五年级英语下册 Unit 7(6)教案 湘少版

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1、五年级英语下册 Unit 7(6)教案 湘少版教学目标:1. Able to understand and speak new words: Childrens Day, month, JanuaryDecember.2. Able to use “ Whens .?” “ Its on the” to talk about date;3. Able to grasp the way of expressing date教学重点及难点:重点:Grasp four-skill words and sentence难点:Use sentence “ Whens .?” “ Its on the .

2、” 教学方法:操练法,举例法教学准备:calendar, birthday cake, word card, tape, etc.教学步骤:Step1. Warming up1. Greetings: 2. Game-Dragon gameStep 2. Presentation1. Create situation to lead in the sentenceT: Today is Tuesday/ .Its the 21st of April/ .And today is Yings /birthday. Lets sing Happy Birthday, Ok?2. Show the

3、calendar.T: Whens your birthday?Ask some students birthdays, and let them point the date out on the calendar. Help them answer with “ Its on the .” Lead students to ask questions. S: Miss/ Mr.whens your birthday? T: Its on the . Write and teach new sentence, and impress the usage of “ on” and “ the”

4、 Game-Quick response. Game-Patting fliesStep 3. Practice1. Read the dialogue2. act out the dialogueStep 4. Consolidation板书: Whens your birthday? Its on the January/ February/ March/ April/ May/ June/ July/ August/ September/ October/ November/ December.Period 2教学目标:1. Able to say the twelve months i

5、n order2. Able to express others birthday3. learn to care about others, and love life.教学重点及难点:重点:Able to express your acquaintances birthday难点:speak the twelve months fluently and in right order教学方法:游戏法,操练法教学准备:calendar, tape, recorder教学步骤:Step 1. Warming up:1. Greetings2. Sing English songStep 2. P

6、resentation Finish PartCStep 3. Practice1. Exchange last homework, and make discussion2. Teacher instruct how to write in correct form.3. deskmate check homework each otherStep 4. Consolidation1. Make a further dialogue according to the sentences2. Give assessment. Make an assessment to the performa

7、nce of studedents.3. Homework:1) Dictate the twelve months yourselves2) Prepare to make a birthday cards.板书: Whens your birthday? My birthday is .Period 3教学目标:1. Able to read the English poem2. Able to finish Part E.3. Able to use knowledge youve learned integrated.教学重点:重点:the English poem.难点:use th

8、e knowledge integrated教学方法:操练法教学准备:scissors, color pens, tape, recorder, etc.教学步骤:Step 1. Warming up1. Greetings2. Sing an English song “ The more we get together”3. Dictate the words and phrases.Step 2. Practice1. PartE. While example to show how to make birthday card, let students guess the pictur

9、es.2. Instruct to write.3. Finish the handwork as free.Step 3. Consolidation1. Create situation2. Give assessment.3. Practice4. Homework板书: The first month is January. The second month is February. The month is .附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 7(6)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标1.能正确理解对话内容,并熟读、表演对话。2.能正确地听、说、读、写ready, take及

10、能正确地听、说、读单词yet, brush ,tooth ,teeth, quick ,with 3.能正确、流畅地运用日常交际用语和词组。1) Are you ready for? Yes. / Not yet. 2) Theres no time for培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源和同伴共同完成学习的任务。学习英语的学习兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学资源预习作 业听A 部分,整体感知课文.划出文中的词组.教学准 备单词卡片,录音机,磁带,练习纸 教具钟 学程预设导航策略调整反思A预习展示 (4分钟)(学生听音做动作)get up, do morning exercise

11、s, wash your face, do homework , go to bed B教师导航 (15分钟)1. 教授词汇和句型: 学生回答问题这一句型来回答。2) 通过动作再连问的形式Ready? Are you ready?Are you ready for games? 引出其肯定和否定回答Yes./Not yet.先领读yet再领读Not yet.显示单词卡ready红色拼注让学生了解ready是由read变来的,但读音不同。最后引出be ready for. (为而准备) 句型。领读句型,学生跟读。利用一日三餐的单词进行该句型的操练,再用传话游戏的形式进行巩固。引出单词quick3

12、) 传话游戏中三个小组的同学进行比赛,其他的同学跟随老师说“Quick, quick, be quick.” ,巩固句型be ready for.和单词quick,又活跃课堂气氛。2. 复习时间表达法及教授句型 1) 出示时间 7:00 7:15 8:30 9:45 10:05 11:50教师问What time is it? 在座学生用Its的句型回答, 表演者听时间进行拨时间比赛,给胜利者口头表扬。2) 教师装病说出take some medicine,引出单词take,学生跟读,再拼写。3) Im hungry now. Look, I take some bread with me.(

13、食物面包)通过动作让学生理解该句子的意思。显示单词卡takewith(随身携带)学生集体读,分组读I can take some bread with me.引出 Theres no time for bread.4) Im hungry now. Look, I take some bread with me. But theres no time for bread .利用动作,教授“Theres no time for 没时间做”这一句型,领读,学生跟读。最后让学生根据所拿的单词卡片对上述进行对话操练,再表演。5) 教师自述忙碌的一天,指着标题A busy day,并让学生跟读。让学生理

14、解 A busy day 的含义。用Theres no time for a party.这一句子过渡到Chant . C合作探究 (8分钟)将日常交际用语融入到有押韵的Chant这一活动中,先领读,再分读,教师读中间一句,学生分读上下两句。 Go, go, go to the party.Hurry, hurry. Lets hurry.Quick, quick. Are you ready?Sorry, sorry. Im sorry.Busy, busy. Im busy. 学生小组合作读chantD融会贯通 (7分钟) 1学生看图听录音理解这一部分的对话内容。 2选择题True or False 加深学生对该部分内容的进一步理解。 1) David gets up at 7:30. ( )2) He has no time for lunch. ( )3) He can take some bread with him. ( )4) He has a busy morning. (


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