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1、昔阳县东关小学盟区教学设计备课表科 目英语年级六年级课型Reading主备人于海林单位东关小学授课教师于海林单位东关小学课题 Unit5 Part 1课时一课时评论或修改教学目标知识能力: a. 能运用It is . It has got . It lives / eats . It can . Its fur is .等句型描述动物的信息。b.能运用句型进行猜动物的游戏。c.学生能在真实的情境中自如的运用语言。 过程方法:通过听说、听音、读写等活动形式,学习新知,巩固所学。情感态度价值观:1.继续保持浓厚的学习兴趣。2.积累听力技巧,学会用英语获取相关信息。3.爱护动物。重点难点教学重点:能

2、运用It is . It has got . It lives / eats . It can . Its fur is .等句型描述动物的信息。教学难点:能运用句型进行猜动物的游戏。教具学具CAI, tape-recorder教学程序一、示标Step 1 Warm up1. Greetings2. T show some pictures and guess:What animal is it?二、探究 Step 2 Presentation1.Listen to the first paragraph, guess: What animal is it? T show the pictur

3、es of elephant and the passage2.Listen to the second,third and forth paragraph, guess what animal is it。T show the pictures of cow, polar bear, horse.3.T use the sentences: It has got It eats / lives to describe elephant, cow, polar bear, horse.三、 拓展Step 3: Drill1.Ss do the exercises to practice the

4、 sentences:It has got _ legs. It eats other _. Its fur is _. It lives in the _.2. Listen to the fifth paragraph, Ss guess and try to read. T use the pictures to help the students understand: Its smaller than a tiger.3. Listen to the sixth paragraph,The students feels: Its smaller than a sheep.4. Tur

5、n to page 38,Listen and mime。5. T put the six pictures of animals on the board, One student take out one。T stand back to the students, Use the sentences to guess: Has it got ? Does it live / eat ? Is it ?6. Ss write the sentences on the board: Has it got ? Does it live / eat ? Is it ?四、延伸Step 4: Consolidation7. Two students work in pair, play a game.8. Two or three groups show.Step 5 : HomeworkTry to read the passage frequently and recite passages.教学板书 Unit5 Animals in danger Part 1 Its fur is white. It lives It eats Its smaller than a tiger. 教学反思 孩子们能运用句型进行猜动物的游戏,.能在真实的情境中自如的运用语言, 进行猜动物的游戏。


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