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1、初 中 英 语 7A Unit 教学设计 一、 教材简析及学情分析: 本单元的中心话题是谈论能力,涉及到谈论文化能力、运动能力、艺术能力等。本课是Unit 10的第2课时,其主要语言项目有两项:一是运用情态动词can来谈论自己及他人具备哪些能力;二是运用目标语言What club do you /does he /does she want to join?I want to join the.club.He(She) wants to join the.club.来谈论意愿。可以说本课时囊括了本单元的主要语法项目和句型,具有承上启下的重要作用。一方面,它是Period 1的延伸与拓展。在Pe

2、riod 1中,学生们主要运用情态动词can来谈论自己及对方具备哪些能力,并学会用want 来谈论自己的意愿。而在Period 2中,除了继续学习上述内容外,学生们还将运用情态动词can和What特殊疑问句来谈论其他人具备哪些能力以及有什么意愿。也就是说,Period 2的句型涉及到的人称更全面,知识更加系统化。另一方面,Period 2又是后面的对话教学及阅读教学的语言基础。因为后面的对话教学、阅读教学和一系列的社会实践活动,如职位面试、设计海报、学校公演等,都紧紧围绕Period 2的目标语言来展开。因此,上好本课是非常关键的。在新旧知识的衔接上,学生们在前一课中已经学习了Can you

3、swim /dance /.? Yes,I can./No,I cant. I want to join the.club.这两个句型。因而学生们在学习Can he/she.?Yes,he/she can. No,he/she cant. What club do you/does he/does she want to join? He/She wants to join the.club. 这些句型时就可以照葫芦画瓢了。但由于一些句子较长,尤其是What club does he/does she want to join?He/She wants to join the.club.这几句

4、,有些学生可能在口头表达上存在一些障碍,如出现掉词、错词等现象。不过,只要引导分析、多加训练,他们是能够准确把握的。二、 教学目标:1、 知识与技能:(1) 知识目标:通过本节课的学习,学生们掌握并运用以下目标语言来谈论能力及意愿:Can you swim /dance /.? Yes,I can./No,I cant.What club do you want to join?I want to join the.club.Can he/she.?Yes,he/she can. No,he/she cant. What club does he/does she want to join?

5、He/She wants to join the.club. (2) 技能目标:通过Pairwork和Groupwork的交际性练习,学生们掌握本课的语言知识并能积极地、灵活地运用目标语言来谈论能力及意愿,从而提高其交际能力。通过本课的听力练习,学生们能听懂谈论能力及意愿的简单句子,并能捕捉到重要词汇。在交流中,学生们的语言知识会更加丰富,创造性使用语言的技能也能不断得到提升。在小组学习中,学生自主学习能力得到提高,合作探究意识得到增强。学生学会整合本课的目标语言进行书面表达,并逐步提高写作技巧。2、 过程与方法:本课采用5P教学法,其教学过程紧扣两个重心:以学生为中心,以学生的“学”为核心,

6、注重培养学生的独立性与自主性。在教学中,借助抽认卡和调查表等媒介,设计Listening practice,Reading practice,Pairwork,Groupwork等活动,促进学生自主学习、合作探究和交流创新。具体安排如下:(1) Have a dictation.通过听写来检验学生们是否掌握了Period 1的新词汇、新短语。(2) Show flashcards.利用抽认卡来复习一部分俱乐部的名称,为听音辨词及口语交际做好铺垫。(3) Listening practice.通过听音辨词和听录音填空来训练学生们在做听力时能听懂简单词汇的能力。(4) Reading practi

7、ce.通过跟读录音、男女生对话、两人小组朗读来提高学生们“读”的能力。(5) Pairwork.通过小组编写新对话来检验学生是否会运用目标语言。(6) Groupwork.以Group为单位进行调查访问活动并做好记录,然后在班上进行汇报。这有利于学生综合运用语言知识和语言技能进行交际的能力的提高。(7)Game.利用“现场采访”游戏为学生个性展示搭建平台。(8)Writing practice.围绕调查写一篇作文,从笔头上检测学生是否能综合运用语言知识和语言技能进行交际。3、情感态度与价值观: 通过小组谈论自己及他人在某一方面具备的能力来培养学生的合作意识和团队精神,激发学生主动探究知识的欲望

8、,提高学生听、说、读、写四项基本能力,彰显学生的个性特征。三、 教学重点:1、 情态动词can的一般疑问句及肯定、否定回答:Can you swim /dance /.? Yes,I can./No,I cant.Can he/she.?Yes,he/she can. No,he/she cant. 2、What引导的特殊疑问句及其回答:What club do you want to join?I want to join the.club.What club does he/does she want to join? He/She wants to join the.club. 四、 教

9、学难点:What club does he/does she want to join? He/She wants to join the.club. 五、 教具准备:1、 图片和抽认卡。2、 录音机、磁带。3、 调查表。六、 教学过程:Step 1 Preparation (3 minutes)1. Greetings.2. Have a dictation.The teacher speaks Chinese,the students write down the English words.Call several students to write these words on the

10、 blackboard,the others write the words on the paper.(Individual Work)唱歌sing 跳舞dance 游泳swim 画画paint 弹吉他play the guitar 下棋play chess 讲英语speak English3. Check with students and read aloud.(Class Work)【设计意图:词汇教学是句型教学的基础。通过听写这一项活动从笔头上检测学生们是否掌握了重点词汇和重点短语,从而为句型教学扫除障碍。】Step 2 Presentation (4 minutes)1.Say:I

11、f you like playing chess,you can join the chess club.If you like speaking English,you can join the English club.Then show the pictures and flashcards to students and read the names of the clubs:chess club English club art club football clubmusic club basketball club swimming club baseball clubMake s

12、ure they can understand the meaning.(Class Work)2. Present:What club do you want to join? I want to join the art /music /.club.Then practice with several students.(Individual Work)【设计意图:先利用图片形象地展示各种俱乐部并利用抽认卡教学其名称,然后自然过渡到句型What club do you want to join?I want to join the.club.的教学。学生们通过运用去感悟与内化这两个句型,从

13、而为2a、2b的听力训练做好词汇及语言铺垫。】Step 3 Listening Practice (5 minutes)1. Play the tape of part 2a,students listen to the two conversations and circle the clubs they hear.Then play it again,students listen and check their answers.And then check with the class.(Individual Work)2. Students complete the conversat

14、ion with the words in the box in 2b.Then listen to the first conversation again and check the answers.And then call a student to read the conversation.(Individual Work)【设计意图:提高学生的听力能力是英语教学的重要任务之一。在本节课的听力训练中,遵循由简到繁、由易到难的原则,先让学生听音辩词,再让学生听录音填空,逐步提高学生在做听力时能听懂简单词汇的能力。这样逐层增加难度的安排,符合学生的认知规律。在听录音填空这一环节中,先让学

15、生利用上下文语境来补全对话的做法又培养了学生的学习策略与思维技巧。】Step 4 Reading Practice(8 minutes)1. Play the tape again,students listen and read after it once.(Class Work)2. Practice reading the conversations between the boys and the girls twice.(Class Work)3. Call two pairs to practice reading in class.(Individual Work)4. Students practice reading the conversations in pairs.Then make new conversations like 2b and finish the task of part 2c.(Pairwork)5. Call


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