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1、三种不可数名词复数现象英语中名词分为可数和不可数。不可数名词一般有:专有名词、物质名词和抽象名词,但有时它们也以复数形式出现,此时往往有了新的含义。一 专有名词的复数现象1. 表示某某夫妇或某某一家。The Blacks will call on us this afternoon.2表示若干同名或同姓的人。There are two Toms in our class.注:专有名词变复数形式的规则与普通名词相同,但是以y结尾的专有名词一般只需直接加-s.如;Three Marys 三个叫玛丽的人。3一些具有复数形式的专有名词。如:the West Indies 西印度群岛 ,the Hima

2、layas 喜马拉雅山脉,the Midlands 英格兰中部。二 物质名词的复数现象。1 有些物质名词用作复数形式,表示与原来不同的事物。如:paper(纸)papers(证件,论文) ,custom (风俗习惯)customs(海关),arm(胳膊)arms(武器,装备),air(空气)airs(神气) 等等。例如:You will have to show your papers at the gate.在门口你得出示证件。2. 有些物质名词用作复数形式,表示不同的种类。如:food, wine, metal, wheat, rice 等。例句:The wines of France a

3、re among the best in the world.法国的葡萄酒是世界上最好的。3. 有一些物质名词用作复数形式,表示有大量该物质组成的事物。如:sand (沙子)sands(沙滩,沙漠);water (水)waters(水域,水体);time (时间 )times(时代 );wood(树木 )-woods(森林 ).等等。例句:Dont fish in troubled waters. 你不要混水摸鱼,趁人之危。4. 某些表示饮料的物质名词往往以复数形式代替单数词。这类词有coffees, teas 等等。例句:He ordered two coffees and a sandwi

4、ch .他要了两份咖啡和一份三明治。三抽象名词的复数现象1某些抽象名词的复数形式表示与原来意思相关的个体复数。如:beauty(美丽,美貌) beauties(美人);youth(青春,青年时期)youths(青年们);necessity(必要性) necessities(必需品)等。例句:Five hundred youths from all over the country will attend this morning.来自全国的五百多名青年将参加本次会议。2某些抽象名词用作复数形式将该抽象名词的含义具体化。如:difficulty(困难)difficulties(难题);worry

5、 (烦恼)worries(令人烦恼的事);joy(欢乐)joys(使人高兴的事);failure(失败)failures(失败的事,失败的人)等等。例句:They are failures as artists, but successes as teachers.作为艺术家他们是失败者,但作为教师是成功者。3. 有些抽象名词的复数形式用来表示数量之多,以示强调。如:congratulations, regards, respects, thanks, wishes, apologies, smiles, pities, fears, hopes, kindnesses 等。例句:I offe

6、red my congratulations on her success. 我对她的成功表示了祝贺。He was in all smiles. 他满脸笑容。authority权威-authorities 当局 green 绿色-greens 蔬菜look脸色,看-looks 面容,美貌 pain 痛苦-pains 辛苦,努力spirit精神-spirits 情绪,酒精 experience经验-experiences 经历manner 态度,方式-manners礼貌 iron 铁 -irons 镣铐,熨斗scale 尺度-scales 天平 attention注意-attentions 殷勤

7、step步-steps 一段楼梯 force 武力-forces军队wood木材-woods森林 ruin毁灭-ruins废墟system系统,制度-systems系统分析 snow雪-snows积雪P93 1 Im embarrassed to admit that women are less capable than men of resisting the temptation of fashion.2 It means that you make friends with different people in order to find a new identity for you

8、rself.Vocabulary:1. are likely to, are prone to/ break up, collapse/ as a whole/ powerless against, completely controlled by/ not surprising, only too natural2. obsessive/ moodiness/ tolerable/ beneficial/ satisfying 3. C D A A B4. delayed/ Feverishly/ faade/ confronted/ premise5. 1) preface prefix

9、prepare precondition preview previous predict premature preschool2) prolong progress prospect prominent propose3)foresee forehead forecast4)paraphrase parallel parasite parataxis5)persuade persist perfect 6) dialogue dialect P97 1 against 2 an 3 for 4 future 5 done 6 be 7 more 8 not 9 other 10of 11 their 12 as 13 likely 14 if 15 themselves2



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