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1、考研英语名师指引-阅读学词汇(三)UntSeenOn Amiti ambitio s te well rgre, te rwards ofamition-eath, distincton, ot ov onesdesinyus be deeme orty the acrfies men ambiios bea. If the radtoof ambitionist have vitai,it mut e wiel share: and i especially must be hghly rerded y pee h re hemselesadmie, th cted noeastamog t

2、em. I an odd way, howee,i i the ducaed who haveclaimed o ave gvn pomitio as an ieal. What is od is that they ave hpsost bnfit from ambii-if not always eir own than tht of thir retndranpens. There i eavy nte of hypcrisy i h ,a a of closng tan dor afte the horss h escapeth he edcte theselvrding on the

3、m. Crainly pope do not seem les interet in ssandt sns thanormery. ummer homes, European trave, W- telocations, pe mane and nae brands chage, ut suh m do n seem ess demand tody thanaecadeor two easgo What has pened ista eop annot fes fuly totheir dreams, as easily naopel a nce te cod,lest teybe thogh

4、tpushi,aquistive and vulgrInstd,we are tatedo ie yociical spetcles,which no more haner sem in ampe sup: the crtc of erican materialismwt Sthampo smmer home; the ublishe f racal ooksh te his el in thee-sar rstaant;the jouraist adoain pcpatr dmocry nall pass of lif,hoe ow hidren are enrolli priva shoo

5、 or sch pole andmany morepersnt eceptional, proeforulationis, Succee at lcostb aod aparing mbtioushe attas in ambiton re mnand come from vains nge; its pubc dfende are w andunimprsive, where tey re notxtrmely unracive. As aresul, t uppor frbiion as ahelthyimpulse, a qalityt birdand fxe n th ind o th

6、e young,i probabyler tan t has ve be in theUntedtas. Ths doent mean that ambitiis at an end, that peol o longe feel ts rrins and promptigs, bt nly tat,oger oenl hooed, it is lsopenlyprfessed. Conequencs foll fom is, ofcouse, sme of wi are t ambitionidriven udergrn, or de s uch, th, is ewy his stand:

7、on he eft ngryris,n the ight stupd suporter, anin he idd, as sa, the arity oearnestopleryin to ge on in life.dstin n .命运 2定数,天命estined a.1.命中注定,预定的2.以.为目的地的 deet. 觉得,视为hyoci n 伪善,虚伪lcaion n. 1.位置,场合 2.外景拍摄地loalt n. 地区,地点siuted a. 位于.的,坐落在.的sectal n. 1.表演,场面 景象,壮观3.-s眼镜mple a 1.足够的 2.宽阔的,面积大的amplify

8、vt.放大,增强.扩大,详述xcepionl a. 1.优越的,杰出的 2.例外的,独特的联想词anoral a. 反常的,异常的q a. .奇怪的,异常的2.不舒服的,眩晕的ambiius a 1.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的 .有野心的联想词sraton.强烈的愿望,志向,抱负nrl vi(n,on)入学,加入 t.招收,吸取联想词expe (xpld;pelig)v. 1.把.除名,把.开除.驱逐.排出fomulevt. 1.设想出,规划 2系统地论述ormlation n. 1.公式化 2.系统的论述 3.规划,设想ipulse n. 1冲动,一时的念头 2.驱动,驱使 .脉冲联想词ropel

9、 (poelled,proelling) vt 1.推动,推动2.鼓励,驱使cubvt. 控制,约束n.控制,约束 s a. 1.狡猾的,狡诈的 .会意的,会心的联想词shrw a.机灵的,敏锐的,精明的cofdetil a. 1.秘密的,机密的 2表达信任的Unit ightThe Advantage nd Didvanae of arsThe se ofhemoto iecoming orend mr idespead thewentieh ctury; as anincreasng umbe o ctries develoboh ecnicalyand economically,soa

10、argr prtion f hewolds pulaton is abletoby an acar.ossessnga c giesa muc reregreof mobilty, enblin tedrivr tmovarond frey The ower of a cr is nolongr forcd torely on pblic transorad is, theefoe, otcompll to wrklocly. H cncos romdffnt job andprobal canges his wrk morefrequnty s he isnotsticted ta chie

11、 withi a all radiu Trvig to wk b ca sals mor frtable thanavng us uli rnsport; thedircan adjustthe hetin in winerandthe coniioingin teum t uhisown eds and penc. Thee is no irritation csd by atig fo train, bue undrgoud tains, sd in long atient qeue,osittign win pltforms, for as log ashaf a orsomeies i

12、h he uildig ogood,ftmorways long disaces c cveredapidlad peasantly.Forthe fst ime in thi ceturylso, my eople arenow ble to oy hir lsure ti to tefulmkngtris tote untryor seidet theekend, tef ig cfied to ther immeiate eigborhod. Tis feelingo ieenence, and the fed to go wheuplas, s perhapstereatest avntge ofthe cr. whe coidein the dawbaks, perhaspolto is ofprme mpace. smore an morers ae proucd and used, the emssionfromerxhaust-i


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