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1、九年级英语期末测试卷第卷 选择题,(共80分)一、听力选择(共25小题;每题1分,满分25分)1、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。1) A . collect B. select C. call2) A . 30% B. 13% C. 3%3) A . the dreaming team B .the swimming team C. the swimming term4) A . My parents like cats B. I like cats C. I wont want cats5) A The book belongs to Mo Yan .B. Mary is the auth

2、or of the book.C .Mary likes Mo Yan best.2、听句子,选出该句的最佳答案。6.)A .I cant pronounce these words correctly.B .I am good at English grammer.C .Its so easy to study English.7) A .Thats right . B. Could you help me ? C .Maybe I can help you.8 ) A .I think so. B .Thats kind of you . C. I dont know.9 ) A .Rea

3、lly? B .How about you? C. Of course.10) A .It cant be his.His is blue.B .He goes to school by bike every day.C .Jim likes his bike very much.3、听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。11) A B 12) A B C13 ) A . Peter B .David C .Peters aunt.14) A . In the restaurant. B .At the beach. C .At the concert.15) A . Hes short with s

4、traight hair. B .He wears glass. C .Hes short with glasses.16) A . An animal doctor. B .A teacher. C .A policeman.17) A . Very boring . B .Very interesting . C .Very popular and famous.18) A . Two B .Three C. Four4、听语段和问题,选择正确答案。19) When will the tenth Sports Fastival of Yucai MiddleSchool be held?A

5、 . From October to November .B . Fron September to October. C . From November to December20)How many events will there be during the festival?A . 24 B . 25 C. 2621) How many players will take part in the Sports Festival?A . About 700 B. About 800 C. About 90022) How old was Ming ?.A .Five B. Four C

6、.Three 23) Where did Mingming live ?A. In a big city B .In the country side. C. In a small towm.24) What was his mother? A. A teacher B . A nurse C. A worker 25) What did the boy say to his mother?A . I love you . B. Im sorry . C .How are you 二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)26- How do you study a test?- I

7、study working a group. A. for, in, with B. for, by, at C. for, by, with D. of, in, by27.- Hey! Dont you remember me?- Wow! Paula? You used to _ curly hair.A. be B. are C. haveD. has28.Sixteen-years-oldsshouldnt_togotoanInternetbar. A.beallowed B.beallow C.allow D.areallowed29.- Do you feel tired?- N

8、o, I dont. If I were tired, I _a rest. A had B would have C will have D have30.- Tom, where is your father? - Im not sure. He_ in his office. A. is B. may be C. maybe D. may31.I dont like people _ talk much but do little.A. who B. that C. which D. whose32_a wonderful time they_in the park at this ti

9、me yesterday afternoonAWhat,had BWhat,were having CHow,had DHow,were having33Most men_at home to watch TV_shopping with their wives Aprefer staying,to going Bprefer to stay,to go Cwould rather to stay,than go Dwould rather staying,than going34Hi,Jack! Where_you_these days? I_Beijing for about 2 week

10、s Adid go,have been to Bhave been,have gone to Chave gone,have been in Dhave been,have been in35. What _ your bike yesterday? It didnt work.A. was happened in B. happened in C. was happened to D. happened to3 6. -Was anyone killed or enjuired in the typhone(台风)?-No. All the villagers _to safe places

11、 with the governments help. A.flee B. have fled C. had fled D. were fleeing 37The mixture didnt mix_and tasted_ Agood,bad Bbad,well Cgood,badly Dwell,bad38He has few friends,_?_So he feels lonely from time to time Ahasnt he;Yes,he does Bdoes he;No,he doesnt Cdoesnt he;No,he doesnt Dhas he;Yes,he does39The light in his room is still onDo you know_? In order to prepare for the coming exam Aif he works hard Bwhy he stays up so late


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