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1、课程学习一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1. We are going to have another heat wave. ! (A)Oh, no(B)I dont(C)No, we dont(D)No, you cant你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第二单元A 当对方说“又有一 段炎热期即将来临”的时候,如果你听到消息后很震惊或失望可以说“哇,不会吧!”。no:“表示对听闻到的内容的震惊或失望”;heat wave:“热浪期,一段天气异常热的时期”。2. How did you like yesterdays weather? Generally speakin

2、g, . (A)its 26 degrees(B)it was quite good(C)it liked sunny(D)it looked like it你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第二单元B 当对方问“你觉得昨天的天气怎么样?”的时候,你可以说“总的说来,天气还不错”。此题应该注意“How do/did you like sth.?”这一习语表达,表示询问某人对某事的看法,态度。3. It seems to be clearing up. . (A)No, not at all(B)No hurry(C)Never mind(D)I hope so你选择的答案:D正确正确答

3、案:D解答参考:第二单元D 当对方说“看起来天要放晴了”的时候,你可以说“我希望如此”。clear up:“放晴;不再下雨,不再是多云或阴天的天气”4. Whats the temperature today? . (A)Nice and cool(B)The weather forecast says its fine(C)About 18 degrees(D)Sure, its sunny你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第二单元C 当对方问“今天气温多少度?”的时候,你可以说“大约18度”。5. Its so hot today. I simply cant work. . (A

4、)So do I(B)I would like it very much(C)I dont know(D)I dont like it at all你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第二单元A 当对方说“今天天气真热。我根本无法工作”的时候,如果你表示赞同可以说“我也是(根本无法工作)”。6. Cold day, isnt it? . (A)Yes, its warm and sunny(B)Yes, its freezing(C)Theres nothing special(D)No one knows你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第二单元B 当对方说“天真冷,不是吗”的

5、时候,你可以说“是呀,冷得要命”。7. I hope the snow will let up. . (A)Well, this is January(B)No, no soon(C)Yes, but I dont know(D)Sunny and pleasant today你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第二单元A 当对方说“我希望雪能停下来”的时候,你可以说“现在可是一月份”,表示不相信对方的愿望能实现。8. The radio announcer says the storm is getting nearer. Well, . (A)its not to my taste(

6、B)its too sunny(C)just take his statement with a pinch of salt(D)the more, the better你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第二单元C 当对方说“播音员说将有一场暴风雨”的时候,如果你对播音员所播的天气预报有所怀疑,可以说“唔,别把他的话太放在心上”。短语take(a statement, etc.)with grain/pinch of salt指“对(某一陈述等)有所怀疑或采取保留态度”。9. How is the weather today? (A)How could you ask that?(B)

7、Its hot and sticky.(C)Yes, its cloudy.(D)Are you sure you want to know?你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第二单元B 当对方问“今天天气怎么样?”的时候,你回答说“天很闷热”。选项C)“Yes”用法错误,问句“How”一词引导的是特殊疑问句,不能用“Yes”或“No”回答。10. Its starting to snow. Starting to snow? . (A)They are ready for the snow(B)It is typical December weather(C)Once it star

8、ts, itll snow a lot(D)It has been snowing for some time你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第二单元D 当对方说“开始下雪了”的时候,你可以说“开始下雪?已经下了好一阵子了”。11. Dont forget to feed the birds for me while I am away, _?(A)can you(B)do you(C)shall you(D)will you你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第二单元D 此题考查对情态动词用法的掌握。can:“能,会”,表示有能力做某事;shall在表示征询意见时,只用于第一

9、、第三人称作主语的疑问句中;will:用于主语为第二人称的疑问句中,表示请求。原句在祈使句后接疑问句,是征求意见或请求许可,且主语为第二人称,故选D)。【译文】我走后不要忘记帮我喂鸟,好吗?12. She left the reception in a hurry because she _ arrive at the airport so early the next morning.(A)needed(B)had to(C)might(D)used to你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第二单元B need作情态动词使用时没有过去的形态,而作行为动词使用时则应后接动词不定式,而非动

10、词原形;have to:强调客观需要,表示“不得不,必须”;might:表示许可,或推测;used to:“过去时常,过去曾(而现在不再)做”。【译文】她匆忙离开了宴会因为第二天一大早她就得赶到飞机场。13. Its essential that the application form _ out before the deadline.(A)must be sent(B)was sent(C)be sent(D)would be sent你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第二单元B need作情态动词使用时没有过去的形态,而作行为动词使用时则应后接动词不定式,而非动词原形;have

11、 to:强调客观需要,表示“不得不,必须”;might:表示许可,或推测;used to:“过去时常,过去曾(而现在不再)做”。【译文】申请表必须于最后期限前送出。14. The directors have a meeting on Friday _ there is nothing to discuss.(A)so long as(B)unless(C)so that(D)because你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第二单元B so long as:“只要”;unless:“除非”;so that:“以便”;because:“因为”。【译文】星期五董事们要开会,除非没有事要讨论

12、。15. The government is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the two countries.(A)raise(B)enlarge(C)heighten(D)promote你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第二单元D raise意为“举起,抬起”;enlarge:“扩大”,指在大小、容量或范围等方面的扩大;heighten:“提高,升高”;promote:“促进,增进”。【译文】政府正努力采取措施以促进两国之间的相互理解。16. Though he left the motherlan

13、d since he was born, he can speak _ French.(A)smooth(B)fluent(C)easy(D)flowing你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第二单元B smooth意为“平滑的,光滑的;(事情)进行顺利的”;fluent表示“(语言)流利的”,符合题意;easy意为“安逸的;自在的;宽容的”;flowing意为“流动的;(文体等)流畅的”。【译文】尽管他出生后便离开了祖国,却能说一口流利的法语。17. All his energies are _ upon the job and he seems to have little time for his family.(A)aimed(B)guided(C)focused(D)directed你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第二单元C aim:“瞄准;针对”,与at



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