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1、(精华版)国家开放大学电大本科高级英语(1)形考网络课网考作业及答案 (精华版)国家开放大学电大本科高级英语 (1) 形考网络课网考作业及答案 考试说明,2021 年秋期电大把该网络课纳入到国开平台进行考核,该课程共有 3 个形考任务,针对该门课程,本 人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的标准题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要 的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关铤字输到查找工具的查找内容 框内,就可诅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考 f 化答案,敬请查看。 课程总成绩=形成性考核 X100% I 形考任务 1 (

2、40 分)|形考任务(30 分)|形考任务 3 (30 分) 有任务 题目 1 At the moment, I _ lots of new friends. 选择一项: D.国 making 题目 2 People often _ a club to make new friends. 选择一项: A. join 题目 3 I phoned them last night but no one answered. They _ (be) out. 选择一项: C. raist have been 题目 4 He _ be hungry - he* s just had lunch. 选择一项

3、: D. cant 题目 5 The best game to buy is _ Alien Control 3 or Virtual History. 选择一项: B. either 题目 6 We only had _ before the final. 选择一项: B. three days* rest 题目 7 I _ buying her a cookery book for her birthday. 选择一项: D. thought about 题目 8 This is probably the dead _ wallet. 选择一项: D. soldier* s 题目 9 _

4、the band _ at the Rock Garden before? 选择一项: C. Has played 题目 10 They _ which record company to sign a deal with. 选择一项: A. havent decided 题目 11 When he crashed the car, he _ six bottles of beer. 选择一项: C. had drunk 题目 12 When her brother was in prison, she _ him every month. 选择一项: C. visited 题目 13 You

5、 _ buy a season ticket but a daily ticket is more expensive. 选择一项: C. dont have to 题目 14 You _ tell anyone - it* s a secret! 选择一项: C. sustnt 题目 15 Hurry up! They _ a group meeting in Room 6 soon. 选择一项: 题目 16 Mrs. Porter* s heart is very weak and she is very ill. The doctors say she 选择一项: B. s going

6、to 题目 17 The motel _ by the Lewis family in the 1950s. 选择一项: D. was started 题目 18 Today, the motel _ by members of the same family. 选择一项: C. is managed 题目 19 She told me that she a car since 1990. 选择一项: D. hadnt driven 题目 20 Darren said , I don* t know how it happened. Darren said (that) _ .(变成间接引语)

7、 选择一项: B. he didn* t know how it had 蜘 pened 题目 1 _ you _ the supporters clubs Internet address? 选择一项: A. Do know 题目 2 He always _ the club* s newsletter. 选择一项: B. writes 题目 3 You _ have seen her at the station - she was at home with me! die soon. 选择一项: 题目 4 He _ be hungry - hes just had lunch. 选择一项

8、: B. cant 题目 5 The game is complex so you need _ patience to learn it. 选择一项: A. sone 题目 6 _ people prefer reality to the virtual world. 选择一项: D. Most 题目 7 We _ to buy some drinks before we get on the train. 选择一项: A. need 题目 8 You _ make a cake for his birthday. 选择一项: B. should 题目 9 They _ together f

9、or ten months. 选择一项: A. have been playing 题目 10 Critical Age _ in Japan yet. 选择一项: B. havent played 题目 11 I _ with friends when someone stole their car. 选择一项: C. was staying When the judge returned to the courtroom, everyone immediately _ up. 选择一项: C. stood 题目 13 Hey girls, _ you make us some sandwi

10、ches? 选择一项: A. can 题目 14 We _ forget it* s Dads 50th birthday next month. 选择一项: B. nustnt 题目 15 Let*s not take the children to the science museum - I think they probably _ enjoy it. 选择一项: C. wont 题目 16 I think computers _ become more intelligent than humans. I,m sure of it. 选择一项: C. will definitely

11、题目 17 The wigwams _ from cloth or animal skins. 选择一项: A. arent made 题目 18 The Wigwam Motel, Arizona _ of Native American tents. 选择一项: B. is made 题目 19 Darren said , I don, t know how it happened. Darren said (that) _ .(变成间接引语) 选择一项: C. he didn t know how it had happened Kelly said, T ve never seen a

12、nything like that. Kelly said (that) _ .(变成间接引语) 选择一项: C. she had never seen anything like that 题目 1 The club* s committee members _ a lot at the moment. 选择一项: B. are arguing 题目 2 People often _ a club to make new friends. 选择一项: A. join 题目 3 You _ have seen her at the station - she was at home with

13、me! 选择一项: D. couldnt 题目 4 I phoned them last night but no one answered. They _ (be) out. 选择一项: A. must have been 题目 5 There are _ Virtual History games available in the shop. 选择一项: D. a few 题目 6 _ people prefer reality to the virtual world. 选择一项: D. Most 题目 7 He asked her _ a degree. 选择一项: We _ to buy some drinks before we get on the train. 选择一项: A. need 题目 9 Colin _ the bass guitarist since Brian left. 选择一项: C. has been 题目 10 _


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