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1、海南师范大学外国语学院 2012 级英语语言学概论课程论文题目:礼貌的语用分析(Analysis on the politeness in Pragmatics)姓名:蒋小慧学号:201203010409专业:英语年级:2012 级系别:英语系完成日期:2014年12月指导教师:范会兵Analysis on the politeness in PragmaticsAuthor: Jiang XiaohuiSupervisor: Fang Huibing(Foreign Language college, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158)Abstr

2、actNowadays,the world gradually become a whole and people communicate with each others more frequently. However, verbal communication isn t an action about one person, it happens at least between two people to make our communication more harmony and successful. Therefore, people who apply language t

3、o communicate must obey some basic pragmatic principles. Politeness Principle is important for us to apply and obey when we want to talk with others in our daily life. In this passage, I will clarify the development of politeness principle, its main contents and evaluation.Key words: pragmatics, Pol

4、iteness Principle, Cooperative Principle, face礼貌的语用分析作者:蒋小慧 指导老师:范会兵海南师范大学外国语学院,海口,571158)摘要:在当今社会,世界逐渐融为一体,人们的言语交流也越来越频繁。然而言语交际并不 是单方个人的行为,它是一种双方或多方的言语行为,为保证交际顺利融洽的开展进行,语 言应用者,也就是人类必须遵守一些基本的语用原则,其中礼貌原则就是语用原则中一个重 要原则,它有利于规范了我们的日常生活行为,提高了人们自身的语用能力。接下来,在该 文章中,我将从礼貌原则的发展由来,主要内容以及评价等方面浅析礼貌原则。关键词:语用学礼貌原则

5、 合作原则 面子IntroductionAmong so many documents which are to study on politeness are based on five aspects (Thomas, 1995): politeness as a real-world goal, politeness as a kind of deference, politeness as a register, politeness as an utterance level phenomenon, politeness as a pragmatic phenomenon.Polit

6、eness as a pragmatic phenomenon has reached an agreement in pragmatics circle. Leech (1983), Brown & Levinson (1978, 1987), Thomas (1995) and Grundy (2000) are excellent representative of this opinion. Generally, it is believed that politeness is a strategy which speakers adopt to keep in harmony wi

7、th others, thus, politeness principle is a social principle which focuses on speakers.In pragmatics circle, people have studied on politeness in four aspects: pragmatics scale view, conversational-contract view, face management view and conversational-maxim view.In this passage, I will clarify polit

8、eness from face-management view, conversational-maxim view.Some theories on politeness1 LacoffIn 1973, Lacoff described three different politeness rules.1.1 Never impose on others.It can be applied to people who are not in the same social status. For example, it come into effect between students and

9、 teachers, employer and employee, workers and boss and so on. In this case, the situation where one imposes his will or thought upon the other can be avoided by changing the way of speaking or apologizing to others or soliciting others opinions.The degree of politeness:Imperative sentence Indirect i

10、mplication Question Apology.1.2 Leave room for the other party.It can be implied to people who are strange to the other party to some extent, but in the same social status. Such as, customers and businessman, two strangers in a same room.E.g. (1) I wonder if it would help to get haircuts.(2) Are you

11、 done reading that newspaper?1.3 Strengthen friendships.It can be applied to close friends, families or even lovers.2 Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson2.1 The Process of DevelopmentIn 1978, English scholars Brown and Levinson published a passage, universals in language usage: politeness phenomenon

12、 which systemically and primarily discussed the topic of face and politeness, which has been attached great attention to in the linguistic circle. And their proposition is called Politeness Principle (abbrev. PP).In 1987, they adapted their proposition and published Politeness: Some Universals of La

13、nguage Usage, in which they put forward Politeness Theory systemically. This theory includes three concepts: face, face threatening acts (abbrev. FTA) and politeness strategy.2.2 FaceFace is the public self image that every adult tries to protect. And they proposed that there is not only Positive Fa

14、ce, but also Negative Face. In their book, Brown and Levinson characterized Positive Face by desires to be liked, admired, ratified, and related to positively, noting that one would threaten positive face by ignoring someone. At the same time, they characterized Negative Face by the desire not to be

15、 imposed upon, noting that negative face could be impinged upon by imposing on someone. Positive Face refers to ones self-esteem, while Negative Face refers to ones freedom to act. The two aspects of face are the basic wants in any social interaction, and so during any social interaction, cooperatio

16、n is needed amongst the participants to maintain each others faces.Similarly, politeness is divided into two parts, Positive Politeness and Negative Politeness. Positive Politeness means praising, agreeing with others and allowing someone to do something to keep their Positive Face. Negative Politeness means trying not to interfere with others right and keep Ne


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