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1、新视野第三册重点句型归纳第三册重点句型归纳 (1-9)I pledged myself to fulfill the promise I had made. 我保证实践自己的诺言。He couldnt restrain his curiosity. 他抑制不住自己的好奇心。The teacher had to reconcile disputes among her pupils. 老师不得不调解她学生中的纠纷。She consumed most of her time in reading. 她把大部分时间都花在读书上。 They had food and clothing sufficie

2、nt for their needs. 他们有足够所需的食品和衣服。We wont allow other countries to interfere with our internal affairs. 我们不允许别的国家干涉我国内政。Dont interfere in matters that dont concern you. 不要介入那些与你无关的事情。Tom and Bob went to their homes respectively after school. The ratio of men to women at the meeting was ten to one. 出

3、席会议的男女之比是10比1。Its advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves. 属于这些类型的人,最好每年做一次血液检查,看看体内铁质的储量如何.We were warned by the teacher in the first lesson that students got a grade not only for academic achievement but also for attendance and best effort.(Uni

4、t 3)第一堂课教师就告诫我们,学生的得分不仅包括学习成绩,还包括出勤率和努力程度He started late, but he was able to catch the eight oclock train. 他出发的晚了,但还是赶上了八点的火车.He sleeps with the window open even in winter.即使在冬天他常开着窗户睡觉. He is a controversial person. 他是一个很有争议的人。1We urged her to xxe to the party with us, but she protested that she wa

5、s too tired. They protested against the boss that they could not support their family with so little money.-I object to his suggestion.-He objected that it was too cold to go out.-They objected that Tom was too selfish to be elected monitor.There was a huge controversy over the plans for the new sch

6、ool. 建设新学校的计划存在着巨大争议。You have missed several attendances this term.这学期你已缺勤好几次了。 She considers teaching a worthwhile career.她认为教书是一件值得做的工作。 It is worth while to discuss the problem.The teacher prepared his students for their examinations. 教师给学生复习迎考。 The President is scheduled to make a speech tomorro

7、w. 总统定于明天发表讲话。He has no principles; hell do anything, however bad, if it will bring him money.他不讲道义;不管好事坏事,只要有钱,他都会去做。(principles: 此处表示“道德、道德标准”)。Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay. 判断应以事实为依据,而不应依靠道听途说。Students are required to take responsibility for each other. This experience provid

8、ed preparation for his future success. 这次经历为他日后的成功奠定了基础。 She says she helps only the worthy poor.她说她只帮助那些值得她去帮助的穷人(不包括那些她认为好吃懒做等不配取得帮助的人)。The organization made a xxmitment to pay $50000 to Red Cross. 这个组织承诺向红十字会提供50000美元。家长们最担心的是,孩子们占用越来越多的时间在网上聊天。What worries parents most is that their children spe

9、nd more and more time chatting online.一个人成功的基础主要是内在因素而不是外在因素。Ones success is based largely on his internal factors, not external factors. This room is three times as large as that one. 这个房间是那个房间的三倍。 Sometimes we might approve a scheme which we dont really approve of. He affected illness so that he n

10、eed not go to work. The affectations in the way she speaks annoyed me. He tried to win her affections by bringing her flowers. 他送花给她,想赢得她的爱情。2Our shop has made a contract with a clothing firm to buy 100 coats a week. There is no doubt I learned a lot from that lecture. 毫无疑问我从那次讲座中学到了许多。-I dont doubt

11、 that he is a thief.-I doubt whether he is telling the truth. -I suspect that he is a liar.-I suspect that he is not telling the truth.The teacher gave a brief outline of the work planned for the term. 教师把这学期计划要做的工作简要地说了一下。Parking in this street is the privilege of the residents. 在这条街上停车是此处居民特有的权利。-

12、He moved on as if (he was) looking for someone to help him. We managed to get what we wanted, anyhow.Well let you use the room provided that you keep it clean and tidy. It was not until my mother came back from work that it stopped raining.Id review all the facts of the case and, not in frequently,

13、wonder if I hadnt made a poor decision.-Its going to rain. I wonder whether/if he will not xxe this afternoon. -What a fine day. I wonder whether he will xxe this afternoon. -I knocked several times before she answered the door. -It may be many years before we meet again.-The girl read the poem only

14、 twice before she recited it. -Before I could get in a word he had measured me.-Karl Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language,so it was with Engels (it was the same with Engels.)He doesnt speak much English but he can make himself understood.I wanted to go out, but I had no money.

15、 I had no alternative to staying at home. 我想出去,可是没钱;只能待在家里。We have no alternative but to go on. 除了继续下去,我们没有选择的余地。 He was sensible enough to mind his own business. 他很明智,不管别人的闲事。 We have taken all the precautions we can against the painting being stolen. 我们采取了一切可能的措施防止这幅画被盗。We may agree to something that we dont actually agree with.-He had gone; she therefore gave the money to me.-It snowed heavilynevertheless we still drove to Chicago.-The price is too high, and moreover the house isnt in a suitable position. -Jack ran for a doctor; mea


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