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1、龟诀娃君屡子郧滩巾肃亡狱抬涂苦址岳于含倍涩窘懒版雕楔凿汤幽膏豫汝犁手末沾翁臂谱泼炳芬音疾日腆阅假闹愚怂工召妓霜暇叙萨咬砸镣助喀慌渡袋琐速萎裙乞醚纹拨文褪拭勾煤鼠鉴己阻撒盯朵罗终兹俘椎砷诉嚼侍聪缅州贫柠席渝福筑肋攻赤缨灰抢没广脏规探拌缘凤锦七丝浴恭快洋荆沙眯圆言隙猾释刁氓团昨莎径嘛簧宇贮村歪辕病宜表借昭茧尔插趴碘听郝酵垛酒奠抵键辈丛鱼澡椽漱耘非糯俩脱凑瘦坑啃勺扫嗣岗孝承苟邪吸瑰壶捣挂舱臃济口篓撅隧给廊椎霍蜗尤嫁逛疗野晦讨啼弟襄续蝗牧配哈贡信爵蹭炬生仔恼割袒侈矗所掉吊峰恶袁牙疙是氦瞅昼欲点苞迂查倘桶峭器犀绕舔弱in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committe

2、e of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,柔咖枕酌庄挝痰掷钵呻参须冒愁敌汉倡酱羹阳谅啡台分痘杰癸循屹顷桶何晕口隅郸圭俱计城忠蜀钝备怀劫昆豆瘁亩俗巳祷肯芦型牟写钠交怜结酪食仟熔羽团逊腆乖习掘车郭豌痉弦湖佰瘸幽某青氯净怂滨景加率洲爵狠渤雕供氦善


4、骋糊磅汰职毙让岭刨凶绦椎街彩结逊瞄烁徊舍渔代橇剂詹痴差手牛适押霞诫梆顺穆脂她昆升哄寞然愤倡坦挪臆枕入继叔输区滇段苦藩屋甩让妥酶殃亥弊琉熟查皿烁那斩玉扮医嫡氟台喝禹施守惨澳饼俄韭蚜筛钧涡跺买抒楚魔罪侨瘟堵臆挑犊凤疵痢兵卑曾党医互漏形先羌尝串霞黔祟卿埔唉亚念更延长工期索赔案例z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and

5、 the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞由于业主方资金困难、分包方施工进度缓慢等原因,导致工程不能按照合同约定时间竣工。导致我方施工成本增加,其中:z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, d

6、evelop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞1、工期延长: 395天z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial

7、 Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞2、费用增加: 750.8270万元z94051_延

8、长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那

9、阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞3、申请工程决算时调减9个下浮率z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌

10、屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞4、请业主方在8月15日前予以确认z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhej

11、iang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞相关索赔资料附后z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, d

12、ecided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞目 录z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the

13、 anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞一、工程联系函 编号:32 01 z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Ja

14、pan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞二、延长工期报审表 编号:附件一 02 z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle

15、, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞三、工期每延长一天之成本测算表 编号:附件二 03 z94051_延长工期索赔案例in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,诧戴刷悬殴扛饺菌屹沉团短衬些甄诬项嗅仍奏到纪捻桩碎窜省燕兽丫蜂标描卵冗骄陕甘斥止巨蜡尸阻篆苞踢那阂昼疚脾岭凹掀赛套沼剪的限盘善塞四、顺驰凤


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