新课标高二英语专题复习:高二8篇完形填空 (精选可编辑).docx

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1、高二8篇完形填空 1This is the story of two frogs. One frog was fat and the other 1 . One day, while searching for food, they inadvertently jumped into a vat of 2 . They couldnt get out, as the sides were too 3 , so they were just swimming around.The fat frog said to the thin frog, Brother frog, theres no us

2、e 4 any longer. Were just going to drown, 5 we might as well give up. The thin frog replied, 6 n brother, keep paddling. Somebody will get us out. And they continued paddling for 7 .After a while, the fat frog said, Brother frog, theres no 8 . Im becoming very 9 now. Im just going to stop paddling a

3、nd drown. Its 10 and nobodys working. Were doomed. Theres no 11 way out of here. But the thin frog said, Keep trying. Keep paddling. 12 will happen, keep paddling. Another couple of hours 13 .The fat frog said, I cant go 14 any longer. Theres no sense in doing it because were going to drown 15 . Wha

4、ts the use? And the fat frog 16 . He gave up. And he 17 in the milk. But the thin frog kept on paddling.Ten minutes later, the thin frog 18 something solid beneath his feet. He had stirred the milk into butter and he hopped out of the vat (大桶).Everyone will definitely 19 obstacles along the way to s

5、uccess. One of the keys to overcoming those obstacles is 20 . So, next time you come across difficulties, you need to grit (咬紧)your teeth and stick to your faith, and your efforts and perseverance will pay off.1. A. sadB. shortC. skinnyD. smart2. A. waterB. lakeC. milkD. mud3. A. hillyB. smoothC. lo

6、ngD. tough4. A. paddlingB. waitingC. cryingD. working5. A. butB. orC. andD. so6. A. Hold offB. Hold outC. Hold onD. Hold up7. A. minutesB. hoursC. daysD. seconds8. A. questionB. doubtC. wonderD. use9. A. curiousB. tiredC. nervousD. angry10. A. SundayB. festivalC. workdayD. rainy11. A. necessaryB. im

7、portantC. likelyD. possible12. A. NothingB. EverythingC. SomethingD. Anything13. A. crossedB. passedC. continuedD. faded14. A. outB. onC. offD. up15. A. anywayB. somehowC. howeverD. otherwise16. A. stoppedB. turnedC. failedD. acted17. A. enjoyedB. swamC. restedD. drowned18. A. discoveredB. feltC. un

8、derstoodD. recognized19. A. setB. overcomeC. pickD. encounter20. A. perseveranceB. diligenceC. intelligenceD. bravery【语篇解读】人生的旅途不会是一帆风顺的,遇到困难和挫折时,只有不轻言放弃,坚持不懈的人才能取得最后的成功。【答案详解】1. C 根据本句中的fat以及下文出现的thin frog可知空白处的词应该是thin的近义词,fat的反义词,所以选择skinny “瘦的”。2. C 根据第四段倒数第二句中的in the milk可知这两只青蛙无意中掉进了一大桶牛奶(milk

9、)中。3. B 根据下文“它们仅仅能够四处游动”推知这个牛奶桶的四周非常光滑(smooth)。4. A 根据下文的keep paddling和continued paddling可知答案为A项paddling“划水”。5. D 根据上下文的逻辑关系可知选择so,句意:我们要马上淹死了,所以我们还是放弃为好。6. C 根据下文的keep paddling可知这个瘦的青蛙告诉那个胖青蛙要坚持,不要放弃,hold on“坚持”与give up正好形成对比。7. B 根据下一段的最后一句another couple of hours可知本空选择hours。8. D 根据下一段中的Theres no s

10、ense in doing it“做这件事是没有意义的”可知本空选择use,胖青蛙告诉瘦青蛙再怎么划水也是没用的。9. B 根据情境可知由于它们一直划水,所以非常疲惫(tired)所以想放弃等待淹死。10. A 根据下文的nobodys working“没人上班”可推知今天是星期天(Sunday)最为合理。11. D 根据上文的Were doomed.“我们注定的”可知我们注定要死亡,没有可能的(possible)办法会从这里跳出去的。12. C根据下文的keep paddling可知这个瘦青蛙认为一会一定会有一些事情发生的,也就是说会有办法的,要不停地划水。something will ha

11、ppen“一些事情会发生”。13 B 又有几个小时过去了(passed)。14. B胖青蛙说“我不能再继续了,这样做是没有意义的”,选择on 可知go on“继续”,和第二段最后一句中的continue近义。15. A 不管怎么样我们都会淹死的,anyway“不管怎样吗,无论如何”,而somehow“不知何缘故”;however“然而”;otherwise“要不然,否则”。16. A 根据下文的He gave up可知本空选择stopped,这个胖青蛙停止划水并放弃了(求生的欲望)。17. D 根据上文的He gave up可知这只胖青蛙最终放弃了划水并最后淹死(drown)在牛奶里。18.

12、B 根据下文的something solid beneath his feet可知选择felt“感觉到”表明10分钟后,这只瘦青蛙突然感觉到脚底下有一个固体的东西。19. D 根据下文的come across“偶然遇见”可知答案为encounter和come across近义,指的是在通往成功的道路上我们肯定会偶然遇到一些想不到的障碍(困难)。20. A 根据下文的stick to“坚持”可知本空选择perseverance“毅力”同时本段最后一句perseverance will pay off有提示,而diligence“勤奋”;Intelligence“智力”;bravery“勇敢”均与

13、题意不符。【小贴士】inadvertently adv. 疏忽地;非故意地 stir v. 搅拌【障碍句分析】So, next time you come across difficulties, you need to grit (咬紧)your teeth and stick to your faith, and your efforts and perseverance will pay off. 因此,下一次你遇到困难的时候,你需要咬紧牙关并坚持你的信念,你的努力和毅力会得到回报的。本句中的next time引导的是时间状语从句,pay off在本句中意为“取得成功,使受益,得到回报”

14、。2A professor was traveling with a few of his students, they happened to pass a lake. Then the professor told one of his students to get me some 1 for him.When the student 2 the lake, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and, 3 at that moment, a bullock cart(牛车) started cros

15、sing through the lake. As a result, the water became very 4 . The student thought, “How can I give this muddy water to my 5 to drink!? ”So he came back and told professor, “The water in there is very muddy. I dont think it is 6 to drink.”After about half an hour, again the professor asked the 7 student to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The student went back to the 8


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