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1、人教版八年级下册英语第五单元测试题附答案听力部分(2分).听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。(5分)( )1.( )2.( )3.( )4.()听句子,选择最佳答语。(5分)()6.es, d. No,I wnt. C.Yes, ws.( )7.Sleeping. BEnoy eaing. C.Dosoe cookin( ).A.Ye,In B.Tis is Jny speakin.I here( )9A.Ias akig a howe. .n a librar. C.May().A.Theme tyou. .Youre wce.C wil.Thank ou.听长对话,选择对的答案。(5分)听第

2、一段对话,回答第112小题。( )1.ha appned atabout10:00a.m.on Jue 0h,?A.Chna was ening Shezhou X.Bhenhou as lingback to the eart.Che asronaut was having clas in Senzou ()12.Wha s Lei dig at ha tm?AStudyng fra tst. B.Hig his cass.C.Wtching TV听第二段对话,回答第1-1小题。( )1.Who jumped ino th ive?A.A oma.Adiver. .Ros.( )14Wh d

3、id teaccinhppen?A.At7:20 am B.t 7:30 a.C.At :0 .m.( )15.w may pope rementoned(提及的)in the accden?ATwo. B.Tee.our.听短文,选择对的答案。(10分)( )16.t wasthe speake oin i the mrning?.Cokngbrekt. Ruin. Readn()How did the speakeruall go to ok?A.By car. .By ike C.By s.( )8.Wht was i the bkesse (车筐)?AThebag BTh umla.C

4、The bok()1.hen i thespeakrget oe busstopgain?AAt 7:00. BAt 7:40. CAt:0.( )20What happened wen the speake wa iingor the bus?A.t started to rain B.It tatd to snow.t stted towind.笔试部分(9分) .单选。(15分)( )21.Wha were you dng when Ileo?Iwas aing _sower,s Martook _ msagefr e.;a B.a;/C.h;he .a;a( )22.Ca you se

5、e he bthay ce _10 candle o it?Yes,Lilys othbougt t_ heA.wit;to Bagainst;frCih;for Dganst;( )23.WhatwaTo oing _ hs fther lokng for him?A.e Bsince afte Dutil ()4.oes ur bror ofn gu wh _?o,heis ays frendly to othes.Asomeone B.ano C.eeyon D.none( )2.hy re youalwe?It raned _ and Iidnaey umella.A.comletly

6、 deycftably ferntly( )2.Why di hjust iin_ duingheeeting?cause h had nhngto say.owr B.silce Cwo ordr( )2._ is te wether i n our ciy?lwys udy.A.Whatho hich D.Hw( )28.I head a(n)_ ise jst nowIt made mescrdA.beatiful BtypialCstrge .nteng( )9ter th heavy strm,the ake _,n hewater ranino tehosesA. Bcpredro

7、ped D.realid( )3.What willour lif ke withou _?We willlve a dar word.Asow ood C.ligh D.ice( )31Whatwathersult ofe fotll me yetrday?Or team_ e oher eamby soe of two to oe.reortedB.eedeba Dcompete( )32Mr.Hd ws otrd hthe _ in minute.Awent off Bpickd Cdid ow D.fl asle( )33.She _er thwth the osework the w

8、hole atenon s unday.ere helpin helpsC.was hlng Ds helpg()34.Ws yor isterwatcing TV we te storm began?_.She was paying withher inds.AYes,sh did BNo,heditCYe,sheas D.No,she wast()Petr ot an A n tEnglisexam._.Heisntgood atEnis a ll.Thats al right YrekidngC.fcu DIt det ater.完形填空。(15分)esta aeroo,when s d

9、ing myomewrk,Angla called.She sihewas ain me _3 her mobile hone ineriogyas,3_h profesr(专家) as teaching in the front of th classroom.I coldnt_3_ she ma a phoe cll dringth las.Anela said h biolo lss ws very _9_.Soe e classmates we leepn inclas,some wre alkingabout _40_ laforhwekend ad te asmae nex thr

10、 wa_1_ a picture f hose.While e wertalin,I ead her_ shote,“s,ae ou mainga n cl?” _3_,te phnw dad.I _44_ the phonnen wentto tekitce to mak iner.A was cutng egtble,the_4_ ran once again.It waAnla,bt ts tme se st sttg in heclssm( ).A.for B.n of Din( )7.Acaue B.o C. D.d( )3A.belive Bpe C.agee D.ee( )39.

11、A.uy B.tric Cbrin Dcful( )0.my Bthi CerDour( )1.A.lendigB.ag Cbng D.rawing()4.amate Bm C.professor D.i( )4.A.ecenly Bckly CSuddny DHadly( )44.Aung up icke up Ccut off Dwentff()4.A.aarm B.pone .compur Dorbell阅读理解。(0分)ATeewa a ca accidet at:30yesteaaftrnoon.oe olcemearived the.Theyoundsome itnses(目击者) nhe stret when h


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