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1、科目英语班级七八上课时间主备苗燕年级八年级辅备教学目标:1,谈论过去的事 2when与 while的区别自主预习:1The girl was _when she saw a car accident. 2I was so tired this morning. It was difficult to _of bed. 3My flight to New York _ from Beijing International Airport. 4It was raining when the plane _in London. 5Dont _! I can hear you别喊了!我能听见你说话。交

2、流展示:词汇考查。A.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. You cant get out of your seat during the _?_ (fly), because its dangerous.2. When that plane took off, this one has already landed in the airport_ (safe).3. Im going to the _ (barber) to get my hair cut.4. This film is very _ (surprise) and Im _ (surprise) at it.B.根据首字母或汉语

3、提示完成单词。1. What s_ clothes youre wearing today! You look so funny.2. Their father went to Shanghai on b_ not for leisure.3. Lucy, have you ever spoken to a f_ to practice your English?4.We must think more others, we must not think only of _(我们).5.A_ (事实)speaks louder than words.1重点研讨1.People often re

4、member what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.当人们听到历史性重大事件的消息时,经常他们会记着他们当时正在做的事情。 此句的结构是:主语(people)状语(。hen)谓语(remember)宾语从句 (what they were doing)以when引导的时间状语从句。 此句的宾语从句是特殊疑问句,当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时要用陈述语序。将此句还原成特殊疑问句为:What were they doing? remember vt.&.记起;想起 Do you remem

5、ber me?你还记得我吗?Did you remember to feed the animals?你记着喂牲口了吗? when 表示“在时”,在此处作连词用,前后连接的两个句子的时态要协调一致。 例如:Sam always eats junk food when he watches TV 萨姆总在看电视时吃零食 He had finished his homework when his father got back. 他父亲回来时,他已经完成作业了。 hear表示“听见”,其后可直接放宾语。 hear表示“听说”,其后可接that引导的宾语从句。 例如:Can you hear me?

6、 能听到我说话吗? I heard that Mr Li was ill我听说李老师病了。 in hospital与in the hospital in hospital指“生病住院”;in the hospital指在医院里。 例如:He is in hospital。他正在住院。 He is in the hospital。他正在医院。 at the doctors是固定的短语形式,其意为“在医务室里”、引申意就是指在医务室里看病。常与系动词be搭配使用例如:She is ill and shes at the doctors拓展延伸1,.Martin Luther Kings murde

7、r took place about thirty years ago,before many Ameri-cans were born.马丁路德金的谋杀案发生在30年前,对现在来说是许多美国人出生之前的事辨析:happen,chance与take place happen为常用词语,指“一切客观事物或情况的偶然或未能预见地发生”。 如: The accident happened yesterday.事故发生在昨天。 chance指“偶然发生”“碰巧”,如: He chanced to meet her.他偶然遇见了她, take place指“发生事先计划或预想到的事物”。如: The m

8、eeting took place at 8:00 as planned.按计划会议在8点举行了。 2,.However,in more recent times,most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists. 然而,就在当今时代,当纽约的世贸中心被恐怖分子袭击时大多数美国人都记得他们在做什么。 本句中more recent是recent的比较级,意为:更近的,In more recent history在句中做时间

9、状语。 recent adj.新近的;近来的 a recent visit to the city对这个城市最近的访问 recent news最近的消息3,His flight around the earth lasted 22 hours.他的环球飞行持续了22小时flight n.飞行,逃走,飞跃,飞机的航程,班机 a flight of swallows一群飞燕 study the flight of birds研究鸟的飞翔 Did you have a good flight?乘班机旅行愉快吗? The(airplane)flight took three hours.飞机持续飞行了

10、3个小时。 last vi.持续,支持,维持 Our holiday lasts for 10 days.我们的假期有10天。Can you last out?你可以坚持吗? 反馈达标用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. What_ you_(do) when he arrived? I _(watch) TV at that time.2. When I_ (walk) in the street, I_ (meet) my best friend Jim.3. Mum_ (buy) my father a nice coat and a pair of trousers last Sunday.

11、4. While my parents were doing some cleaning, my sister_ (shout) to me loudly.5. When he saw the thief steeling things in the office, he closed the door and _ (call) the police.6. I first met my girl friend two years ago, she_ (work) in the supermarket.7. Thank you for_ (teach) us so well, my dear teacher.8. What_ your parents_ (do) at nine oclock last night?三、句型转换。1. David was in the barbers when the UFO arrived. (对划线部分提问)_ David when the UFO arrived?2. We were listening to the teacher carefully when she came in. (对划线部分提问)1反思:



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