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1、The Research into High School Students Motivationfor Learning English 高中生英语学习动机的调查研究 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 2009030402 系 部: 外语系 指 导 教 师: 运城学院2013年5月Contents Abstracti摘要ii1. Introduction12. Theoretical Background22.1 Definition of Motivation22.2 Classification of Motivation32.2.1 Integrative Motivation and In

2、strumental Motivation32.2.2 Internal Motivation and External Motivation32.3 Gardners and Dornyeis Motivation Theory52.3.1 Gardners Social-educational Model62.3.2 Dornyeis Three- level Categorization63. The Survey73.1 Subjects73.2 Instruments73.2.1 Interview73.2.2 Questionnaire73.3 Survey Questions84

3、. Results and Discussion84.1 The Main Trend in all Students English Learning Motivation94.2 The Differences of Motivation among Top, Middle and Bottom Students104.2.1 The Analysis of the Differences114.2.2 The Strategies of Stimulating Students English Learning Motivation124.3 The Differences of Mot

4、ivation between Girl and Boy students144.3.1 The Analysis of the Differences144.3.2 The Advice on Gender of the Students English Learning Motivation155. Suggestions165.1 Suggestions for Students165.2 Suggestions for Teachers176. Conclusion19Acknowledgements21Bibliography22Appendix24The Research into

5、 High School Students Motivation for Learning EnglishAbstract: In second language acquisition, motivation has important influence on the whole process and output of the foreign language learning. English learning motivation research began very late in China. In senior middle school, a few students h

6、ave lost their motivation. Therefore, the research of this paper is aimed at studying the motivation of the high school students and we are trying to answer the following questions: Firstly, what is the main trend of the English study motivation of all students? Secondly, what is the difference in m

7、otivation among top, middle and bottom students? And what are the strategies? Thirdly, what is the difference in motivation between boy and girl students? And what are the strategies?In order to fulfill the research purposes, the author has conducted a survey among 100 students in Linyi Middle Schoo

8、l to investigate their English learning motivation. The result of the survey is summed up as follows: Firstly, the main trends of the English learning motivation are practical value, attribution, interest, the influence of important people, the sense of achievement, task motivation and praise or pun

9、ishment, at the top of which is practical value. Secondly, in the part of the influence of the important, the middle students are affected most; in the item of utility value, students in the top are affected most, followed by the bottom students; in the items of sense of achievement and task motivat

10、ion, their result is top, middle and bottom students; in the part of praise and punishment, the bottom students tend to avoid punishment and gain praise. Finally, girl students have greater motivation than boy students, but the motivation of boy students has higher stability than that of girls.Accor

11、ding to the survey, the author comes up with some strategies on English learning motivation.Key words: English learning motivation; utility value; attribution; interest高中生英语学习动机的调查研究摘要:在二语习得中,动机对外语学习的全过程和结果起着非常重要的影响。在中国,外语学习动机的研究起步比较晚。在高中阶段已经有相当一部分学生失去了英语学习动机,因此,本论文的研究对象是高中生英语学习动机,回答以下几个问题:(1)当前高中生的


13、平均值显著地高于男生;男生的学习动机比女生的要稳定。根据调查结果,作者提出了一些有关英语学习动机的策略。关键词: 英语学习动机;实用价值;归因;兴趣ii1. IntroductionWith the development of the science and technology, the cooperation and communication between China and other countries are becoming more and more frequent. As an international language, English is widely used

14、 and commonly taught as a foreign language in China. But it is not easy for people to learn English, which is a well-developed and complicated language. English learning is influenced by many factors, such as learners own factors and learning environment. Among these factors, motivation could devote

15、 a lot to learners success or failure in English learning motivation. It is a burdensome task to do research on motivation, because motivation is dynamic in nature, which varies from one moment to next depending on the learning task or context. The author only investigated on three aspects: the main trend of the English learning motivation of all students; the difference in motivation among top, middle and bottom students; the difference in motivation between boy and girl



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