400万元 C小于400万元 D大于400万元3已知单位产品售价为p,年固定成本为CF,单位变动成本为CV,单位产品销售税金为T,则以产销量表示的盈亏平衡点BEP(Q)=(C)。 ACV/(CF-T)p B(CF+CV-T)/p CCF/(p-CV-T) Dp(CF+CV)/T4某建设项目设计生产能力为12万台/年,固定成本为1320万元/年,产品售价为900元/台,变动成本为630元/台,销售税金及附加50元/台。则此项目的盈亏平衡点产量为(D)台/年。 A14635 B54200 C72000 D600005单因素敏感性分析中,设甲、乙、丙、丁四个因素均发生10

13、%的变化,使评价指标相应地分别产生10%、15%、25%、30%的变化,则敏感因素是(A)。 A丁 B丙 C乙 D甲6某租赁公司出租设备的年租金23、12万元,租期为5年,每年年末支付租金,折现率为10%,附加率为4%,这台设备的价格为(C)万元。租赁公司拟出租给某企业设备一台,设备价格为68万元,租期为5年,每年年末支付租金,折现率为12%,问每年租金为多少?(1+12%)的5次方/5*68=23.96万元 这是附加率算法,可本题无附加率,所以排除。(附加率和年金算法就这区别)年金法:年末算法 租金R=68*(12%(1+12%)的5次方/ (1+12%)的5次方-1)=(1.76*0.12

14、/0.76)*68=18.89计算存在误差,最接近的为A答案:18.86万元, 23.12万元,16.84万元, 26万元, A74 B71 C68 D657价值工程中,价值、功能、成本之间的关系式为(D)。 AF=CV BF=VC CV=CF DV=FC8价值工程中,ABC分析法选择(B)的产品为价值工程分析的主要对象。 A数量占总数的70%80%、成本占总成本的10%20% B数量占总数的10%20%、成本占总成本的70%80% C数量占总数的70%、成本占总成本的30% D数量占总数的30%、成本占总成本的70%9下列各项,属于直接费用的是(D)。 A施工管理人员工资 B管理人员工资 C施工企业耗用水电费 D机械使用费10若i1=2i2,n1=n2/2,则当P相同时,(D)。 A不能确定(F/P,i1,n1)与(F/P,i2,n2)的大小关系 B(F/P,i1,n


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