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1、外贸函电期中复习材料苏明一、英译汉(71)1. Pease e infored ta we e oe oth largest importer f silk in th ld.We ve ben porting tis em from apan an now intend to exenourbsinesstoimorthe same rom Chna.我们是世界上最大的丝绸进口商之一。我们过去始终是从日本进口的,目前我们想开拓市场,从中国进口同类产品。2.e egret eigunable tocctyour cuerofer.Sincw quoed ou we aveconclued us

2、ines with mnyclietsatthe pri origialy qed. here-fe,if you e stiin eeofhi itm plasepace yuroderithout delay.我们很遗憾不能接受你方的还盘。自从我们报价给你们后,我们已按原报价与其她许多客户成交,故若你方仍有需要,请立即订购。3W hve rceved yur tter o the 0th Aut,enloing S/C o.90S-586 induplicate agaist ordeNo.00 for 50 sts oSewinMaine. Attached heto i py thea

3、d sls Confrmatio, duy ounrignd. Pasefnt n rdr 贵方月0日来函收悉,谢谢。随函附上号码为9SP-5861的销售确认书提单副本一份(即订单号为100的50套缝纫机)。请相应地将信用证展期。4. Ouprice i oe nCFR basis and conseuelyhinranceis o be oered yorslves Hwevr,as son as wesh th goodseilllet you ko relativ shipigposition.我们报的是F价格,因此,货品将由你方保险,但我们在货品装运后,将立即告知你们有关的装运状况。I

4、 y apointus s yr gt n aistan,we l cnentrate u efrton pushing esal your procs,this eingtothe beneft of othpartes. 如果指定我们做你们在巴基斯坦的代理,我们将集中精力,努力推销你们的商品。这对我们双方都是有利的。6.Weill snd you or quoats andsampe imeditel po eceipt of yourspecific enquiry一俟收到贵公司具体询盘,我们会立即寄送报价单和样品。7. Tanks o ur mutaleor ancls coeraon

5、,r busines is prgrsig atisfactrly由于双方共同努力和密切合伙,我们之间的业务进展顺利。8. Custmer knto beficiallysond mabe ranted mreease tes被觉得是有经济实力的客户也许会得到更多优惠的条件。9. t i ith viw to epasio of rade that we shoul mdif the origilpa. 为了扩大公司的业务,我们不得不修改原筹划了。10. e appreiatyour efforts inflly protingourprdcts ad your ffos illrove be

6、 ftfl. 感谢你方全力推销我方产品,你们的尝试会有所收获。11. I am fraid youcan haly xpect to innyour aes promion. 恐怕你不能指望我们给你们的商品促销提供资金。12. e canoalo theamunt rman naiidefiniey,an lk forward to rceving u eqe for he ae amou wthnhe ex fw days. 我们不容许无限期拖欠款项,盼望这几天内收到你方上述金额的支票。13. Preliinry arket iveigtion will becondcveo the suc

7、s of buns.前期的市场调查将有助于业务的成功。14. W ae fred fro he bigtion fthis or thaths bnnvalid sice 20 tr 该盘从10月20日起已失效,我们不承当责任。15. We sll remt o the mount of ou cmmsion as soonas we have ffeced hient and competed the necesary fomalitie. 一旦装运完毕并办妥手续,我们立即汇付你方佣金。16. e ve fficuty in oainn th mteineee fo you oderof J

8、ue2 5nd theeoe w aet declin te 有关你方6月25日订单,由于在获取所需原料方面浮现困难,因此不得不回绝此订单。17. However dsirous w maye o eetin our wiss, e reretthat we anot grantyou uch ufavorablpamnt ters 虽然我们渴望满足你方的需要,但很遗憾不能答应你方所提的支付条件。 18. fou cnn mee the dmnd ofour ustomersuffcietly, thy will hvo urchse from elsewr. 如果你方不能充足地满足我方顾客的

9、规定,她们将从别处购买。19. Weappreca yureffortsan coperation and o tat thi al mark te eginingof heooeation betweenus. 感谢你方的努力和合伙,但愿这笔交易标志着我们之间合伙的开始。20. As orcean isfa,we feelit advisble that you shouldpay attnnto the packing. 因瓷器易碎,因此我们务请你方注意包装。21. Please no ta the ,000tea set n our Ord No. 12 houd bped in pap

10、r boxes padded th famed lsics 请注意我方13号订单项下的一千套茶具应装在垫有泡沫塑料的纸盒中。22. Asthegoshav osndlong ocea ransortaton, e equeeaworhy pacin. 因货品须经长途海洋运送,因此我们规定适合海运的包装。23. We makei cler tht odsshld bepcke wen caeand be strong enougtothrough andg docs. 我们指明货品应装在木箱中并包装得足够结实,以经得起码头上的粗鲁搬运。24. erequirethiner pang be sma

11、ll n xuisieo ote saesad te oute packing be1iad trong to be ea to carry. 我们规定内包装小巧而精美以有助于销售,外包装轻便而结实以易于搬运。25. Tsintao ris pakd i bttlesof 0ml each, 12botles t a aperbo and 2 os to a cadboard caton. 青岛啤酒300毫升1瓶,1瓶装一纸盒,2盒装一纸箱。26. Our coeeets ae to b packed oe se t paper boxTh boxes sld b dsigned tratil

12、y eughto appeal tte mst sective buy 我们的咖啡用品要每套装一纸盒中,纸盒应设计精美,足以吸引最挑剔的买主。 27. Greenteais packed 20 a to a tin, 50tin crton nd2 cartons t crate. 绿茶100克装一听,50听装一纸箱,纸箱一板条箱。28. e hoe the ods will each yuerfect onditionand to yo etrestisfacton. 我们但愿货品达到时状况完好并令你方完全满意。29. s crystl vassare xpenv,lase pckthem in stct aordnc wt urinstruction tavoid damage in trnsit 因水晶花瓶是贵重物品,请严格按照我方指令包装以免运送途中受损。30. We arin cptofyr pcking rqireent regrdin 0,00ozen cottonbd sheets andwe arenow arranng pakingcordny. 我们已收到你方有关10


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