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1、Hamlet第一幕scene1艾尔西诺,城堡前的露台人物:Francisco、Bernardo、HoratioFranciscoathispost, entertohimBernardo.(弗兰西斯科立台上守望,勃那多自对面上)B:Whosthere?F: Longlivetheking!B: Bernardo?F: Yes.B: Its twelve oclock now. Get to bed, Francisco.F: For this relief much thanks, Its bitter cold, and I am sick at heart.谢谢你来替我,天冷得厉害,我心里

2、也老不舒服。B: Have you had quiet guard? 你守在这儿,一切都很安静吗?F: Not a mouse stirring. 一只小老鼠也不见走动。B: Well, Say, What, is Horatio there? 喂,啊!霍拉旭也来了。Horatio: A piece of him. 有这么一个他。B: What, has this thing appeared again? 什么!这东西今晚又出现过了吗?F:What are you talking about?Horatio: Keep silence! Look, where it come again!(

3、鬼混上)B: Look it not like the dead king? Mark it, Horatio. 他不是很像已故的国王吗? 你看,霍拉旭。(鸡叫,鬼混退)Horatio:Most like,it makes me feel wonder and scare. I think we should tell our young Hamlet. 好像啊!它让我感动恐惧和害怕。我认为我们应该告诉我们年轻的哈姆雷特。F&B: Yes.(退下)Scene 2城堡中的大厅The old king Hamlets the memory be green , the King Claudius

4、was took over his right, and then married with the Queen.Horatio: My lord, I came to see your fathers funeral. 殿下,我是来参加您的父王的葬礼的。Hamlet: Please dont mock me, I think it was to see my mothers wedding. Would I had met my dearest foe in heaven or ever I had seen that day, Horatio! My father! I think I s

5、eem to see my father. 请你不要取笑,我想你是来参加我的母后的婚礼的。我宁愿在天上看见我最痛恨的仇人,也不愿看到那样的一天!我的父亲,我仿佛看见我的父亲。Horatio: Where, my lord?Hamlet: In my minds eye, Horatio. 在我心灵的眼睛里。Horatio: My lord, I think I saw him yester night.Hamlet: The king my father! Where did you see him?Horatio: My lord, upon the platform where we wa

6、tched.Hamlet: I will watch the platform tonight, I think he will appear again.Scene3露台(哈姆雷特、霍拉旭上)Hamlet: Its very cold.(搓手) What time is it now?Horatio: I think it lacks of twelve.(东张西望) Look, my lord, it comes!(鬼混出现,向哈姆雷特招手)Hamlet:Where will you lead me? Tell me! Ill go no further.(跟上前)Horatio: No,

7、 do not go with it.(停在原地)Ghost :Listen to me.Hamlet: I will.Ghost: Im your fathers spirit. Thou noble youth, the snake that did poisoned your father is now wears his crown. And he was married with my dear wife. 我是你父亲的亡魂。好孩子,那毒害你父亲的蛇,头上戴着王冠呢。他现在还和我亲爱的妻子结婚了。Hamlet: My uncle!Ghost: Yes, you should take

8、 revenge for me. 是的,正是他,你要为我报仇。Hamlet: I swore I will revenge against the men who murdered you. 我发誓我会为你报仇的。Ghost: It was getting light and shapes were more distinguishable,Im leaving. Remember me.(下) 天亮了,我要走了。要记得我。Hamlet: Rest, rest, poor spirit. 安息吧,可怜的灵魂。第二幕Scene 1波格涅斯家中One day, Ophelia saw Hamlet

9、 with his doublet all unbraced, no hat upon his head, his stocking fouled, ungarterd ,and down-gyved to his ancle, pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other, and with a look so piteous in purportas if he had been loosed out of hell to speak of horrors. She was frightened,and she told her fath

10、er Polonius.一天, 奥菲利亚看见哈姆莱特的上身的衣服完全没有扣上扣子,头上也不带帽子,他的袜子上沾着污泥,没有鞋带,一直垂到脚踝上,他的脸色像他的衬衫一样白,他的膝盖互相碰撞,他的神气是那样凄惨,好像他刚从地狱里逃了出来。她被吓坏了,然后告诉了她的父亲。Polonius: Mad for your love?Ophelia: My lord, I dont know, but truly, I do fear it. 父亲,我不知道,可是我想也许是的。Polonius: Come, go with me, I will tell the king, it must be a cra

11、zy love. Have you given him any hard words? 跟我来,我要告诉王上,这一定是一场疯狂的恋爱,你最近和他说过什么让他难堪的话没有?Ophelia: No, my good lord, but, as you did command, I did refuse his inviting and denied his access to me. 没有,父亲,可是我已经遵从您的命令,拒绝他的邀请,并且不允许他来见我。Polonius: That had made him mad. Come, go we to the king.(同下)Scene 2王后寝宫前

12、Polonius told the king that Hamlet was mad, the king plans to arrange Hamlets friends and Ophelia to probe if he is mad. At last, they told the king that Hamlet was a mad man. Then the king ask the queen to educate Hamlet.波洛涅斯把一切告诉了国王,国王决定派哈姆雷特的朋友们以及奥菲利亚去试探他是否疯了。 最后,他们告诉国王,哈姆雷特疯了。国王要求王后去教育哈姆雷特。King

13、Claudius: I dont like him. I pray you , bring him to England. His existence will threat my crown. 我不喜欢他,请你们和他一起去英国吧,他的存在会威胁我的王位。 Guildenstern: We will package our luggage as soon as possible, most holy and religious fear it is to keep those many bodies safe that live and feed upon your majesty. (下)

14、我们就去准备起来,许多人的安危都寄托在陛下身上,这种顾虑是最圣明不过的。Polonius: My lord, Hamlet is going to his mothers closet; Ill convey myself behind the curtain to hear the process. Fare you well, my lord, Ill call upon you before you go to bed, and tell you what I know. 陛下,哈姆雷特去了王后的寝宫,我现在就去躲在帷幕后面,听他们怎么说。再会,陛下,在您未睡以前,我还要来看您一次,把我

15、所探听到的事情告诉您。King Claudius: Thanks, dear my lord. (下)(王后及波格涅斯上)Polonius: Hes coming. Ill stood behind the curtain, pray you, be round with him.Hamlet:(上)Mother, mother, mother.Queen: Ill warrant you, fear me not, withdraw, I hear him corning. (波格涅斯下,躲在帷幕后。) 包在我身上,你放心吧,快躲起来,我听见他来了。Hamlet: Now, mother, whats the matter.Queen: Hamlet, you have your father offended. 哈姆雷特, 你已经大大得罪你父亲啦。Hamlet: Mother, you have my


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