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1、课题:Unit 12 How did you do last weekend?第一课时 Section A 1a-2c【学】目标导学: 1. 进一步学习一般过去时态。2. 学会用一般过去时态描述自己的一天问题导入: 1. What do you usually do on weekends?2. What did you do last weekend?自主学习-课本链接 Task 1. 预习P67-68单词并写出下列词组对应的汉语意思: go to the cinema _ go to the beach _go boating/ skating _ go camping _camp by

2、the lake _ play badminton _ study for the math test _ visit my aunt _ Task 2. 写出下列动词的过去式并找出规律:begin _ drink _ give _ swim _ sing _ sit _ ring _ run _ buy _ bring _ think _ fight _ Task 3 根据汉语完成下列句子,并比较:1. 我今年12岁。 我去年11岁。 I _ twelve years old this year. I _ eleven years old last year.2. 他现在在北京。他昨天在上海

3、。 He _ in Beijing now. He _ in Shanghai yesterday.3. 他们今天在中国。他们昨天在日本。 They _ in China today. They _ in Japan yesterday.Task 4 浏览P67图片,完成1a, 将活的和图片配对。【展】1. 小组展示自学任务2. 完成1b, 1c, 2a, 2b.【点】1. 表示时间的介词on, in与at 的区别:at 表示 _.on 表示 _.in 表示 _.用正确的介词填空:_ Monday evening _ a cold afternoon _ a warm spring morni

4、ng_ in the morning _ the morning of May 1st _ summer _ 2012 _ June _ the evening _ 7:00 _ night _ noon _ times2. 写出下列时间短语:前天 _ 昨天 _ 昨天上午 _ 昨天下午 _ 昨天晚上 _ 昨天夜晚 _上周 _ 上个月 _ 去年 _上个周六 _ 刚刚 _ 【练】课堂练习一、用所给的词的适当形式填空:1. Now he _ (be) in Beijing. But last week he _ (be) in the USA.2. Tina and Judy _ (be) happ

5、y last weekend. Now they _ (be) at school.3. She _ (like) dogs very much. And she gives it things to eat.4. I _ (do) my homework last Friday.5. He often _ (watch) TV at home. Of course he _ (watch) TV last night.二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. On Saturday two kids v_ their friends. 2. Yesterday we had a math t_.

6、3. How was your weekend, Tom? It was g_. 4. She s_ at home because her mother was ill.5. She is good at playing b_.6. Last Sunday we went to the b_. We swam in the sea.7. We often see talk s_ on TV. 8. There is a big l_ in the park. Its very beautiful.课后练习三、单选( ) 1. Sam was ill, so he _ to school. A

7、. went B. doesnt go C. didnt go D. goes ( ) 2. Tim _ the science test last weekend. What about you, Peter? I English. A. studied; studied B. studied for; studied C. studied for; studied for D. study, study( ) 3 . _ you _ a good time on your last vacation? A. Did, have B. Did , had C. Were , have D.

8、Were , had ( ) 4. When he _ young, he _ a good kid. A. is , is B. was , was C. is , was D. was , is ( ) 5. -_ are you going this winter holiday? -To the beach. A. When B. Where C. How D. Why( ) 6. My friends went to a mountain village _ vacation. A. at B. on C. in D. of ( ) 7. - How was the weather?

9、 - It _ hot and humid. A. is B. was C. did D. were ( ) 8. I _ have _ for breakfast this morning. A. dont; something B. didnt; something C. didnt; anything D. dont; anything( ) 9. His father _in Beijing now. Last year he _ in Dalian. A. worked , working B. works , working C. is working, worked D. is

10、working ,works ( ) 10. They went to the Great Wall _ vacation. A. at B. on C. to D. in( )11. He doesnt have _ money for a new watch. A. some B. any C. many D. no( )12. My teacher made me _ at school yesterday because I didnt do homework. A. stayed B. stay C. to stay D. stays( )13. It was sunny and w

11、e _ all morning. A. play B. playing C. played D. plays( )14. I found a little boy _ in the corner. A. crying B. cried C. cry D. cries( )15. _ yesterday morning, I _ some sports. A. On; do B. On; did C. /; did D. /; do( )16. I dont have so much money. Its too _. A. cheap B. lot C. expensive D. much ( )17. He didnt _ to the park last Sunday? A. go B. goes C. went D. to go( )18. What test did Mary study _ ? A. about B. at C. o


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