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1、 英语语言文化系(二级学院)2008届本科生毕业论文题目一览表编号指导教师职称论文题目学生姓名选题类型备注1.肖 肃教授论汉英翻译教学中的源语干扰母语负迁移影响The Sourde Language Interference in C-E Translation Teaching: The Impact of Negative Transfer胡海燕 自选共有论文245篇,其中自选题目216篇,占88.2%、备选题目29篇,占11.8%。2.肖 肃教授基于输入理论浅谈改进大学英语口语教学的方法On How to Improve College Oral English Teaching:Bas

2、ed on Input Therory修兴自选3.肖 肃教授根据任务型教学法理论简析英语教学由大班向小班转变的必要性On the Necessary Change of English Teaching from Large-Scale Class to Small-Scale Class by TBLT吴雅静自选4.肖 肃教授论过程教学法和结果教学法在英语写作反馈中结合的必要性 On the Necessity of Integration of Process Approach and Product Approach in Feedback of English Writing 赵蕾自选

3、5.肖 肃教授论小组合作学习对英语翻译课教学的改进作用On the Improving Effect of Cooperative Learning in Teaching Translation Course廖晨竹自选6.王川副教授浅谈卡拉维拉县驰名的跳蛙中的幽默和讽刺特色An Analysis of the Humorous and Satiric Features of The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County张雪姣自选7.王 川副教授论文化和商业对英语电影片名翻译的影响The Culture and Commercial Influ

4、ences on the Tranlation of English Film Titles李贞贞自选8.王 川副教授从文化角度看汉语旅游资料的英译 The English Translation of Chinese Tourist Texts from the Culture Perspective舒 畅自选9.王 川副教授浅析乞力马扎罗的雪的艺术魅力An Analysis on the Artistic Charm of The Snows of Kilimanjaro李思睿自选10.王 川副教授功能对等理论在公示语翻译中的应用Application of Functional Equi

5、valence Theory to Public Sign Translation 郑智仁自选11.左丽农副教授浅谈广告英语的文体特点A Tentative Analysis of the Stylistics Characteristics of Advertising English袁伟 自选12.左丽农副教授论中美跨文化交际中社交语用失误之成因On the Causes of Sociopragmatic Failures in Cross-Cultural Communication Between Chinese and English周原自选13.左丽农副教授中英禁忌语在跨文化交际

6、中的语用失误与战略性运用Pramatic Failure and Strategic Application of Chinese and English Taboos in Intercultural Communication杨洁自选14.左丽农副教授从关联理论角度解析老友记中的言语幽默 An Analysis of Verbal Humor in Friends from the Perspective of Relevance Theory严红自选15.左丽农副教授从跨文化角度分析中国与英语国家之间的商务谈判Business Negotiation Between China and

7、Englishh Speaking Countries : From the Perspective of Cross-culture李多元自选16.左丽农副教授加强家校合作论家庭参与对青少年学习成果的影响Promoting Family-School Partnerships: On the Influence of Family Involvement in Adolescences Academic Achievement康向莉自选17.左丽农副教授论中国快餐文化之现状和发展策略On Current Situation and Developmental Strategies of Ch

8、inese Fast Food Culture龚婷自选18.谢 琳副教授论霍尔顿的叛逆对麦田的守望者主人公的性格分析The Rebellion of Holden Caulfield: An Analysis on the Protagonist in the Catcher in the Rye 谢念 自选19.谢 琳副教授论远大前程的象征手法Symbolism in Great Expectations王丽玲自选20.谢 琳副教授分析小妇人中女权主义和传统美德的结合An Analysis of Well-Combined Feminism and Virtues in Little Wom

9、en庄黎自选21.谢 琳副教授从嘉莉妹妹中看德莱塞对维多利亚传统观的打破An Analysis on Dreisers Breaking Away From Victorian Tradition in Sister Carrie梁波自选22.谢 琳副教授成长之痛浅析麦田里的守望者中霍尔顿成长烦恼的根源Pains of Growing up:Analysis of the Sources of the Pains of Holdens Growth in The Catcher in the Rye何敬双备选23.谢 琳副教授浅析我弥留之际中的精神困境A Tentative Study of

10、the Spiritual Predicaments in As I Lay Daying余鳗七自选24.谢 琳副教授论看不见的人中身份危机和身份寻求Identity Crisis and Quest in Invisible Man桂晓琴自选25.赵平静副教授论理智与情感之间的冲突一个青年艺术家的画像中斯蒂芬的心理成长历程On the Conflict Between Sense and Sensibility: Stephens Psychological Development in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man刘 娥 自选26.赵平静副

11、教授浅析跨文化交际失误及对策A Tentative Analysis of Intercultural Communication Failure and Countermeasures邓韵自选27.赵平静副教授“兔子”的个人悲剧Rabbits Personal Tragedy李春燕自选28.赵平静副教授中国学生语用失误及解决方法初探An Analysis of Chinese Students Pragmatic Failure and Possible Solutions郭鑫超自选29.赵平静副教授论艾兹拉 庞德在现代美国诗歌方面的学术成就On Ezra Pounds Academic A

12、chievements in Modern American Poetry甘 谨自选30.赵平静副教授从与3P教学法的比较中看任务型教学法的教学优势The Advantages of Task-based Language Teaching Over the PPP Approach in English Teaching赵 娜自选31.赵平静副教授奈达功能对等翻译理论在旅游文本汉英翻译中的应用Application of Nidas Functional Equivalence Translation Theory to C-E Translation of Tourism Text余霞自选

13、32.赵平静副教授从语用预设角度分析傲慢与偏见中的人物对话A Tentative Analysis of Conversations in Pride and Prejudice from the Perspective of Pragmatic Presupposition许春辉自选33.姜孟副教授英汉死亡委婉语对比研究A Comparative Study of “Death” Euphemisms in English and Chinese叶森义自选34.姜孟副教授从文化差异透视女性的不同命运:王熙凤和斯嘉丽对比研究On Females Fates in Different Cultu

14、res: A Comparison of Wang Xifeng and Scarlet张艺自选35.姜孟副教授浅谈交际教学法在中学口语教学中的应用A Communicative Approach to Spoken English Teaching in Middle School李春花 自选36.姜孟副教授研究性教学在大学阅读课中的运用The Practice of Research-Based Teaching Method in College English Reading Class 濮耘瑶自选37.姜孟副教授英语专业学生学习动机与口语能力相关性研究A Study of the Correlation between English Majors Learning Motivation and Their Oral Ability谢林芮自选38.姜孟副教授体验式教学法在口语教学中的应用An Experiential Approach to Oral English Teaching肖静备选39.



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