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1、Unit 9 A busy family . 教学设计 兴城市东辛庄镇中心小学 孙曼Unit 9 A busy family . By Sun man教学目标:1. 知识目标 能够听 说 读 写并运用本单元的动词短语 :cleaning the windows , sweeping the floor , doing the dishes , washing clothes , 以及句型 Im doing .2. 能力目标 在任务中引导学生积极运用所学的英语知识进行表达与交流,使所学知识在实际情境中得到应用。3. 情感目标 通过本课的学习,使学生更加体谅父母的辛苦付出,教育他们从实际行动上尊重

2、父母,帮父母做些力所能及的劳动,热爱父母,热爱家庭。教学重难点 :能听懂 会说并运用现在进行时的表达方式。课前准备 :多媒体课件 单词卡 实物 教学步骤 课前准备好分组 男 女生 两个小组谁先到达Jimmy 家获胜一 Warming up 1 Greetings 2 Sing a chant What are you doing now? T:At the beginning of our class ,lets sing a chant together .二 Leading in 1 . (自由对话,明星导入复习前几个单元学习过的动词短语和句型)T : Today we have a sp

3、ecial friend , she is a girl , Do you want to know who is she ?Ss .T : Look , who is she ?Ss : Angela baby .T : Do you like her ?Ss : . T :Say hello to her ? T:(出示照片播放录音)Angela baby : Hello , everybody . Im Angela baby , Im an actress . On weekends , I often play sports ,go swimming and visit friend

4、s . What about you ?T : Now who can tell Angela baby ,what do you usually do on your weekends ?Ss : I usually do home work .T : You all have a colorful weekend . Do you want to know my weekends ?2 . (出示教师周末做家务图片,为导出A busy family 做好铺垫)T:Look ,on the weekends, My family stay at home . I usually do hou

5、sework . I sweep the floor , do the dishes and wash clothes.My daughter usually plays with her toys paints pictures and reads books .Her father usually cleans the windows and cooks meals .We are so busy ,I really have a busy family . So today Lets learn Unit 9 A busy family . ( 板书课题)三 Presentation 1

6、. (播放洗衣服视频,学生进行猜测,导出 washing clothes )T: I m so busy on weekends . Now look what am I doing ? Yes , I m washing clothes . Follow the tape ! ( 升降调读-贴板书-操练 )T:What am I doing? ( 板书句型 Im . )( 与学生进行对话,操练句型 ) 【情感升华】 Do you wash clothes by yourselves ? We should wash clothes by ourselves . I believe you c

7、an . Yes ? 2. ( 听录音 回答问题,整体感知课文内容导出 sweeping the floor . ) T:Who is he ? (出示Jimmy 图片 ,板书) He is our friend Jimmy .Its Sunday morning . jimmy is at home . Everybody is busy , do you want to know what they are doing ? So today lets visit Jimmys family together .Now boys and girls lets PK , who can go

8、faster is the winner .OK ?Ss : Yes .T: Now ,lets listen to the tape and answer the question. (找学生读问题) ( ) - What are you doing ,mom ? - Im _ . A . washing clothes B . sweeping the floor C . cleaning the windows T: Yes, mom is sweeping the floor .(答对加分) Now look at me , what am I doing ? (动作演示) Im sw

9、eeping the floor .(学生边读边跟教师做动作,教师提问句型)T: What are you doing ?Ss : I m sweeping the floor .3. ( 默读课文 ,回答问题,导出doing the dishes )T:Now you know Jimmy s mother is sweeping the floor .What about other family members ? Please open your book , read the text silently , and find it is true or false ? ( ) Lin

10、da is washing the clothes . ( ) Grandma is cleaning the windows . (请学生来白板上作答)T: Grandma is not cleaning the windows , what is grandma doing ?( 设计文本阅读回答问题,出示部分文本,让学生来前面画出 )-What are doing , Grandma ?-I m _.Jimmy : Grandma, can you play with me ?Grandma : Sorry, Im busy. Jimmy : What are you doing, Gr

11、andma ?Grandma : Look! Im doing the dishes . Ss : She is doing the dishes . ( 出示实物盘子,强调dish变复数加es , 学生边做动作边说Im doing the dishes . ) 【 情感升 T :Our parents cook yummy meals for us , after the meals we should help our parents doing the dishes 】4. (班级同学照片导出 cleaning the windows )T: Look at the picture ,w

12、ho is she ?Ss :She is XX . (XX同学起立与老师对话)T: What are you doing ?S : I m cleaning the windows .(师生边做动作 边读单词)T:Please do the action ,and make a dialogue .S1 : What are you doing ?S2 : Im cleaning the windows .四 Practice 1 .( 播放班级大扫除视频,学生说句子 )T:Lets have a rest , watch a video . What are you doing ?Ss :

13、 Cleaning the class room .T : Who is he ? What are you doing ?S1 : Im cleaning the windows . Cleaning the blackboard .(第一个图片师问,第二个全班齐问)【 情感升华 】 Everyday the students on duty clean the classroom , so we can study in a clean classroom .So we should always keep the classroom clean , OK ?2. (打开课本,听录音并模仿

14、)T:This is Jimmys busy family . Now open your book ,listen to the tape and read after the tape . Please read the dialogue in pairs . Show us the dialogue . 3. (遮盖文本进行阅读)T:Now who can read the text like this ? ( 分小段 多人进行 ) T:This is Jimmys family , Its a busy family ,yes ? ( 手指板书 )五 Consolidation and development1 动词原形与现在分词列比 .T:Look here ,say the phrases like this : sweep the floor -sweeping the floor . 2 小短文示范。T:Look ,! I hav


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