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1、课 题Unit 7 My House Lesson1教材EEC 课型Listening时 间2011.11.14目标设计知识与技能1.Can remember the new words and the phrases of lesson12.Grasp the listening skills and can make dialogue.过程与方法Warm up, listening, showing, practicing情感目标Can describe the location with “in”, “on”, “under”, “beside”.教学重点Can understand t

2、he dialogue of the listening.教学难点Can make dialogue using “in”, “on”, “under”, “beside”.辅助手段computer paper板书设计Unit 7 My House Lesson1Where is the ?(in on under beside)教学步骤教学内容与双边活动Step 1Warm up Have the students describe the pictures freely.(幻灯片) T: Who can say the most sentences?To make the students

3、 interest.Step 2Dictation(PK)Have the students write some sentences on the blackboard. The sentences which have “in”, “on”, “under”, “beside”. Then look which group get the most marks.To check the situation of preview and to Improve the students writing skills.Step 3 Listening1. Answer question. Whe

4、re are the people in the dialogue?2. Listen again, and finish Part A.3. Listen again and finish Part B.4. Listen and write the missing words.5. Read the listening material.To practice listening skills.Step 4After listening1. Have the students read the listening material freely.2. Groups work: unders

5、tand the meaning of the listening material.3. Showing time: Have the students make a new dialogue according to the listening material and their lives. Then have the students show their dialogues.To practice the students speaking skills and the ability of cooperation.Step 5Group Work: Make sentence b

6、y groups, to describe the classroom with “in”, “on”, “under”, “beside”. Then showing their sentences.To improve the students ability of making sentences. Step 6Homework: Write five sentences to describe the classroom.To improve the ability of writing.Unit 7 My House Lesson 1哈尔滨市港湾中学 邱玥教学反思 本节课是单元的第一

7、课听说课,重点是操练学生的听力和口语能力。本节课需要学生掌握方位介词并会用方位介词描述事物来与他人交流。无论英语哪种课型,目的都要与人交流,为了达到这一训练目的,我在第一个环节Warm up中,设计了一些简单生动的关于位置的图片让学生来描述,不怕学生会说错,只要学生能够说出来就是好样的。学优生能够用上方位介词来描述图片,学困生只要能够描述图片的相关内容,及时没有用上方位介词我也给与了鼓励,这一环节用课堂评价老操作发言的分数。这一环节是本课的关键也是亮点,学生的积极性一下子就被点燃了。接下来的听力操练每一环节都给学生下任务,让学生带着任务去听,起到了锻炼听力能力的目的。听完听力之后我设计让学生在规定的时间里组内造句子,评分标准是看那组在规定时间里写的句子最多,正确的也多,哪组得分就越多。充分调动了学生的激情。作业的设计是让学生用5句话来描述教室,用上本课学到的方位介词,目的是训练学生写小作文。 不足之处:预设学情不够准确,我以为本课方位介词较少,应该很好操练,但是没想到学生操练起来也很费劲,表达句子不够流畅,落实到笔头上也是出现很多错误。即使我设计的活动都是很贴近学生的情况,但是出现的状况是我始料未及的。在今后的备课中,需要合理的设计学生的课前预习,并调查学生的预习情况,为课堂教学做准备。



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