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1、小学英语教学设计第一篇:通过对 的学习,让我认识到教学设计的重要性,即课堂教学的成功与否较大程度上取决于教学设计。教学设计分为三个过程:分析、设计和评价。分析学生和学习内容,对教学目标、教学过程、教学资源的设计,以及对教学效果的评价。教学内容分析:对要教授的教学内容的分析,包括各部分教学内容的设计意图,本课内容与前面所学内容以及后面即将学到的内容的前后联系。本课是四川人民出版社新纪元英语三年级上册unit 3 school life chapter4 my school things的第一课时。在前一章a部分中,学生学习的五官的词汇和功能交际用语。在本章将学习学习用具和数字110的词汇和表达。

2、学生分析包括学生已有的认知经验、学习兴趣、生活经验等。对呈现、感知环节的设计:调动学生注意力,引导学生关注即将学习的新内容;语言体现一定的重复性,增加学生感知的机会,可以设定一定的感知性活动,了解学生感知、理解新语言的情况;具有可理解性,融入一定的已学语言对新内容巧妙解释,帮助学生理解;帮助学生实现短时记忆。通过学习,我将把教学设计的方法充分运用到我的英语教学中,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学质量。第二篇:1.基本信息设计者:沈佳颖 英语师范113班学生对象:小学三年级教材:unit 1 we visited lots of places.1.语言知识目标:能听、说、认读本课的重点单词:the

3、british museum, the londoneye, wheel, wonderful, understand, postcard; 能正确使用动词过去式;能利用what did you do? where did you go? 询问别人过去做过的事情。2语言能力目标能根据图片听、说相应的单词,能运用what did you do? where did you go ? 询问过去的事情,并能利用动词过去式熟练表达过去所做的事情。3情感、策略和文化目标培养学生学习的兴趣,鼓励学生积极合作,引导学生了解西方的名胜古迹以及中西方的文化差异。4.学习者分析由于学生有了一定的学习英语的经历,但

4、是对英语的掌握仍然不够,需要实际应用,所以老师要积极引导学生。5.教学重点:本课中目标句型的运用和单词6.教学难点:单词the british museum.的发音和目标句型7.教学准备:简单的ppt课件、单词卡片、学生准备旅游的照片三、教学过程一、warming-up1greeting:t: hello, everyone! my english name is amy, nice to meet you .s: nice to meet you, too.t: do you like english songs ? lets sing a song “where did you go ?二

5、、 presentation1lead int: where did i go at the weekend ? lets play a game ?guess ,look at the screenwrite down a title: module 3 at the weekendt: i had a dream yesterday: i visited lots of places with my friend .we visited lots of places2teaching new wordswonderful:t: ithink the london eye iswonderf

6、ul .do you know about the great wall ? how aboutthe great wall ?how about the yellow river ?呈现三组图片,i liked the british museum best, how about you ?直观呈现单词: postcard, understand3teaching text :this morning ,i phoned damming told my dream ,please listenfirst, look at the screensecond :listen to thetape

7、 and think over) .answer the questionnow listen and repeatthe teacher teach the dialogueread by yourselfcheck upreading: i speak chinese ,you speak english三、practicetalkabout your trip呈现图片:in this summer holiday ,i went to beijing ,i visited the great wall ,itis very old ,its very famous i visited t

8、he summerplaces .talk about your trip教师巡视辅导。学生交流。四、extent :t: ok ,your trip are interesting ,amy wrotea journey abouther dream ,but she didnt finished ,who can help her ?s: fill in the blanks请学生交流朗读journey五、summary评价六、homework1. 假设你是玲玲,给大明写一张明信片,告诉他你在伦敦的周末是怎么度过的2. 与朋友进行分角色对话朗读对话,并抄写单词。板书设计:.module 3at the weekendunit 1we visited lots of places.a: what did youdoat theweekend ?b: wevisited lots ofplaces.a: where did yougo?b: wewent to .第三篇:学校:户县花园小学 姓名: 张艳



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