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1、I feel sorry for famous people who live their lives in the glare of publicity.我真可怜那些要在众目睽睽之下生活的名人。Hes not the kind of man who would go back on his words.他不是那种背信弃义的人。People who walk on the grass are liable to a fine.在草坪上行走要罚款。The man who I saw is called Smith.我见到的那个人名叫史密斯。The man who telephoned was a

2、 friend of yours.打电话的人是你的一位朋友。He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。There is a lady who wants to see you.有一位女士要见你。The girl with whom he had been living for two years suddenly packed her bags and left.这姑娘和他同居了两年,突然收拾起行李走掉了。The police have pulled in a half dozen people whom they suspect.警方已逮捕6个他们

3、怀疑的人。Thats the girl (whom) I teach. 那就是我教的女孩。The person (whom) you wish to see has come.你希望见到的人已经来了。He is a shallow thinker whose opinions arent worth much.他看问题很浅薄,他的意见没有多大价值。The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period.这剧本是那个时期的典型作品,风格拘谨刻板。Nobody is going to buy a house whose fro

4、nt door opens onto a gas works.没有谁会买一栋前门对着煤气厂的房子。Id like a room whose window looks out over the sea.我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。This is the room which is kept for the reception of visitors.这是专供接待来访者用的房间。There is a special parasite which gives rise to the itch.有一种特别的寄生虫会导致皮炎。Lally was right about the repairs whic

5、h the cottage needed.拉莉关于农舍需要如何修理的意见是正确的。Rule out neatly any words which you dont wish Jack to read.把你不想让杰克看的词句整整齐齐地划掉。The sports day is an occasion which we can all join in.运动日是大家都能参加运动的一个机会。She is one of the students that work very hard. 她是特别用功的学生之一。Is he the man that sells eggs?他是卖鸡蛋的那个人吗?I like

6、those cookies that are coated with chocolate spread.我喜欢那些裹巧克力酱的甜饼。The letter that I received from him yesterday is very important.我昨天收到的他那封来信很重要。Here is the car that I had told you about.这就是我和你谈过的那辆汽车。The two brothers were satisfied with this decision,as was agreed beforehand.两兄弟对这个事先已经同意的决定都满意。I ne

7、ver heard such stories as he tells.我从未听过他讲的这类故事。I have never seen such a man as you talked about.我从没见过你说到的那种人。During this terrible year they took only such food as they could find.在这可怕的年头里,他们只能找到什么吃什么。He is not the same boy as he was.他和从前不一样了。Her attitude to him was quite the same as it had always b

8、een.她对他的态度同她一贯的态度完全一样。I gave him old clothes which he made a penny of.我给了他一些旧衣服,让他拿去换钱。The situation (which) we had got into was very dangerous.我们当时的处境很危险。The man (whom) we sent the present to is a doctor of laws.我们寄给他礼物的那个人是位法学博士。He married a wife by whom he had two daughters.他娶了妻并和她生了两个女儿。Water is

9、 the natural medium in which most fish live.水是大多数鱼类生活的自然环境。There were long periods when we had no news of him.我们曾好长时间没有他的消息。Jenney dreams of the day when she will be playing the piano for a living.珍妮梦想着有朝一日能以演奏钢琴为生。This is the hour when the place is full of people.这种时候这地方到处都是人。Returning to a city wh

10、ere one used to live can be a saddening experience.重归故地有时会给人带来几许惆怅。I went off in search of a garage where I could buy some petrol.我跑去寻找加油站买汽油。The tourists sought out a shady spot where they sat down and rested. 旅游者找到一块阴凉的地方坐下休息。The reason why she didnt get the job was that her English was not very g

11、ood.她没得到这个工作的原因是她的英语不是很好。The reason why he is late is that his car went wrong.他迟到的原因是他的汽车坏了。That is the reason why we must go now.这就是我们现在必须走的理由。This is one of the basic reasons why some of our work cant be done well.这是我们有些工作做不好的一个基本原因。 This is the way how he always treats me. 他一贯就是这样对待我的。Thats the w

12、ay how I learn English.那就是我学英语的方法。We have worked out a scheme which should save the company several thousand pounds a year. 我们设计出一个一年可为公司节省几千英镑的计划。The custom dates from the times when men wore swords.该习俗始于人类佩带刀剑的时代。The patient,who had been asleep for nearly three hours,began to move his limbs.病人睡了将近

13、3小时才开始动一动胳膊和腿。This could be the winning game for the challenger, who only needs two more points for the championship.这场比赛可能是挑战者获胜,他只要再得两分就得冠军了。Watch for our new improved product, which will be on the market next week!等着看我们新改进的产品吧,它们将于下星期开始在市场上出售。The journey, which I remember well, was very pleasant.

14、我清楚地记得那次旅行很愉快。She was shown into a small room, where there was a dying man.她被领进了一间小屋,那里有一个垂死的人。The third tree that I planted was cut down by someone again.我种下的第三棵树又被人砍倒了。He gives the driest speech that I have ever listened to.他的讲话是我所听过的最枯燥的。The worst matter that I am afraid of happened in the end.我担

15、心的最糟的事情终于发生了。The first thing that I want to do now is to have a drink.我现在想做的第一件事就是喝点酒。It was the largest map that I ever saw.那是我所看见过的最大的地图。They pushed open all the windows that remained closed for a whole month.他们把整整关了一个月的窗子都推开了。All the presents that your friends give you on your birthday should be

16、put away.你生日那天你的朋友送给你的礼物都必须收好。I have some things that I must do today.我有一些今天必须做的工作。Would you please correct any wrong spellings that you find?请改正你发现的拼写错误,好吗?There is every chance that she will succeed.她完全有机会取得成功。I have no money that I can spare.我没有多余的钱。He quickly knocked out the few things that had to be looked after before leaving.他迅速办好了几件动身前必须料



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