【精品】人教版高中英语同步练习:必修4 unit 3 section ⅱ含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料Unit 3 A taste of English humour Section Learning about Language课时精练(人教版必修4,课标通用).短语填空react to,in a mess,in a whisper,be amused by,slide into,on this/that occasion,be particular about,in the open air,burst into laughter,pick off1His sunburnt face and rough skin suggests he works _ throughou

2、t the year.2Her room is _,which is unexpected to me.3A lot of cyber citizens actively _ our survey about Guo Meimei Event.4The audience _ the humour of Zhou Libo in MR ZHOU LIVE SHOW.5We all _ while watching the babys funny behaviour.6A thief _the Accountants Office and stole about 60,000 yuan.7She

3、earns only 1,000 yuan a month but _her clothes.8He told me _that he earned 2,000,000 yuan in a lottery.9It took him quite some time to _ the furs that had stuck to his coat.10_,what attracted me most was her fair skin,her charming hair,her young looking miniskirt,her tall and slim figure.答案1.in the

4、open air2.in a mess3.reacted to4were amused by5.burst into laughter6.slid into7.is particular about8.in a whisper9.pick off10.On that occasion.单项填空1With the boy _ the way,we had no trouble _ the way _ to Zhongshan Park.Aleading;finding;leadingBto lead;found;to leadCled;finding;ledDleading;found;led答

5、案A考查非谓语动词。句意:有小男孩带路,我们毫不费力就找到了通往中山公园的路。第一空考查with 的复合结构,with的宾语the boy和lead是主动关系,故用现在分词;have no trouble doing sth做某事是没有麻烦的;第三空考查现在分词作后置定语,由于lead和the way是主动关系,故也用现在分词。2Is this the path _ to the village?Yes,it is.Aleads Bled Cleading Dto lead答案Cleading to the villagewhich/that leads to the village,v.in

6、g形式(现在分词)用作定语。3Do you know the boy _ under the big tree?Alay Blain Claying Dlying答案D考查非谓语动词。句意:你认识正躺在大树底下的男孩吗?句中the boy 和lie之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。lay是“放,搁;下蛋,产卵”的意思,其现在分词是laying。lie是“躺”的意思,其现在分词是lying。4As is known to us all,travelling is _,but we often feel _ when we are back from travels.Ainteresting

7、;tired Binterested;tiringCinteresting;tiring Dinterested;tired答案A第一个空考查v.ing形式(现在分词)作表语;第二个空考查形容词化的过去分词作表语。interest和tire都是情感动词,其形容词有ing和ed两种形式,其中ing形式修饰物,ed形式修饰人。5The bell _the end of the period rang,_ our heated discussion.Aindicating;interrupting Bindicated;interruptingCindicating;interrupted Dind

8、icated;interrupted答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:预示着这一时段结束的铃声响了,结果打断了我们激烈的讨论。 the bell 和indicate是主动关系,故用现在分词作后置定语,第二空是现在分词作结果状语。6(2013石家庄高一检测)I was really anxious about you.You _ home without a word.Amustnt leave Bshouldnt have leftCcouldnt have left Dneednt leave答案B考查情态动词have done 的用法。句意:我真的非常担心你。你本不该一句话不说就离开家。shou

9、ldnt have done本不该做某事但实际上做了。A项是表示禁止做某事;C项表示不可能做但做了;D项表示不必做某事。7Id like to give my thanks to all of you on this special _.Aatmosphere BoccasionCinstruction Dtradition答案B句意:在这个特殊的场合,我想表达对大家的感激之情。occasion“时机;场合”,on this occasion“在这个场合下”,符合题意。atmosphere“气氛”;instruction“说明;指导”;tradition“传统”。8(2013太原高一检测)Th

10、e old man sat in his rocking chair,_ himself by listening to Beijing Opera.Ainteresting Badmiring Camusing Dinspiring答案C句意:老人坐在摇椅中,听着京剧自娱自乐。amuse动词“逗乐,使某人愉快”。此处为现在分词作伴随状语。9One common _of UFOs is that they are just lights of planes in the sky.Aobservation BcuriosityCorigin Dexplanation答案D考查名词词义。句意:对不

11、明飞行物的一个普遍解释是那只是天空中的飞机发出的光。explanation“解释;说明”,符合题意。observation观察;curiosity好奇心;origin起源。10(2013商丘高一检测)In order not to let the others hear what he said,he _ the news to me.Ashouted Btold Cwhispered Dsaid答案C考查动词词义。句意:为了不让别人听到,他只好小声地把消息告诉了我,所以用whisper,指“耳语;低声说”。其他选项不合句意。11(2013泰安高一检测)How did he _the puni

12、shment he was given for his cruel conduct?No reaction at all.He knew unkindness often reacts upon the unkind person.Arespond with Breact toCrespond for Dreact against答案B考查动词短语辨析。respond with“答复;以回应”;react to“对作出反应”;respond 作动词时常与to搭配,表示“对起反应”;react against“反对;反抗”。根据句意选B。12(2013徐州高一检测)The road became

13、 so slippery after rain that several cars _ sideways into the ditch.Aslide Bsliding Cslid Dslides答案C考查slide的时态。从句中became 可看出本句时态为一般过去时。slide的过去式为slid。所以选C。13Once _ in the forest,you ought to remain _ you are waiting for help.Alosing;where Blosing;thereClost;there Dlost;where答案D考查分词短语作状语及表语从句中的连接词。句意

14、:一旦你在森林中迷路,你应该待在等待求助的地方。be lost in./lose oneself in.“在迷路”;where 引导表语从句。14(2013蚌埠高一检测)Although my son is four years old,his room is always _,which always makes my wife angry.Ain good order Bin a messCin order Din research答案B考查名词词组。句意:尽管我儿子四岁了,可是他的房间总是弄得乱七八糟的,这总使我妻子生气。in good order和in order都表示整洁、干净、有序的意思;in a mess乱七八糟;in research搜寻,查找。15(2013新余高一检测)My brother likes eating very mu


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