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1、Lesson PlanName (English)Name (Pinyin) ThemeMe, my family and friendsSub-topicMy familyCourse bookOxford English Period2SchoolDateClass profile (一)教材分析:小学一年级主要以词句学习为主要内容,能在语境中有一定的句段输出,本课时是教材1A Module 2Unit2 My family.单元的第二课时,本单元的主要内容是教学有关家庭成员类的单词:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother,和句型Who is he

2、(she)?Hes (She) _. 此外,通过本课时学习,还想让学生体验对家人的爱。(二)学生实际这已经是十月的最后一周,学生通过两个月的学习,已经开始慢慢适应了英语课堂的节奏,许多学生能够在课堂上积极参与,也能够简单地用一两句话表达自己想要说的。然而,在一班和五班还是有一两个学生会在上课的时候容易开小差,我在教学过程中需要特别注意着这几个学生的行为。此外,由于课时的安排,my family这一课是在my friend课时的完成基础上进行教授的,因此,对于文本要求和对学生的输出要求,就进一步提高,对这两课进行整合。Lesson aims一、知识与技能目标:1、学习词汇:family2、学会拓

3、展句型:He/ She can with me.二、过程与方法目标:在复习第一课时的基础上,通过创设让学生介绍家庭成员的语境,在寓教于乐的语境中学习与拓展新知。激发每一个孩子在自主、开放、互动的语言环境中去更好地学习与感受。三、情感态度目标:能够从介绍家人中逐渐体会对家人的热爱。Difficulties词汇:1、单词:cool, beautiful, nice, kind, lovely句型:2、句子:This is my_. He/ she can_ with me. I love my family.Teaching aidsMulti-media, textbooks, board, e

4、tc.Procedures StageTimeTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeI. Pre-task preparation51. Sing a song .2. Review: he or she1.Sing a song2. Look at the pictures and have a quick response. 歌曲调动孩子上课的积极性。出示各种图片,让学生在快速反应的过程中复习学过的he和she的知识,并为本课的文本输出作铺垫。II.While-task procedure251. Introduce a new frie

5、nd: Xiaoyu and his family.a. Ask Ss to greet with Xiaoyu.b. Play the recording about Xiaoyus family. c. Teach the new word: family2. Show the picture of father.a. Practise b. Teach the new sentence pattern: He can _ with me.c. Teach: I love my father.3. Show the picture of mother.a. Play the recordi

6、ng and ask the question: Who is she? What can she do?b. Ask Ss to be Xiaoyu and introduce his mother.4. Show a short and nice poem.5. Show the picture of grandmother.a. Guess “Who is she?”b. Ask Ss to be Xiaoyu and introduce his grandmother.c. Show the introduction of grandmother. 6. Show the pictur

7、e of grandfather.a. Show the picture and ask Ss to fill in the blank.b. Ask Ss to be Xiaoyu and introduce his grandfather.7. Show the whole introduction of Xiaoyus family.1. a. Have a greeting with Xiaoyu.b. Listen to the recording:Hello, Im Xiaoyu. I can run. Look, this is my father. He can read wi

8、th me. Look, this is my mother. She can dance with me. Look, this is my grandfather. He can draw with me. Look, this is my grandmother. She can sing with me. I love my family.c. Practise the new word and say: This is my family.2. a. Ss repeat the word “father” after the teacher and say: this is my f

9、ather.b. Look at the pictures and practise the new sentence pattern: He can _ with me.c. If you love your father, stand up and say loudly: I love my father.3. a. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.Ss: Shes my mother. She can dance with me.b. Ss: Look, this is my mother. She can dance w

10、ith me. How nice. I love my mother.4. Repeat the nice poem after the teacher, and read it with emotion.5. a. Guess “Shes my grandmother.”b. Act as Xiaoyu and introduce the grandmother:Look, this is my grandmother.She can _ with me.How _.I love my grandmother.c. Read the introduction of grandmother.6

11、. a. Look at the picture and finish the sentence: Look. This is my grandfather.b. b. Act as Xiaoyu and introduce the grandmother:Look, this is my _.He can _ with me.How _.I love my _.7. Read and act.整体感知文本,让学生有大致印象我们今天要学习的内容。分层推进,逐步击破难点。通过He/ She can with me的句型操练,增强学生与父母间的感情。教师启发式的提问,让学生借着问题听文本,自己来找

12、到答案。出示一首小诗,让学生有感情地朗读,激发学生对父母的爱。通过猜一猜的形式,引出grandmother的介绍,引发学生的兴趣。通过挖空式填空,让学生进行自编介绍,最后再出示文本,进一步巩固操练。让学生开放式介绍grandfather,不局限学生的思维,同时也是对前面三个平行文本的综合输出。III.Post-task activities31. Ask Ss to introduce their own family.1. Show the photo of family, and introduce the family members:Look, this is my _.He/ She can _ with me.How _.I love my _.通过学生介绍自己的家庭成员,培养他们语言综合运用能力。22. Play the video .2. Enjoy the video , and say “I love you” to parents.通过family的视频,将本课主题进一步得到升华。Blackboard DesignM2U2 My familyThis is my _.He/ She can_.How _.I love my family.Feedback MaterialsMulti-media, textbooks, board, etc.



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