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1、海南岛的英文介绍篇一:海南中英文 特色美食special food 抱罗粉Baoluofen 抱罗粉,海南著名地方风味小吃,以大米粉条配靓汤及多种佐料调制而成。粉身洁白柔软爽滑,汤热味鲜,佐料奇香耐咀嚼,不膻不腻,鲜香略带酸辣,诱人食欲,一定要汤粉哦,那才是正宗抱罗粉。在三亚的大街小巷的小吃摊儿和餐厅都能吃到抱罗粉。 This is one of the most famous local food in Hainan and made of vermicelli, soup and many other kinds of condiment. The vermicelli is soft a

2、nd slippery. The soup is very delicious. The condiment is a little sour and peppery. The guests can eat the Baoluofen in many restaurants of Sanya. 清补凉 Qingbuliang 清补凉是风靡热带海南岛的特色冰爽甜品。主要是以红豆(绿豆)、薏米、花生、椰肉、红枣、西瓜粒、菠萝粒、凉粉、椰奶等多种配料炮制而成的冰爽解渴饮品。清补凉不仅吃起来香甜冰爽,而且还很便宜,尤其里面的食材对女性很有益。 Qingbulian is a special sweet

3、meats in Hainan. It is a cool drink including ormosia, pearl barley, peanut, red dates, watermelon, pineapple, coconut milk and so on which can quench your thirst. The sweetmeats is very cheap but its taste is very sweet and cool, especially good for women. 椰子饭 Bubur Injin 椰子饭做法独特,是由海南优质糯米、天然椰肉和椰汁一同

4、蒸熟而成,是海南传统农家小吃,现在多把它做为主食的一种。到了海南,到时候别忘了来一份尝尝,在这个椰影婆娑的城市,品尝地道的椰子饭,别有一番风味。 Bubur Injin has cooked with sticky rice, coconut meat and coconut juice. It is a traditional snack in Hainan which is also a staple food now. If you go to Hainan, you must eat this delicious food in the city which is full of co

5、conut. 文昌鸡 Wenchang chicken. 文昌鸡,海南四大名菜之首,因产地在文昌市而得名。经高超烹饪和配好佐料后,吃起来滑而不腻,香美可口,受中外人士喜爱,三亚各酒店均可享受该美味。 Wenchang chicken is one of the four famous dishes in Hainan. The chicken is from Wenchang, so it is called Wenchang chicken. The chicken taste very smooth but not greasy, fresh and delicious which has

6、 used special cooking methods and seasonings. Therefore, Wenchang chicken is very popular with Chinese and foreign people. Many hotels in Sanya have this dish. 加积鸭 加积鸭,羽毛黑白相间,因琼海市加积地区饲养方法独特,出笼的鸭子皮薄、骨软、肉嫩,入口肥而不腻,世人特赐“加积鸭”美称。 Jiaji duck, the feather is black and white with its special breeding method.

7、 The thin is skin, the bone is soft, the meat is tender and it tastes fat but not greasy. So it is called Jiaji duck. 特色酒店special restaurant 三亚亚龙湾红树林度假酒店 Yalong Bay Mangrove Tree Resort 2021年开业 2021年装修 506间房 电话0898-88558888 传真0898-88558800 三亚亚龙湾红树林度假酒店位于海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区。 三亚亚龙湾红树林度假酒店由北京今典集团投资,美国SASA

8、KI公司设计的中国独具巴厘岛热带风情的纯度假酒店。酒店拥有504间各类豪华客房,其中近70%的客房可将碧海辽阔的海景尽收眼底。中、西、泰、韩、海鲜餐厅提供各类美食供您品尝。260米长的洁白沙滩和不同功能的户外泳池,为您提供各类水上运动。酒店拥有亚龙湾最大户外宴会场地,三块独立临海大草坪可容纳3000人户外草坪宴会。975平方米的无柱大宴会厅可同时容纳1200人,并可自由组合分隔。所有会议厅及多功能厅均配有先进的视听设备。酒店所有客房、餐厅、会议室、沙滩别墅和大堂区域均覆盖Wi-Fi网络,客人可以免费使用。 酒店位于亚龙湾国家旅游度假区内,距亚龙湾高尔夫球场仅2分钟,距亚龙湾中心广场3分钟。从酒

9、店到三亚凤凰国际机场需45分钟车程,到三亚市区租酒店或出租车也非常方便,仅35公里。 Yalong Bay Mangrove Tree Resort is a unique luxury resort in China with truly “Balinese style”which located in Yalong Bay, Hainan Sanya. The hotel offers 504 rooms in which more than 70% of our rooms have the spectacular sea view of the Yalong Bay, while th

10、e remaining rooms are overlooking the landscaped garden or the lake and Laguna. Yalong Bay Mangrove Tree has the right mix of restaurantsbars and you can enjoy different taste of food all prepared by our master chefs. The pillar less Grand Ballroom with his 975 square meters can accommodate up to120

11、0 guests. For outside venues we can accommodate more as 3000 guests on our spacious beach front party lawn, opened unobstructed lobby are integral parts of the environment and pristine design of the hotel. The hotel is 2 minutes drive to Yalong Bay Golf Course and 3minutes drive to Yalong Bay Square

12、. The hotel is just 45 minutes drive to Sanya Phoenix International Airport and only 35km from downtown and is conveniently accessible by hotel limousine or taxi. 三亚湾海居铂尔曼度假酒店 Pullman Oceanview Sanya Bay Resort Spa 2021年开业 469间房 电话0898-88288888 传真0898-88955700Pullman Oceanview Resort is a 5-star lux

13、ury resort located on Sanya Bay, overlooking the majestic South China Sea, with 469 well appointed rooms, suites and villas. Our exclusive villas have their own pools offering privacy. Two restaurants that offer Cantonese and Western cuisine, 4 feature bars including a pool bar. MICE facilities incl

14、ude a 1,008sqm grand ballroom and 8 meeting rooms, all equipped with the latest AV technology. Various recreational activities including 4 swimming pools, 300 meter private beach, fitness center and a classical Thai style Spa.A mere 15 minute drive from the Phoenix InternationalAirport - Check in an

15、d Chill Out! 三亚湾海居铂尔曼度假酒店位于三亚湾中心地带,是一家五星级滨海度假酒店。面朝怡人的南海风光,酒店共有469间典雅客房、套房和私享专属泳池的独栋别墅。两个餐厅提供经典粤菜和西式佳肴,四个酒吧各具风情。酒店完善的会议场地包含1个1,008平方米大宴会厅和8间多功能会议室,均配备最新多媒体科技系统。丰富的康乐设施让您在4个户外泳池,300米专属海滩,完善的健身中心和泰式水疗中畅享舒适的度假时光。酒店优越的地理位置,距离三亚凤凰国际机场仅需15分钟车程,轻松入住,优越尽享。 三亚文华东方酒店 Mandarin Oriental, Sanya 三亚 榆海路12号 ( 大东海 大东

16、海 近大东海广场 ) 2021年开业 297间房 电话0898-88209999 传真0898-88209393 Lying south of Hong Kong, Hainan is a tropical paradise home to miles of beaches, majestic mountains and Mandarin Oriental, Sanya. Set in 12 hectares of tropical gardens on the southern tip of the island. The hotel closes proximity to world class



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