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1、高考冲刺词汇复习实用的动宾短语A. make 与take 类1. make a decision / discovery / choice2. make a difference对有影响3. make (a) fire 生火4. make a joke at /about 开玩笑5. make /give / deliver a speech 发表演讲6. make tea/ coffee沏茶/ 煮咖啡7. make the bed 铺床8. make / build a fire 生火9. make fun of10. make friends with 与交朋友11. make/ take

2、 go on a trip / journey(to)到.旅行12. make a study of 研究13. make room for 给腾出空间14. make a mistake about 就.弄错15. make a dive for 冲去拿.;朝俯冲16. make a face/ make faces 做鬼脸17. make preparations (for) 为做准备18. make it 及时赶到;成功;办成19.make/ take notes of 做笔记20. make (great / rapid 快速的) progress(in )在取得进步make up o

3、nes mind to do sth. 决心做某事21. make (a) noise (a用于某响声清晰可辨时) 弄出声音22. make a promise 许诺(联想:keep ones promise carry out a promise,/ break a promise)23. make a contribution (to)为.做贡献24. make(both) ends meet 量入为出;收支相抵25. make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事26. make great efforts to do sth. 努力做某事27. make contrib

4、utions to(doing)sth为.作贡献 every effort28. make use of=take advantage of 利用; make( good /full) use of (好好/充分)利用; make the best of 尽量利用; make the most of 充分利用29. make / earn some money 赚钱30. make an excuse 找借口31. make a change 改变 32. make (good) sense 讲得通, 有意义33. make sense of= understand34. make up on

5、es mind to do sth. 决心做某事35. make trouble 滋事生非36. make a list of 列清单37. make a good impression 留下好印象38.make ones way 一路前进39. take a step迈步40. take steps/ measures/ action 采取措施41. take sb. / sth. seriously42. take your time慢慢来43. take medicine 吃药44. take a holiday job 假期打零工45. take a bus/ train46. tak

6、e ones chance 冒险;碰运气47. take a chance冒险;碰运气48. take a chance/risk 冒险(联想:try ones fortune/ luck碰运气)49. take a doctors degree 获博士学位50. take ones order (侍者给客人)点菜51. take/ attend a course/ class 参加课程的学习/上课52. take ones advice 接受某人的意见;follow ones advice听从某人的意见;seek ones advice = ask sb. for advice征求某人的意见

7、53. take leave 告辞;离开54. take sb/ sth. as a example/ take sb./ sth. for example 以为例55. take / show/ feel (an) interest in 对感兴趣B. make/ take 类1. make / take a holiday2. make / take a note ofC. take /have类take a seat / walk / rest/ break / rest/ picnic/ bathhaveD. do 类 1. do sb a favour = do a favour t

8、o sb.2. do sb/ sth harm = do harm to sb/ sth3. do a good deed4. do some (a lot of) walking/ shoppingE. go 类1. go for a walk/ ride/ swim/ 2. go shopping/ climbing/ swimming/ sight-seeing 3. go boating/hikingF. 其他类1. mind/watch your step 走路小心2. leave a message留下口信3. take a message 稍口信4. get the messag

9、e明白对方的意思5. attend school / a meeting 上学、开会6. tell a joke 讲笑话7. have a class上课 8. give a class 授课9. answer the door / bell / phone 开门/接电话10. answer the letter= reply to the letter 回信11. break the law 违法12. break a record 破记录13. set a record 创记录14. hold a record 保持记录15. break ones promise 违背诺言; make a

10、 promise许下诺言; keep ones promise =keep ones word信守诺言); carry out ones promise 实践诺言16. achieve success/ ones goal/ ones purpose取得成功/ 达到目标17. wear long hair /moustache / a flower留长发/留胡须/戴花18. wear a big smile挂着灿烂的微笑19. lose ones way 迷路20. do ones lessons /homework 做功课/作业21. do/ try ones best 尽最大努力 22.

11、feel ones way 摸索着前进 23. shake ones head 摇头24. earn ones living=earn ones bread =make ones living make/earn/ get/ gain a living 谋生25. hold ones breath屏住呼吸 26. save ones life 救命27. take ones time慢慢来28. follow ones example 效仿某人 29. follow ones dream 追随梦想30. lose ones head 冲动;失去理智31. lose ones way 迷路 32

12、. struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来33. use ones brains 动脑筋 34. lose ones heart (to sb.)=fall in love with sb. 35. lose heart/ courage失去信心 36. dress oneself自己穿衣 37. come to oneself 恢复知觉38. devote oneself to 致力于39. enjoy oneself 过得快乐 =have a good time40. excuse oneself 为自己辩解41. explain oneself 说明自己的意图41. f

13、eel oneself 觉得正常42. help oneself to 随便吃,随便用43. make oneself at home 别客气44. find oneself in/ at发觉自己来到. 45. say to oneself 心里想= think to oneself46. talk/ speak to oneself 自言自语 47. seat oneself 坐下 48. teach oneself自学49. come to a stop 停下来50. come to an end 结束51.bring to an end= put an end to结束52. come

14、to / arrive at/ reach/ draw a conclusion 得出结论53. come to / arrive at/ reach an agreement 达成一致意见54. burst into tears / cheers/ song / laughter 突然大哭/欢呼/ 唱起歌来/ 大笑55. burst into the house 快速进到屋子里来56. expect sb等待某人到来57. expect a letter 等信/ 期盼来信58. set up a school 创办学校 = start a school59. found a school 出资办学60. carry on a conversation 进行会话61. meet challenge 迎接挑战62. meet / satisfy the need 满足需要63. carry on the business 做生意64. carry out an experiment= conduct/perform/ do an experim



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