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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在测试卷卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、Our school is not far from the _ / p:k /?ApackBpassCparkDpick2、1Where _ the dictionary? I cant see it.I _ it right here a moment ago. But its gone.Adid you put; have

2、put Bhad you put; have putChave you put; put Dwere you putting; had put3、You are doing great! Ive never had _ answer before.AbetterBbestCa betterDthe best4、My brother _ the guitar very well, but he hasnt had time to play recently.Awill play Bhave played Cplayed Dplays5、Would you mind if I borrow you

3、r digital camera? -_. Because I stored plenty of important pictures in it.AYes, Id be glad to.BSorry, Im afraid I cant.CNo problem.DYes, of course.6、-Do you still want to swim in the lake?-_. The water is so dirty.ASorry, I dont knowBOf course notCNever mindDI hope so7、 a pop fan, I am looking forwa

4、rd Jay Zhous concert.AOf; inBWith; forCFor; atDAs; to8、-Paul, could you tell me _ we will have a physics exam?-Sure. Next week.AwhenBwhereCwhatDwhether9、Several _ are talking under the tree. And their _ are swimming in the lake.Awoman, childrenBwoman, childCwomen, childrenDwomen, child10、I have got

5、an “A” in my English test. _ATake it easy.BHave a good time.CIs that so?DCongratulations!. 完形填空11、My father and I disagreed about curfew (晚间在家的时间). Hed say I was to be in by 9:30 on weekdays, and 11:00 on weekends, no exceptions without my first asking. I told him it made me 1 like a juniorhigh kid.

6、 He explained that while a curfew might sound like a restriction, its really about people looking out for one another. The very next Friday after that pretty heated 2 , my dad and I had tickets to see our towns professional football game. On that day he was driving to a nearby city to meet with some

7、 major clients and 3 me that his getting home and our leaving for the game would be tight. To make sure we could 4 off the moment he walked in, I got everything prepared.When a half hour had passed from the time he said hed be home, I understood that he was a little 5 . But then, nearly a whole hour

8、 passed. I was getting 6 . We were going to miss the kickoff! And why hadnt he phoned me and let me know he was going to be really late? AsI anxiously stepped the floor, another half hour passed. Thats when I got really angry. How inconsiderate of my father! Now we were going to 7 the whole game! Wh

9、en yet another half hour passed, my anger turned to 8 . What if something terrible had happened to my dad, like he had a heart attack or had been in an accident, or something? I began to really 9 Id already called his cell phone about ten times, but no 10 I was beside myself, assuming the worst had

10、happened. Finally, the phone rang, and my dad said 11 ,“Son, Im so sorry about the game, butthere was a terrible accidenton the freeway coming home, and I 12 to help and ended up going to the hospital. I 13 my cell phone in the car, so I couldnt call until now.”I was so relieved to hear from my fath

11、er and to 14 that he was safe that I actually cried. That was when I “got” the importance of a curfew: Checking in! Its about knowing that someone you love is 15 It was one more proof of my fathers loving me as much as he does.1Ago. Bfeel Cturn. Dgrow2Aspeech Bmatch Cdescription Dexchange3Aallowed B

12、told Cadvised Dordered4Apay Bhold Cmove. Dcut5Alazy Blate Cforgetful Dcareless6Arude Bsorry Cupset. Dpuzzled7Aplay Bmiss. Cwatch Dstart8Afear Bsurprise Cdoubt. Dsadness9Aenvy Bregret. Cworry Dcry10Aexcuse. Bway Canswer Dtime11Abreathlessly Bcasually Cstrangely. Dangrily12Aforgot Bstopped. Cfailed Dr

13、efused13Alost. Bleft Csaw. Dgot14Awonder. Bguess Clearn Dexpect15Awonder Bgreat Chonest. Dsafe. 语法填空12、Srikanth Bolla, 24 years old, is the first blind CEO in the world, who built a company valued at over $75 million. Today, he considers himself the 1 (lucky) man in the word, not only his 2 (succeed

14、), but also for having great parents and friends who always stand by him.When Srikanth was born, some of his 3 (parent) friends and relatives them not to keep him, because it was difficult for a poor family 4 (raise) a blind baby. But his parents didnt follow them. They decided to give Srikanth a positive, loving environment.Life was not easy for Srikanth. He had to face many challenges all his life. He 5 (refuse) by his village school. So he had to go to school



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