九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands词句精讲精练 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、九年级英语全册 Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands词句精讲精练 (新版)人教新目标版词句精讲精练【词汇精讲】1. bow(1) bow作名词,意为“弓,弓形物”。例如:He raised his bow slowly and let the arrow fly. 他慢慢地举起弓,让箭飞出去。The boy made a deep bow to the teacher and ran away. 那个孩子向老师深深地鞠了一个躬然后跑掉了。(2) bow作动词,意为“鞠躬,低下头”。例如:He bowed his head in shame. 他惭愧地低下头

2、来。 She bowed her thanks. 她鞠躬致谢。 Age had bowed his once straight back. 他年事已高,过去挺直的腰板弯了。 2. relaxrelax是动词,可以作不及物动词或及物动词,作及物动词时,宾语是人,表示“使某人放松;使某人休息;使某人轻松”。例如:Now I want to rest and relax. (作不及物动词)现在我得休息一下,放松放松。I need a cup of tea to relax myself. (作及物动词)我需要喝杯茶使自己轻松一下。【拓展】relaxed;relaxing(1) relaxed是形容词

3、,意为“某人感到轻松、放松、不受拘束的”。指某人“感到”轻松。通常用来形容人。有类似用法的词有interestedexcitedsurprisedboredtired。例如:He is feeling relaxed. = He is relaxed. 他感到很轻松。 The song can make me relaxed. 这首歌让我感到轻松。(2) relaxing是形容词,意为“某事情令人轻松的”,指某事或者某物“令人”轻松。通常用来修饰物或事。有类似用法的词有interestingexcitingsurprisingboringtiring。例如:The song is relaxi

4、ng. 这首歌真使人轻松。 You can listen to relaxing music in the bath! 你可以边洗澡边听(令人)轻松的音乐。3. effort (1) effort作名词,基本含意为“力气;努力”,作此解时只用作单数形式;effort还可以引申表示“努力;奋斗”,作此解时是可数名词;effort还可表示“作品;成就”,为可数名词。例如:It doesnt need much effort. 那不需要太多的努力。A great deal of effort has gone into this exhibition. 为了这次展览投入了很大力量。His effor

5、ts were wasted. 他的努力都白费了。Finishing the work in one day was a very good effort. 在一天内完成这项工作是努力的结果。(2)effort 常用于以下短语make efforts/ make an effort/ make every effort中,意为“做出努力”,后面常接动词不定式,表示“努力做某事”。例如: The workers are making efforts to fulfill this years plan. 工人们正在努力完成今年的生产计划。The prisoner made an effort t

6、o escape, but he couldnt climb the prison wall.囚犯企图越狱,但是爬不上监狱的墙。I will make every effort to arrive on time. 我将尽一切努力准时到达。4. knock (1)knock 作动词,意为“敲,击打”。其后通常跟介词on或at,然后接宾语。例如: Someone is knocking at/ on the door. 有人敲门。 She knocked at / on the window. 她敲了敲窗户。(2)knock 作名词,意为“敲击声,敲击”。例如: I heard a knock

7、at the door. 我听到了敲门声。5. take off(1)take off可作“脱下”讲,反义词组为put on,意为“穿上”。例如: Put on your clothes. Dont take them off. 把衣服穿上,别脱下。 (2)take off可作“起飞”讲,反义词为land,意为“着陆”。例如: When will the plane take off? 飞机什么时候起飞? 【拓展】常见的含有take的词组: take turns轮流 take away拿走 take out拿出,取出 take over接手,接管 take notes 做笔记 take car

8、e当心,注意 take care of 照顾 take photos 照相 take it easy别紧张6. manner(1)作名词,表示“做事的方法, 事情发生的方式”。例如:Why are you talking in such a strange manner? 你为什么用这种奇怪的方式谈话?(2)作名词,表示“态度, 举止”。例如:His manner was slightly rude, but you mustnt mind. 他的态度有点粗鲁,但是你千万别介意。(3)作名词,表示“礼貌, 礼节”,常用复数形式。例如:Its bad manners to talk with a

9、 full mouth. 嘴里吃着东西说话是不礼貌的。You should have good manners all the time. 任何时候都应该有礼貌。(4)作名词,表示“风俗, 习俗”,常用复数形式。例如: It is interesting to learn the manners and customs of other countries. 了解其他国家的风俗习惯是很有趣的。7. exchange(1)作动词,意为“交换”,引申可表示“交流”经验、思想等。例如:The two girls always exchanged Christmas gifts.两个女孩经常交换圣诞礼

10、物。The two armies exchanged prisoners.作战双方交换战俘。We shall have opportunity to exchange views tomorrow.我们明天有机会交换看法。They exchanged experiences at the meeting.他们在会上交流经验。(2)exchange作及物动词时,其宾语后常接介词for,表示“以换取”;接介词with表示“与某人交换(某物)/与某人交流(想法等)”。例如:Id like to exchange a watch for a camera.我想用表换相机。Would you like

11、to exchange places with me? 你愿意跟我换一下地方吗? He likes to exchange ideas with others.他喜欢与别人交流思想。【拓展】(1)exchange作名词,意为“交换”。例如: There have been numerous exchanges of views between the two governments.两国政府间曾多次交换意见。(2)exchange作名词,意为“兑换,兑换率”。例如:Id like to know the exchange rate for German marks. 我想知道德国马克的兑换率。

12、(3)exchange作名词,意为“交易所”。例如:She works at the Stock Exchange. 她在证券交易所工作。8. behave (1)作动词,意为“表现,行为举止”。 例如:The young lady behaved courageously in the face of danger.那位年轻女士面对危险表现得十分勇敢。She behaves (towards me) more like a friend than a mother. 她像朋友一样(待我), 而不像是我的母亲.Its hard to train children to behave well

13、at the table. 培养儿童用餐时举止得体是很困难的。(2)作动词,意为“(机器等)开动,运转”。例如:How is the new machine behaving?新机器运行地怎么样?【拓展】(1)behavior作名词,意为“行为,举止;态度”。例如: He was on his best behavior. 他表现极好。(2)behavior作名词,意为“(机器等的)运转状态,性能”。例如:The aircrafts behavior was satisfactory on its first test flight. 那架飞机在第一次试飞时运转情况令人满意。9. except

14、 except作介词,意为“除之外”,其后跟名词、代词、介词短语、that从句或what从句。例如: I go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday. 除了周六和周日,我每天都上学。【拓展】except; except for和but的辨析: 这三个短语都有“除之外”的意思,但具体用法不同:except表示“除之外(没有)”,着重强调在同类人或物中除去一个或几个人或物。表示一种排除关系。有“减除”之意。but和except的用法基本相同。但着重强调整句的内容,且习惯上用于every;all; any;nothing;who等词后。exce

15、pt for表示“除之外”,常对某种基本情况进行具体的、细节方面的修正,其后所接的词同句子的主语不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面。例如: We are all here except/but Tom. 除了Tom外,我们都到齐了。(不包括Tom) She could do nothing but cry. 除了哭,她没有别的办法。He is a good man except for hot temper. 他是个好人,除了脾气暴躁。 10. suggestion (1)suggestion 作可数名词,表示“建议;提议”。例如:He has given me a helpful suggestion. 他给我提了一项有益的建议(2)suggestion 作不可数名词,表示“联想;暗示”。例如:The power of sugg


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