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1、2022年廊坊育人学校初中毕业生文化课第一次模拟考试英语听力局部第一节I .听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小鹿,每题1分,计5分)1 . A. key B. tea C. sea.A.J1537B.G1567C.GI3572 .A. look alB.look after C. look up.A. Our parents look after us most in the world.B. Our parents like us most in the world.C. Our parents help us in die world.5. A.1 am walking now. B

2、.lin not tired. C. J canl walk any more.H .听句子,选出该句的最正确答语.(共5小题,每小尚1分,计5分)A. Thank you.B. Sure Jicre you are. C. I agree.6. A. Vs 100 yuan.B. Ils pink.C. V take it.7. A. Us 5rnclcrs wide. B. Ils 6 meters long. C. Its 2 mclers deepA. He is reading. B. She reads a book. C. He will read a book IO.A. Ev

3、ery Iwo years. B. Every Iburth years. C. Every Ibur years.LIL听对话和问题,选择正确答案.(共8小题,每题1分,计8分)11 .How does Steve gel to school?11 .How does Steve gel to school?AB12. What does die man do in his free time on weekend?AWhy does the woman like the hotel?A. Its free B. It has a break Gist. C. h has a real br

4、eakfast and ifs free.13. What kind of shoes did the woman buy?A. Swim shoes. B. Che叩 shoes.C. Used shoes.14. Why is the woman so careful?A.Bccause that is no fun. B.Because it is dangerous. C.Becausc it is cool.15. Where are the two speakers going?A. To tlio 1rain slalion. B. To the bus stop. C. To

5、the airport.16. How long docs it take to get there from home?A. One hour. B.7vo hours. C. 1 bee ours.17. What is (heir decision at Iasi?A. To hurry up. B. To start earlier. C. To slay at home.W.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每题1分,计7分)When did Daniel lose his one arm?A. rlcn years ago. B.As a child. C. In a car

6、 accident.18. Where did Jason*s friends and Daniel meet?A. A reslauranl B.A car pnrki C.A gymWhy do you think Jasons friends are kind to Daniel?A. Because (hey dont make (un of his ami.B. Because they shared at his arm and talked abou( ilC. Because they really like his shirkHow many sisters did Lisa

7、 have?A.3.B.6.C.7.19. How did Lisa look like her sisters?A. The same. B. Similar. C. Nothing.20. Whal did her sisters spend their days in?A. Combing thoir hair and pulling on makeup.B. Reading and studying.C. Slaying home alone.21. What does Lisa do as adults?AjX writer. B. A tourist C.A scientist.V

8、.听短文填空.(共5小题,每题1分,计5分)Mrs. Brown, a woman, lives by herself22. Clyde, her7-ycar-old cal, has been for over a monthMrs. Brown want him back so23. Clyde had all his but was missing half of his left ear, and completely white.24. Clyde was about a foot 第试局部VI.单项选择.(共10小题,每题1分,计10分)选出可以填入空白处的坡佳选项.25. Why

9、 do Chinese people likerrcd?Because the color red is the of good luck in ChinaA. reasonB. hopeC. dream32 .Amazing! Tom got the best grade in the test last week.一 is impossible. He studies really hard online this term.A. AnythingB. NothingC. Everything33 .Is this blue schoolbag Lucys?No. Il be hers.

10、Her schoolbng is pink.A. mustB. mustntC. can i34 .Il is very cold outside, dear. You have lo your wann jacket一OK. I will, Mom.D s, iiibo)D SomethingD. mayA. pul onB. put offC.nake off35 .一 Chincso mountain climbers got to the top of Qomolangma again in 2020!How exciting! Qomolangma is one of places

11、(or serious mounluin climbers.A. popularB. more popularC. most popularD. die most popular.-1 lo Hainan on vacation wilh my parents this coming summer holidayThats great!D, have goneD. tiidier: orA. goB. wenlC. will go. Which do you prefer, lea or coRee?一Eillicr. lea coffee arc my favorite.A. Not onl

12、y: bui also B. Both; andC. Neidicr: nor.What did Lily say to you just now, Emma?She wanted lo knowA. what will I do this Sunday B. who did I play volleyball wilh jusi nowC. why I am late fbr class this morningD. if 1 could go shopping wilh her lomght.Do you know ihc girl is giving the speech?-Of cou

13、rse. She is my best friend, Meimei.A. whichB. whoC. whomwhai.Shull we go fishing ihc day after tomorrow?一 I must slay al home to look after my little brother.A. ITs up to you.B. Excuse me. C. Pm a/raid nouD Have a good hmc.VI.完形填空。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分) 阅读下而短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出很佳选项。1 have a very useful dict

14、ionary. Il has a lol ofAvords. It gives many meanings tbr 4 word. But1 always rend the 42 meaning of a word in the dictionary. I never read the other meanings, becauseI wanted to read my book 43. This morning, when I wasending a book, I met a strange44. h looked easy first. Il had six words Draw a p

15、icture of your house”. I 45 five wordsin this sentence, bm I didnt understand one word. I didiVl know draw0.1 opened my dictionary and46 the first meaning of “draw”, h was “pull”. I said to myself “Now I k/iow all the words, and Ithink I can understand the ienlcncc.* So I -wrote the meaning ol (he scnicncc “Pull a picture of your house.M I read il, and “What is the meaning of il? I dont understand it.nMy friend Dick read my new sentence, He- laughed. He,47 my dicHona/y, nnd said to me.“Look, Jack. The second meaning of “draw is make a picture 48 a pen, a pencil 49 a brush. So



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