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1、词汇(Vocabulary)pebble ( n.) : a small stone worn smooth and round,as by the action of water卵石;细砾 scrub (adj. ) :short,stunted矮小的;瘦小的 - Verb: to rub hard with a brush, cloth, etc. or against a rough surface in washing.; Noun: low trees or shrubs collectively. chokecherry ( n.) :a North American wild c

2、herry tree美洲稠李 thicket ( n.) :a thick growth of shrubs,underbrush or small trees灌木丛,植丛 - thick+ -et noun suffixshack ( n.) :Ama small house or cabin that is crudely built and furnished;shanty美简陋的小屋;棚屋 chink ( v) :close up the chinks in堵塞(裂缝、缝隙) -Noun: crack , splitthigh ( n.) :part of the leg in man

3、 and other vertebrates between the knee and the hip;region of the thighbone,or femur股,大腿 chaos ( n.) :extreme confusion or disorder纷乱,混乱(状态),无秩序 leanto ( n.) :a shed with a oneslope roof,the upper end of the rafters resting against an external support,such as trees or the wall of a building披屋, warp

4、( v.) :bend, curve,or twist out of shape;distort使翘 strand ( n.) :any of the bundles of thread,fiber,wire,etcthat are twisted together to form a length of string,rope,or cable(线、绳等的)股 barbed wire ( n.) : Am.strands of wire twisted together.with barbs at regular,close intervals, used for fencing or mi

5、litary barriers美带刺铁丝网 ramshackle (adj) rmk l : (esp of buildings) badly constructed or maintained; rickety, shaky, or derelict .C17 ramshackled , from obsolete ransackle to ransack patois ( n.) ptw:Fr,a form of language,differing from the accepted standard,as a provincial or local dialect法语方言;土语 obs

6、cenities ( n.) bsnti :p1offensive,repulsive remarks or ideas复猥亵的话(或念头);猥亵的动作 herring ( n.) :any of a family of bony fishes,including herring,shad,etc鲱科鱼 Biological classification, or scientific classification in biology: kingdom (界)、phylum(门)、class (纲)、order (目)、family (科)、genus (属)、species (种)。subs

7、pecies,subsp.(亚种),plants: variety, var. (变种)。sub-(亚).次(infra)。lard ( n.) :the fat of hogs,melted down and clarified to become whitesoft solid(esp. the inner abdominal fat)猪油 bruise ( n.) bruz:injure the surface or the outside of so that there is spoilage,abrasion,denting,etc擦伤(表皮,表面);碰伤(水果、植物等) braw

8、l ( n.) brawl :a rough,noisy quarrel or fight大吵大闹;大打出手v sporadic ( adj.) :not constant or regular零星的;时有时无的 negligible (nldb l) :(adj) so small, unimportant, etc, as to be not worth considering; insignificant- to neglect+ -ible . negligibility negligibleness negligibly tuberculosis ( n.) tbkjloss:an

9、infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus and characterized by the formation of tubercles in various tissues of the body;tuberculosis of the lungs:pulmonary phthisis;consumption结核(病);痨病,肺痨; 肺结核 - tubercle + -osisgrimy ( adj.) : covered with or full of grime;very dirty积满圬垢的,肮脏的 dickens (inte

10、rj.) :colloqdevil;deuce(used after “the“ in mild oaths)口见鬼,该死;倒霉,晦气(与定冠词the连用,表示轻微的诅咒) contagious ( adj.) knteds :spread by direct or indirect contact(said of disease)(疾病)接触传染的 nit ( n.) :the egg of a louse。 similar insect虱子或其他寄生虫的卵 cameo ( n.) km:a carving in relief on certain stratified gems or sh

11、ells so that the raised design,often a head in profile, is usually in a different color from the background石雕;贝雕;凸雕 stifle ( v.) stafl:suppress;repress;hold back;check抑制 muse ( v.) :think deeply and at length沉思,冥想 miraculously ( adv) mirkjulsli:1ike a miracle奇迹般地;不可思 austere ( adj.) st: very plain;l

12、acking ornament or luxury简朴的,朴素的;无装饰的,不奢华的 filigree ( n.) flri:a delicate,lacelike ornamental work of inter-wined wire of gold,silver,etc金(银、铜)丝的细工饰品 - variant of filigrainspruce ( n.) sprus: any of a genus(Picea云杉属)of evergreen trees of pine family,having slender needles that are rhombic in cross s

13、ection石杉属树 fern ( n.) :any of widespread class(Filicineae filisini: 真蕨纲)of nonflowering plants having roots,stems,and fronds,and reproducing by Spores instead of by seeds蕨纲植物 raspberry ( n.) :the small,juicy,edible,aggregate fruit of various brambles(genus Rubus)of the rose familyConsisting of a clu

14、ster or red,purple,or black drupelets悬勾子属植 miniature ( adj.) :on or done on a very small scale;diminutive;minute小型的,微型的;袖珍的 moose ( n.) :the large animal(Alces)of the deer family,native to the NAmerica美洲驼鹿 antler ( n.) :the branched,deciduous horn of any animal of the deer family鹿角 -antenna fissure

15、( v) f:break into parts;crack or split apart(使)分裂,(使)裂开 meticulously (adv) metikjulsli:extremely or excessively carefully about details,finically过分注意细节地;谨小慎微地;过细地 tote ( v.) :Amcolloqcarry or haul,esp. in the arms or on the back美口手提;背负;携带;搬运 scuff ( v) :scrape(the ground,floor,etc)with the feet以脚擦(地) bizarre (adj.) bz:odd in manner,appearance, etc.;grotesque;queer;fantastic;eccentric(举止、外表等)稀奇古怪的,奇形怪状的 prophetess ( n.) :a female prophet女先知,女预言者 impart ( v) :make known;tell;reveal通知,公告,告诉;透露 whippoorwill ( n )


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