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1、 名 词 性 从 句(Period 1) 2015-7-15 欧阳桂香学习目标:1 Master the usage of what the noun clause is.2 Learn the ways to tell noun clauses from other clauses,3 Apply what they have learnt to practical use of noun clauses by doing exercises.StepGeneral introduction (10 minutes+10 minutes+5 minutes)What he said seem

2、s wrong.It is not known whether he will come tomorrow.How he worked out the problem is still unknown.Everything depends on whether the situation will improve.I dont think that it will be very cold today.I dont think it possible that he will come tomorrow.I am interested in who that tall man is.When

3、and where we will hold the meeting hasnt been decided yet.Whatever you do will have nothing to do with me.The suggestion that we clean the classroom by turns is very good.(11)It looks as if it is going to rain.(12)He didnt come to school yesterday. That was because he was ill.I havent decided whose

4、advice I should take.自我归纳1)名词性从句在句中的作用相当于名词,共有四种:_, _, _,_。2). 引导名词性从句的连接词以及它们在句中的作用。A、连接代词:既起连词作用又在从句中充当_,_,_,和_,常有_B、连接副词:既起连词作用又在从句中充当_,常有_C、连接词:只起连词作用,不充当任何成分,常有_即学即练Practice: 判断下面各句中含有什么从句,并划线。1 What was most important to her, she thought, was her family. (08 山东)2 The little girl who got lost d

5、ecided to remain where she was and waited for her mother. (09 山东)3 Its uncertain what side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. (10 浙江)4 Could I speak to whoever is in charge of International Sales please? (09 海南)5 I want to be liked and loved for

6、 what I am inside. (10 湖北)6 We cant figure out why quite a number of insects, birds and animals are dying out. ( 04 北京)7 The fact has worried many scientists that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. ( 09 江西)8 The last time we had great fun was when we were visiting the Water Park. (

7、08天津)名词性从句(Period 2) 2015-7-15 Ouyang Guixiang学习目标:1 Learn the ways to tell noun clauses from other clauses.2 Tell the differences between “what/that”; “if/ whether”; “what/ which”; “that/if/whether”Step 1 Explanation.what/ that(10 minutes)经典例句What he said at the meeting surprised us all.That he sai

8、d so at the meeting surprised us all.自我归纳that 只起_, 不充当任何_; what既起连词作用,又在从句中充当_,_,_.即学即练_ he wants is a book._ he wants to go there is obvious.The result is _ we won the game.This is _ we want to know.Is _ he told us true?We should pay attention to _ the teacher is saying.I have no doubt _he will com

9、e.I have no idea _ he did that afternoon.whether /if 的选择(10 minutes)经典例句I asked if/ whether she had a bike.Whether he will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.Were worried about whether he is safe.I dont know whether or not he is well.The question is whether he should do tha

10、t.The doctor can hardly answer the question whether the old man will recover soon.I dont care whether he comes or goes.I havent decided whether to go there or not.自我归纳If/whether在引导_从句时,两者一般可互换,但当引导_,_,_从句以及_后面的宾语从句或后面直接跟_或or时,以及后接_时,均只能用_引导,而不用_引导。即学即练The question came up at the meeting_ we had enou

11、gh money for our research. A. that B. which C. whether D. if _the meeting should last two days or three days doesnt matter. A. That B. Whether C. If D. Where_more countries can use natural energy in the future remains to be seen. It remains to be seen whether . A. Whether B. This C. who D. If 区分that

12、/if(whether)(10 minutes)经典例句That he won the first prize in the match made us happy.Whether he will win the match isnt certain.I am curious to know whether/if he will win the match.I am sure that he will win the match.自我归纳that 表“确定的,明确的” 而if/ whether 引导的是“不明确的、不确定的”,译为“是否”。即学即练1. (11上海) 35. There is

13、clear evidence _ the most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain.A. whatB. ifC. howD. that2 In marine biology a great debate continues about _ dolphins have an actual language or not. A if B that C whether D which3 She never doubts _ I can finish my job on time. A if B whether C when D

14、 that4 Who doubts _ it is true? A what B that C which D what5 _ Her ability has never been in doubt. _ The question is _ she is prepared to work hard. A that B if C where D whether6 The question is _. A whether is it worth doing B that it is worth doing C if it is worth doing D whether it is worth doing 区分what/ which(10 minutes)经典例句There are so many books here in this shop



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