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1、 Mark Twain and the Muddy Mississippi(2)Mark Twain regretted losing his sense of wonder. This may be why, in so many of his books, Twain”s characters are children, or uneducated people who are innocent. Twain writes from their point of view because only they can see the Mississippi as something spec

2、ial. In “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn“, two runaways named Huck and Jim travel down the Mississippi in search of better lives. Though much of the story takes place on the river, Twain saves his characters from “knowing“ it as he did. Jim and Huck travel by raft, and, unable to direct it, they

3、have many adventures. In most novels, characters learn from their experiences and grow. However, Huck and Jim do not learn much on their adventures. Is this a weakness in Twain”s book? Perhaps not. By keeping his characters from learning about the river, Twain is able to share a sense of wonder with

4、 his readers of the muddy Mississippi. by Carly Sullivan 词汇小补帖: point of view观点 runaway逃跑者 raft木筏 direct操纵方向 novel小说 纯真年月-马克-吐温的河流阅历(下) Sentence 4U: (点击右键“另存为”可下载语音)take place“发生;进行”,例如: I really want to see the free rock concert, but I don”t knowswheresit”s taking place. 我真想去看那场免费的摇滚演唱会,但我不知道在哪儿进行。

5、 英语小教室 哈克历险记(Huckleberry Finn)是马克-吐温的代表作(signature work),在书中,哈克和吉姆两人乘着木筏顺着密西西比河漂流而下。这个旅程(journey),对两人而言各有不同的意义:黑人吉姆是要逃离身体的奴役(physical slavery),哈克则是寻找心理的自由(psychological freedom)。他们在旅程中始终都未受文明(civilization)的污染。马克-吐温的这本小说旨在表达:我们要像主角哈克一样,永久都不要失去纯真之心(sense of innocence),那种像小孩子一样单纯对待事情的力量。 纯真年月-马克-吐温的河流阅

6、历 马克-吐温很圆满失去了惊异感。这或许是为什么在他很多书中,人物都是小孩子,或是纯真的没受过训练的人。马克-吐温从他们的观点来写,由于只有他们认为密西西比河是特殊的。 在哈克历险记中,哈克和吉姆两位逃跑者,沿着密西西比河漂流,查找更好的生活。虽然故事大局部发生在河上,但马克-吐温没有让他的角色像他一样“熟识”河流。吉姆和哈克坐着木筏漂流,由于不能操纵木筏,他们有了很多历险。 在大多的小说中,人物通常从他们的阅历中学习并成长。然而,哈克和吉姆在冒险旅程中却没学到许多东西。这是马克-吐温书中的一个缺陷吗?或许不是。通过不让他的角色学到河流的学问,马克-吐温可以和他的读者一起共享对混浊的密西西比河的惊异感觉。



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