2023年外研版英语七年级上册Unit 2I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old教案 2.doc

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1、Unit 2 Im Wang Lingling and Im thirteen years old.课 型Reading and writing教 材分 析This is the second lesson in this module. The reading material is information about Daming, Wang Hui and Lingling. Its a good text to help the studetns improve their reading strategies, such as getting information from the

2、 reading material about personal information.知 识目 标Key vocabulary: everyone, capital, but, very, big, city, small, first, last, all, first name, last name Key structures: His / Her name is . He / She is from . He / She is . years old. He / She is in Class 1, Grade Seven.能 力目 标To get information from

3、 the reading material about personal information.情 感态 度Learn to respect others when we talk with others.Learn to introduce yourself to your friends in the right way.教学方法Interactive approach 教 具Tape recorder, Multimedia教学过程教学过程教学过程教学过程Step 1: Warming up Say hello to the students and tell them we are

4、going to play a game. You can say like this: I will divide you into 6 groups and each group will have a picture of a famous person. You work in groups and introduce the person. Lets see which team is the best. Are you clear? Ready?The teacher plays the PPT and shows the pictures to them.Step 2: Revi

5、sionShow some exercises and ask the students to complete them. Then teach and explain the new words in the sentences.Step 3: Reading1. Do act 1 and check the answers. ( B D A E C )2. Ask the students to read the passage and check the true sentences in act 2. 3. After reading, the students check the

6、false sentences in act 2.4. The students read the passage again and underline the correct words in act 3. 5. Finish act 4 and check the answers with the whole class.Step4: Language pointsThe teacher shows todays useful sentences and explain them.1. This is Lingling and her English name is Lucy. 这位是玲

7、玲,她的英文名叫露西。 This is .向别人介绍某人时说 This is . 不用 That is .。 如:This is Tom. Tom, this is Jack. 这是汤姆。汤姆,这是杰克。 注意:this is 不能缩写,而 that is 可以缩写成thats。 打电话时,介绍自己用this, 询问对方用that。如: This is Lucy speaking. Is that Lucy speaking?2. Good to see you. 很高兴见到你! 此句为熟人之间见面常用的问候语,还可以 说:Nice to see you. / Glad to see you.

8、 / Pleased to see you. Its nice to see you all. 很高兴见到你们所有人! 句中all为代词,意思“每个,全体”;作主语时, be动词用are。如: All the students are here today. 所有的学生都到齐了。3. Im Wang Lingling and Im thirteen years old. 我叫王玲玲,我今年十三岁了。 介绍自己名字的时候可以用“Im”、“I am” 或“My name is .”,此句还可以说: My name is Wang Lingling. 另外,这里的“.years old”,表示.几岁

9、,这里的 数字可以省略,直接说成:I am thirteen. 对它提问用:How old.? 如: How old is Lingling? She is thirteen years old.4. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name. 托尼是我的名,史密斯是我的姓。 family name 姓 = last name 教名与中国习惯不同,大多数英语姓名有三个名字:教名,中间名和姓。他们的姓放在最后。(中间名一般很少用)如果你要称呼别人为先生,夫人,小姐时,只能在family name也就是last name前加上Mr, Mrs,

10、Miss,如上面的这个名字,你只能称他为Mr. Green,而不能称他为Mr. James。Step 5: Writing1. The students look at the pictures and write sentences. Finally, ask three or four students to show their answers.2. The teacher makes a model for the students and ask the students to write sentences for themselves with and.Model: My nam

11、e is Li Ping and Im from China. Im Chinese and Im fifteen years old. Im in Class One, Grade Seven.Step 6: Module taskLet the students to ask their partners about personal information and make cards for them. The more, the better.Name: _Age: _School: _Date of birth: _Birth place: _Telephone number: _

12、Hobbies:_Favorite color:_Ask several students to show their performances and praise the better ones.Step 7: ConsolidationShow the students some exercises and ask them to finish in class, then check the answers with the whole students.Step 8: Homework采访两个你的新同学,分别问他们以下几个问题: Whats your name? Where are

13、you from? How old are you? Whats your favourite subject?将你的采访记录整理成一篇为My new classmates的短文。(可适当增加采访问题,全文不少于50单词。)板书设计 Module 1 Unit 2 Whats your name? My name is Where are you from? Im from Nice to meet you, Nice to meet you, too.作业布置1. Finish off the workbook exercises.2. Interview two of your classmates and write a short passage.教学反思The students can get information from the reading material about personal information.第 页


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