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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上剑桥国际少儿英语KB2Unit1Helloagain!andpoint.Stella: Helloagain!WeretheStarFamily.ImStellaStarandImeight.Thisismybrother,Simon.Hesseven,andthisismysister,Suzy.Shesfour.Simon:Thisismygrandmother.ShesGrandmaStar.Grandma:Hello.Simon:Thisismygrandfather.HesGrandpaStar.Simon:Grandpa,sayhello.Grandpa:

2、Oh!Hello,everybody.MrsStar:AndwereMrandMrsStar.Simon:WhatsyournameHowoldareyou2.Listen,pointandrepeat.StellaSimonSuzyMrStarMrsstar GrandmaStar GrandpaStar3.Listenandanswer.Trevor:Hello!ImTrevor.Lookatnumberfour.WhosheLookatnumberone.WhossheLookatnumbereight.WhosheLookatnumberthree.WhossheLookatnumbe

3、rsix.WhossheLookatnumbertwo.WhosheLookatnumbernine.Whosshe Lookatnumberten.WhosheLookatnumberfive.WhossheLookatnumberseven.Whoshe(Answer:4MrStar,1Suzy,8Monty,3Stella,6GrandmaStar,2Simon,9Marie,10Maskman,5MrsStar,7GrandpaStar)5. Listen and point. Chant.a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x

4、y z6. Point, ask and answer. Whats this the letter b.7. Ask and answer.Can you spell purple P-u-r-p-l-e.9. Say it with Monty.MONTY: Adam antMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Adam antMONTY: A sad cat in a black bagMONTY, BOY and GIRL: A sad cat in a black bag to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and t

5、alk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.ALL FOUR TOYS: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, .MARIE: Lets play a game. Whats this colour B-l-u-e. MASKMAN: I know. Its blue. My cars blue. Look!MASKMAN: Now, its my turn. Whats this word F-o-u-r.MONTY: I know. Thats four. Here are four pencils! My turn.MON

6、TY: Whats this, Trevor P-u-r-p-l-e.TREVOR: Er. Is it a pencil Pencils are my favourite food.MARIE: No, Trevor. Its purple. Your hairs purple.MASKMAN: OK, Trevor. Its your turn.TREVOR: Er . Whats this T-h-r-e-e.MONTY: Three. Ive only got three pencils!MONTY: Wheres the red pencilMARIE: Are pencils yo

7、ur favourite food, TrevorTREVOR: Er, yes, they are. Sorry, Monty.12. Listen and say the number.MONTY: Whats this, Trevor P-u-r-p-l-e.ALL FOUR TOYS: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, .MARIE: Are pencils your favourite food, TrevorMASKMAN: I know. Its blue. My cars blue. Look!MONTY: I know. Thats four. Here are fo

8、ur pencils! My turn.TREVOR: Er . Whats this T-h-r-e-e.Unit 2 Backtoschool! and point.STELLA: Hello, Alex. Hello, Lenny. How are you ALEX AND LENNY: Fine, thanks.MEERA: Is this your classroom, SimonSIMON: Yes.MEERA: Whos that on the boardSIMON: Thats my favourite toy, Maskman. Look at my Maskman rule

9、r.LENNY: Thats nice. My rulers on my desk.STELLA: Are your school books in the bookcaseSIMON: No, theyre in the cupboard. Our teachers here now.STELLA AND MEERA: Oops.,pointandrepeat.boardbookcasecupboarddeskrulerteacher and point. Chant.School, school. This is the Numbers School.Eleven desks,Twelve

10、 erasers,Thirteen rulers, Fourteen cupboards,Fifteen classrooms, Sixteen teachers,Seventeen pens, Eighteen boards,Nineteen pencils, Twenty tables.School, school. This is the Numbers School. and point.MEERA: This is my classroom. How many desks are there There are a lot of desks. Thats my desk next t

11、o the bookcase. Theres a long pink ruler on it. There are a lot of books in the bookcase. Theres a big whiteboard on the wall. Theres a computer, but there isnt a television. ,pointandrepeat.Theresalongpinkruleronherdesk.Therearealotofboosinthebookcase. Theresabigwhiteboardonthewall.Theresacomputeri

12、ntheclassroom,butthereisntatelevision.7.There are pencils in the classroom, Yes, there are. yes there is.There are pencils in the classroom, Yes, there are. MASKMAN, TREVOR AND MONTY: OK, Marie! Unit3Playtime!andpoint.Suzy:Ooh,kites!Canwelookatthem,Dad MrStar:OK,Suzy.WherearetheySuzy:Overthere!Nextt


14、andrepeat.Camera watch kite robot lorry computergame,pointandsaythenumbers. Thesearedolls.Thisisarobot.Thisisatrain.Thisisacamera.Thesearelorries.Thisisawatch.Thisisacomputergame.Thisisakite.Theseareballs.andsayyesorno.Therearetwobigredlorries.Theresabeautifulpinkandpurplekite.TheresaMaskmancomputer

15、game.Theresanuglyrobotwithgreeneyes.Theresasmallorangecamera.Theresacleanorangeball.Therearetwosmallwhiteballs.Therearethreehappydolls.Therearetwobigyellowwatches.Theresalongbrowntrain. andpoint.Toysinthetoybox,Comealive,Walkandtalk,Onthecountoffive.One,two,three,four,five. Monty:LookatSuzyskite!Itsbeautiful.Itspinkandpurplewithalongtail.Maskman:Anditsbig,anditcanfly.Icanfl



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