谜画之塔2暗夜飞行 奖励关卡攻略

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《谜画之塔2暗夜飞行 奖励关卡攻略》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《谜画之塔2暗夜飞行 奖励关卡攻略(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、拯救富兰克林打开进入大门,拿沉重的石头、撬棒、碎玻璃1, Make note of the Arrows (green); youll need this information later.注意注意绿框内信息:右右下左下右,向右Click Right (2) and then Forward.向右左边拿沉重的石头、Collect the Hex Stones, the Shovel and the Heavy Stone (red).六角形石块,点击发光的树、拿灯下六角形石块,刀子用于麻袋包,拿六角形石块,Click on the Glowing Tree (3) and collect t

2、he Hex Stone below the Lantern (4).地上拿铁锹,用Use the Shovel (click 3 times) on the Fresh Dirt (5).用于新鲜的泥土3次,注意黄框内信息:左左左左下左在挖开的坑处使用撬棒,拿纸、虫子,Use the Crowbar on the Lid (1), and collect the Paper and the Worm (2).Use the Worm on the Raven (3) and collect the Feather (4).虫子给乌鸦,拿羽毛,灯旁树上闪光处Use the Feather on

3、 the Tree (5) and collect the Hex Stone (6) and the Fire Flower (7).使用羽毛,拿六角形石块、火焰花,纸放在右下Use the Paper on the Gravestone, use the Crayon on the Paper and collect the last Hex Stone (8).墓碑上、再使用蜡笔,拿六角形石块图片将7块六角形石块放入左边门上,每块六角形石块上的数字表示其周围有几块六角形石块上有圈,Hex Stone Puzzle: Place the 6 Hex Stones, and 1 Sketch

4、 of a Hex Stone, in the Wall (9).在正确的位置时会亮起,开门后进入When complete, click Left.灯上使用火焰Use the Fire Flower in the Lantern (1), collect the Heavy Stones (red) and then use all 4 Heavy Stones on the Platforms (2).灯上灯花,拿2块沉重的石头,使用沉重的石头压下4个压力板,对大Use the Crowbar on the Metal Plate (yellow).对大金属板使用撬棒走迷宫,按前面所得提示

5、:左左左左下左,Did you make note of the 2 sets of Arrow Symbols you saw?拿拿拿魔法符号About now, you need the second set of Arrow Symbols, and Ill help you with that, too.继续继续继续:右右下左下右,拿魔法符号,向上,返回Use the 2 Symbols in the Door and click Forward.在门上放上魔法符号,进入返回2次,向前3次,拿碎玻璃2返回2次,拿碎玻璃3向左,拿碎玻璃4向左,拿碎玻璃5Click Back 3 time

6、s and collect a Red Star (1).返回3次,拿红星1返回,拿碎玻璃6Click Back and collect a Window Shard (3).返回,拿碎玻璃7向前2Click Forward twice and collect a Window Shard (4).向前次,拿碎玻璃8返回2次,向左,向前,拿红星2左,向前,拿红星Click Back, collect a Window Shard, click Back and continue to step 4.返回,拿碎玻璃9返回,向前,拿碎玻璃10返回2次,拿碎玻璃11返回,拿碎玻璃12返回,拿碎玻璃1

7、3Click Back twice, Forward once and collect a Window Shard (1).返回2次,向前,拿碎玻璃14Click Back and collect a Window Shard (2).向前返回,拿碎玻璃15返回2次,向右,向上,向前,拿碎玻璃16返回,拿碎玻璃17返回,拿红星3返回,拿碎玻璃18返回,拿碎玻璃19返回,拿碎玻璃20Click Back and collect a Window Shard (1).返回,拿碎玻璃21Click Back, Right, Forward twice and collect a Window Sh

8、ard (2).返回,向右,向前2次,拿碎玻璃22返回,拿红星4返回,拿碎玻璃23返回,向左2次,拿红星5返回2次,拿红星6返回,拿碎玻璃24返回,拿碎玻璃25Click Back and collect a Window Shard (1).返回,拿碎玻璃26Click Back and collect a Window Shard (2).返回,拿碎玻璃27Click Back and collect a Window Shard (3).返回,拿碎玻璃28Click Back, Up, Forward twice and collect a Window Shard (4).返回,向上,

9、向前两次,拿碎玻璃29Click Back and collect a Window Shard返回,拿碎玻璃30Click Back and collect a Red Star (2).返回,拿红星7向Click Down, Forward 11 times, Down, Forward 4 times, Right, Forward, Left and Forward 3 Times.向下,前进11次,向下,前进4次,向右,向前,向左,向前2次To make things easier, you may want to arrange your pieces by grouping al

10、l the Red Stars (red), identifiable shapes (blue) and separate the rest into 4 color groups (green, purple, yellow and orange).为了方便起见,先把物品按类放好Place the Red Stars first.放置红星放置可Next, place the identifiable shapes.再放识别形状的、不能旋转的小件等等再来Place the last pieces.最后最后完成Youve restored The Stained Glass Window.最后



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