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1、Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal CommunicationStep 3课后演练知识能力链接高考.单句语法填空1.Most of them were in favour _ my opinion while David was against it.答案of2.The girls come from _ variety of different backgrounds.答案a3.Those air conditioners are easy _(handle) and work with little noise.答案to handle4.The man

2、ager requested that no one _(tell) of his decision until the next meeting.答案(should) be told5.During the rush hour, we got held _ in the traffic jam on our way back home.答案up6.The black people are still struggling for true _(equal) with the white.答案equality7.If a person hasnt got enough sleep, his a

3、ctions will give him _ during the day.答案away8.Getting your students _(involve) in classroom activities is vitally important.答案involved.单句改错1.She told me the secret of the treasure but she made me promise not to give up where it was hidden._答案upaway2.They finally reached that is called America now._答

4、案thatwhat3.Whenever he went, Mr. Smith took his dog with him._答案WheneverWherever4.I ran into an old friend in the street by an accident._答案去掉第二个an5.The famous violinist gave one of his best performance yesterday evening._答案performanceperformances6.Many people pressed forward to shake hand with him._

5、答案handhands7.The prices of the goods in the supermarkets varies from $5 to $15._答案variesvary8.Mr. Smith drowned after falling and hitting his head, which knocked him conscious._答案consciousunconscious.根据提示词及相关要求完成句子1.你能帮我个忙关上那盏灯吗?(favour)Could you _ and turn off that light?答案do me a favour2.帮助那些需要帮助的

6、人不仅需要钱,也需要爱。(more than)It takes _;it also takes love.答案more than money to help those in need3.应观众要求表演又重复了一次。(request)The performance was repeated _the audience.答案at the request of4.向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林。(独立主格结构)_, we had no troublegetting out of the forest.答案The guide leading the way5.他们将他们能挣到的百分之五十用于支付日常用品。(what引导的从句作介词的宾语)They paid fifty percent of _ for their daily goods.答案what they were able to earn6.上下班高峰期,我们在回家的路上遇到了交通拥堵。(hold up)During the rush hour, we _ on our way home.答案got/were held up in the traffic jam



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