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1、直接引语与间接引语教学法小议 东津镇鹿门中学:叶拥军内容摘要直接引语与间接引语在初中教材中属于一个比较重要的语法知识点,在新目标八年级下册的Unit4中就专门讲到了这一点.但是由于其复杂而难理解,所以导致许多学生学习起来无从入手.作为一名教师,下面主要谈谈我在教学中的处置方法.关 键 词直接引语 间接引语 教学法 首先:我们应该理解直接引语与间接引语的含义.所谓直接引语就是直接引述别人的话,前后要用引号. 例如: John said: I like watching TV. 而间接引语就是用自己的话转述别人的话,不用引号. 例如: John said that he liked watchin

2、g TV. 当然,从上面的两个例句我们就可以发现:直接引语与间接引语所表达的方式不一样,但是它们所表达的意思是一样的.那么我们怎样把某人直接所说的话(即:直接引语)通过他人把它转述出来呢(即:间接引语)?作为一名学习者,我们主要要注意以下几个方面的转变. 一:正确确定直接引语变为间接引语时所使用的连词。连词的确定要依据于句子的句型构成:1: 陈述句用连词 that. 例如: He said : I like it very much .” 这是一个陈述句,所以变为间接引语应该为: He said that .(当然,如果很熟练以后连词 that 是通常可以省略的,尤其是在口语表达中)2: 一般

3、疑问句用连词 if 或 whether. 例如: Jim asked :“Are you a student?” 这是一个一般疑问句,所以变为间接引语应该为:Jim asked if .3:特殊疑问句用相应的特殊疑问词来充当连词。 例如:He asked me:“Where do you live?”这是一个特殊疑问句,疑问词是 where ,所以变为间接引语时应该为:He asked me where. 二: 要注意句子的语序: 也就是说,变为间接引语后,从句一律要用陈述句的语序(要正确理解陈述句的语序所表达的含义,即:把 be 动词,情态动词,助动词之类的词放置于主语之后,当然,特别要注意

4、助动词 do/does/did 应该去掉) 这一点主要是针对一般疑问句和特殊疑问句而言的. 例如: (1):He asks:“ is it a nice day?”改为间接引语为:He asks if it is a nice day(2):He asks:“ how old are you?” 改为间接引语为:He asks how old you are 。(3):He asked:“Did you see him ?” 改为间接引语为: He asked if you saw him. 三:要注意人称的改变。因为间接引语是通过他人之口转述出来的.因此,人称通常会发生改变(但并非一定).当

5、然这就要求我们要认真理解人物之间的关系. 例如:(1):He said :I like watching TV. 他说:我喜欢看电视.也即他说他喜欢看电视,句中的 I 就指的是 he .所以改为间接引语应该为: He said that he.(2):He asked me:Can I borrow your bike? 改为间接引语应该为: He asked me if he could borrow my bike.这一点没有规律可循,注意弄清人物之间的关系是关键. 但是下面有一句顺口溜可以帮助我们来理解:“ 一随主, 二随宾, 第三人称不更新 ”一随主 指的是当从句中的主语是第一人称或被

6、第一人称所修饰, 从句中的人称要按照主句中的人称来变化。eg. She said: “ My brother wants to go with me.” She said that her brother wanted to go with her.二随宾 指的是若从句中的主语或宾语是第二人称或被第二人称所修饰,从句中的人称要引号外的主句的宾语一致,若引号外的主句没有宾语,也可用第一人称。 She said to Kate: “ How is your sister?” She said to Kate how her sister was. She said : “ I want to go

7、 with you.” She said that she wanted to go with me.第三人称不更新 指的是若从句中的主语或宾语是第三人称或被第三人称所修饰,从句中的人称一般不需要作变化。Mr. Smith said: “ Jack is a good boy.” Mr. Smith said that Jack was a good boy.1. He often says “ I shall tell you about them.” He often tells me that _ will tell _ about _.A. Iyouthem B. hemethem C

8、. heyouus D. Imeyou2. You must say to her, “ I depend on you and him .”You must tell her that _ depend on _ and _.A. Iyouhim B. sheyoume C. youherhim D. youmehim3. I shall tell him, “ I have written to you and her twice.”I shall tell him that _ have written to _ and _ twice.A. Ihimher B. youhimher C

9、. I youme D. youmeher 四:注意时态的转变. 如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的时态则无须做任何的改变.直接引语中是什么时态,间接引语中依然沿用. 例如:(1):He says :I went to Beijing. 变为间接引语应该为: He says that he went to Beijing. (2):He asks:where will we go? 变为间接引语应该为: He asks where they will go.但是,如果主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变为间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态上要做相应的变化,也即要用相应的过去时:即 一般现在

10、时-一般过去时 现在进行时-过去进行时 现在完成时-过去完成时 一般将来时-过去将来时 can -could may -might 等等例如:(1):He said:I can swim well. 变为间接引语应该为: He said that he could swim well. (2):He asked me:have you been to Beijing?变为间接引语应该为: He asked me if I had been to Beijing. (3):Li Lei said : I will help you . 变为间接引语应该为: Li Lei said that he

11、 would help me. (4):He asked me: what are you doing? 变为间接引语应该为: He asked me what I was doing.关于这一点需要我们理解相应的过去时是什么意思。 五:还需要注意的是:句中的指示代词,时间状语,地点状语以及一些动词也需要作相应的改变.具体表现如下: 直接引语 间接引语 指示代词 this that these those 时间状语 now then today that day this week/month. that week/month. yesterday the day before the day

12、 before yesterday two days before last week/year. the week/year before tomorrow the next day the day after tomorrow two days later next week/year. the next week/year. 地点状语 here there 动 词 come go 一般情况下,只要我们注意到了以上的五个地方,基本上来讲,直接引语变为间接引语时就不会出现任何的错误了. 例如:The teacher asked me:where are you going tomorrow?(1):找 连 词: The teacher asked me where.(2):语 序: The teacher asked me where you are going tomorrow.(3):人 称: The teacher asked me where I am going tomorrow.(4):时 态: The teacher asked me where I was going tomorrow.(5):时间状语: The teacher asked me where I was goi


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