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1、东北农业大学学士学位论文 学号:A13090085黑 龙 江 省 双 青 小 流 域 水 土 保 持 工 程 初 步 设 计学生姓名: 指导教师: 所在院系:水利与建筑学院所学专业:农业水利工程研究方向:水土保持东 北 农 业 大 学中国哈尔滨2013 年 6 月Northeast Agricultural University Bachelor degree thesis Registration Number: A13090085Planning of Soil and Water Conservation Project in Shuangqing Watershed, Heilongj

2、iang ProvinceName: Zhang YuqingTutor: Wang MinDepartment: School of Water Conservancy and ArchitectureSpeciality: Agricultural Hydraulic EngineeringSubject: Soil and Water Conservation Northeast Agricultural UniversityHarbin, ChinaJune, 2013北安市双青小流域水土保持工程规划中文摘要水土保持的基本任务是根据国民经济的建设方针、国家规定的水土保持发展目标、各方面

3、对水土保持的需求,以及规划范围内的条件和特点,按照自然规律和社会经济规律,提出一定时期内预防、监督、治理、开发的方向和任务,指导水土保持工作的开展。双青小流域位于黑龙江省北安市城郊乡境内,地处松嫩平原向兴安山地过渡的中间地带,属黑土丘陵漫岗侵蚀类型区,地势波状起伏多为漫川漫岗,受区域自然环境及黑土成土因素的影响,流域内土壤侵蚀表现明显,以沟蚀为主要侵蚀形式的生态灾害逐年加剧,严重危及区域农业生态系统稳定与人民群众生命财产安全。 为了减少水土流失所造成的危害,北安市水务局采取了相应的防治措施。防治措施布局突出以沟壑治理为主,坡面治理为辅,本着工程、林草、耕作措施并举,经济、生态、社会效益兼顾的治

4、理原则,因地制宜、因害设防地安排工程总体布局,力求通过水土保持生态环境建设,兴利除害、标本兼治,减轻沟蚀危害,恢复流域生态平衡,促进人口、经济与社会的协调共存,永续发展。关键词:双青小流域;工程措施;林草措施;耕作措施i北安市双青小流域水土保持工程规划AbstractThe basic task of soil and water conservation is according to building policy , soil and water conservation development goal,demands for soil and water conservation o

5、f various fields which the country stipulates of national economy, and condition and characteristic in the planned range, according to natural law and social economic law, put forward direction and task prevented,supervised,managed,developed over a period to come, guide the development of soil and w

6、ater conservation.Shuangqing watershed is located in Beian City, Heilongjiang Province, suburban rural territory, to the Xingan mountain intermediate zone is located in the Songnen Plain, belonging to the gentle hilly erosion types, topography undulating to rolling hills, by the regional natural env

7、ironment and soil into the influence of soil factors, the basin soil erosion is obvious, the ecological disaster in the gully erosion is the main erosion intensifies year by year, seriously threaten regional agricultural ecological system stability and the peoples life and property safetyIn order to

8、 reduce the danger that soil erosion causes, Beian county water affair office has taken the corresponding prevention measure. Prevention measure overall arrangement outstanding to rely mainly on managing in the gully, domatic to manage for complementing, develop simultaneously in line with the proje

9、ct , forest grass , cultivation measure, the administration principle that the economy , ecology , social benefit give consideration to, suit measures to local conditions , hurt , set up defense sector arrange project total arrangement , strive to be and adopt the constructions of ecological environ

10、ment of soil and water conservation, revitalize profit remove the evil , treat both principal and secondary aspect of disease , lighten ditch lose danger , resume ecological balance of basin, promote population , economy and coordination of the society to coexist, develop continuously forever.Key wo

11、rds: Shuangqing Watershed; project measure; forest measure; agricultural measureii目录前言- 1 -1 研究区概况- 2 -1.1 自然条件- 2 -1.1.1 流域概况- 2 -1.1.2 地貌- 2 -1.1.3 土壤、土地- 3 -1.1.4 植被- 4 -1.1.5 水文、气象- 4 -1.2 社会经济- 5 -1.2.1 人口与劳动力- 5 -1.2.2 农村各业生产- 5 -1.3 水土流失和治理状况- 6 -1.3.1 水土流失现状- 6 -1.3.2 土壤侵蚀模数- 6 -1.3.3 水土流失危害

12、- 7 -1.3.4 水土保持现状- 7 -2 建设目标、规模和工程总体布局- 8 -2.1 建设目标- 8 -2.1.1 治理水土流失目标- 8 -2.1.2 改善生态环境目标- 8 -2.1.3 发展农村经济目标- 8 -2.2 建设规模- 8 -2.3 工程总体布局- 8 -2.3.1 土地利用结构调整- 8 -2.3.2 措施总体布局- 9 -2.3.3 措施布设- 10 -3 水土保持工程措施- 12 -3.1 地埂- 12 -3.2 生态修复- 12 -3.3 沟头防护工程- 13 -3.4 谷坊- 13 -3.4.1 谷坊的类型及选取- 14 -3.4.2 谷坊设计- 14 -3

13、.5 梯田工程- 15 -3.5.1坡式梯田- 15 -3.5.2水平梯田- 16 -3.6 小型蓄排引水工程- 17 -4 水土保持植被措施- 19 -4.1 水土保持林- 19 -4.1.1农田防护林- 19 -4.1.2坡面水保林- 20 -4.1.3地埂防护林- 20 -4.1.4 沟头防护林- 21 -4.1.5 沟坡防蚀林- 21 -4.2经济林- 22 -4.2.1 林地现状- 22 -4.2.2 树种选择- 22 -4.2.3 抚育管理- 22 -4.3 护路林- 22 -5 水土保持农业技术措施- 24 -5.1 秸秆覆盖- 24 -5.1.1 秸秆粉碎还田覆盖- 24 -5

14、.1.2 使用土壤控制剂覆盖- 24 -5.1.3 留茬覆盖- 24 -5.1.4秸秆覆盖作用- 24 -5.2 轮作- 25 -5.2.1轮作作用- 25 -5.2.2 轮作方式- 25 -6 投资概算- 26 -7结论- 27 -参考文献- 28 -致谢- 29 -附表1 小流域地块信息登记表附表2 小流域水土保持工程初步设计分部投资(13部分)概算表- 1 -前言双青小流域位于黑龙江省北安市境内,地处松嫩平原向兴安山地过渡的中间地带,属黑土丘陵漫岗侵蚀类型区,地势波状起伏多为漫川漫岗,受区域自然环境及黑土成土因素的影响,流域内土壤侵蚀表现明显,以沟蚀为主要侵蚀形式的生态灾害逐年加剧,严重




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