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1、八年级英语上期中考试试卷姓名_ 班级_ 座位号_I. 听句子,选图片(每小题1分,共5分) A B C D E1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._II. 听五组对话,选出问题的答案(每小题1分,共5分)( )6. How many countries has the man been to?A. One.B. Two. C. Three. ( )7. When will Kate come back?A. She will come back in January.B. She will come back in February.C. She will come back in July.

2、 ( )8. How many times has the man been to the Summer Palace?A. Once.B. Twice. C. Three times.( )9. How far is the park?A. Two kilometers away. B. Ten kilometers away.C. One kilometer away. ( )10. How does the man usually go to work?A. By bus.B. By bike. C. By car.III. 听长对话,选出问题的答案(每小题1分,共10分)( )11.

3、What is Alice doing?A. She is getting ready for a competition. B. She is calling Jack.C. She is playing with Jack. ( )12. What does Alice want to do?A. She wants to go to a competition.B. She wants to go to a cinema with Jack.C. She wants to have a picnic with Jack.( )13. When will Alice and Jack me

4、et?A. At 7:30. B. At 6:30.C. At 5:30.( )14. Where will Alice and Jack meet?A. At their school gate. B. At the gate of a store. C. At their school library. ( )15. How did Alice feel when Jack agreed with her?A. She felt happy. B. She felt busy. C. She felt sorry.IV. 听短文,选出问题的答案(每小题1分,共5分)( )16. How l

5、ong has the speaker been in Wuhan?A. Seven days.B. Ten days. C. Eleven days.( )17. When did the speaker have to arrive at the station?A. By 4:15. B. By 6:15. C. By 3:15.( )18. Why did the writer get off the bus and take a taxi?A. He wanted to have a rest in a taxi.B. He wanted to catch the train on

6、time. C. He wanted to meet his brother.( )19. How long did the speaker spend on the taxi?A. Half an hour.B. Twenty minutes.C. Ten minutes. ( )20. What did the speakers brother do for him before the train left?A. He put the speakers bags into the train. B. He gave some bags to the speaker. C. He help

7、ed the speaker to buy a ticket.笔试部分.用单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. You should practise more to _(提高)your English.2. There were 150 _(passenger)on the plane.3. The plane _(land)yesterday.4. Dont _(忘记)to do your homework.5. Have scientists d_(discover)life on Mars?6. The men travelled to the moon in a s_(太空飞船).7.

8、 Have you h_(hear) about Leifeng, he is a great man.8. The plane has a_(到达) in Tian jin already.9. Beethoven was one of the greatest _(composer) of classicl music.10. Pop music is n_(噪音),popular dance music with singers,gutitar and durms.单项选择。(10分)1. Why dont you_ ?A. write down it B. writing it dow

9、n C. write it down D. wrote it down2. How about _the radio in English?A. listen to B. listened to C. listening to D. listen3. Jill has been in Ireland_Monday.A. ever B. since C. for D. never4. Has she _China before?A. visited B. visiting C. visitor D. visit5. Sally has invited me _with her in Ehglan

10、d one day.A. stay B. staying C. stayed D. to stay6. They havent been to Mars_.A. already B. just C. ever D. yet7. Astronauts have _to the moon and returned safely.A. been B. gone C. go D. went8._have you studied Chinese?for a year.A. How many B. How long C. What D. How about9.I have lived here _20 y

11、ears.A.for B.since C.in D.from10.She doesnt like pop music,_?A.is she B.did she C.does she D.doesnt she.英汉互译。(30分)1.500,000_2.do some concerts_3.enjoy yourself_4.go around_5.drop out of school_6.because of _7.get an education_8.一个八岁的男孩_9.停止做某事_10.做某事对某人重要_11.听说_12.我买了一辆车两年了。(buy-have had)_13.成百上千_14

12、她来这里两天了,(come-have been here)_15.售完_.选择正确答案。(10分) 1.You like rock music, ( ) A. doesnt he?2.They have never been to any concert,( ) B. 3203.Three hundred and twenty( ) C. mistakes4.The students ask for( ) D. No,it hasnt5.Please correct your( ) E. some advice6.Has it arrived yet?( ) F. Havent they?7.How long have you lived in the village?( ) G. didnt he?8.He wrote traditional music,( ) H. for 20 years9.He has a lot of


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