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1、2013年检测说明 2013-12-14(一)until one at record give safe we take gun while in doDereck Joubert and his wife, Beverly, have made many films about wild animals in Africa. Their films and photographs are very popular and 66 of the photographs has been on the front cover of a National Geographic magazine.A

2、working day for Dereck and Beverly starts very early-at 4 : 30 in the morning! Thats when they get up and begin filming(录影). And its a long day-they often work _67 8: 30 in the evening. In winter its very cold and 68 summer it can be 401C. Dereck always does the filming-Beverly never does that, and

3、she doesnt write. But Dereck never takes photographs or 69 the sound. They work very well as a team, and they both believe we should shoot animals with cameras-not with 70 .When they have finished filming and 71 photographs for the day, they have dinner and Dereck usually writes 72 Beverly looks at

4、her photographs. At night, they usually sleep in a small tent, but they sometimes sleep in the Land Cruiser-when youre very close to wild animals. Its sometimes 73 to sleep in the car. Dereck and Beverly have also travelled around the world and 74 talks about their work. Dereck says that animals are

5、 not just something to look at-they play an important role. Beverly thinks the wild animals can teach 75 a lot about ourselves.A: Hi, Lisa. This is Jim.B: Oh, Jim.76. _? A: Fine, thanks ,Lisa. Would you like to go to a concert with me this Sunday? B: Id love to, but I cant. 77._. A: Oh, I see. How a

6、bout next Sunday night?B: ItII be frne. 78._?A: At eight. We could have dinner together frrst.B:79 _A: Ill wait for you at 5:30 at the school gate. 80. _?B: Lets take a taxi there.A: OK. Im looking forward to it. Thanks a lot for inviting me.B: You are welcome.(二) America clean in good activity and

7、celebrate they we final on what Today, people all over the world take time out to celebrate Earth Day. Some will take part in _66 to protect environment. Others will volunteer in _67 their towns or save water and electricity at home. Maybe you even have some ideas of how you can help to make our env

8、ironment _ 68 . The idea for Earth Day( April 22) came from an 69 , Gaylord Nelson, who was worried about pollution 70 the health of plants and animals. In 1969, he decided that there should be a special day to teach people about 71 we could do to make our environment better. This idea quickly caugh

9、t on and in 1970, the first Earth Day was 72 . Since then, people have used Earth Day to educate people about 73 role in protecting our planet. 74 Earth Day became a celebration around the world. People come together 75 this day to talk about such matters as global warming, protecting the animals in

10、 danger, or saving our energy resources(资源) .A:Hello, Andy! You look very tired. 76. _?B : I went to sleep quite late last night.A: Why didnt you go to bed early? What were you doing?B: 77. _ . It was so exciting.A: Which game did you watch?B : The game between England and Italy.A: Really? It must b

11、e an amazing game to watch. 78_?B : England beat Italy 2:0.A: Wonderful! England Team is my favorite.B: 79. _?A: Yes. I often play soccer with my friends on weekends.B : Why not play soccer with me this afternoon?A: Good idea! 80._.B: OK! See you.(三)English happy help one between difference they so

12、house have and be May 2nd . 2013Dear Li Hua, Its very 66 to know something about the British meals before travelling. In many English 67 _, people eat four meals a day.They are breakfast ,lunch , tea and dinner. Breakfast takes place at any time from 7: 00 to 9: 00 in the morning. They usually 68 eg

13、gs, bread with butter, cheese and so on. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one oclock. It can 69 a hamburger or a three-course( 三道菜) meal.Aftemoon tea is 70 _ 4:00 pm and 5 :00 pm. Dinner begins at about half past seven. The 71 course is soup. The next is often meat or

14、fish with vegetables. Then come fruits of _72 kinds : apples, pears. bananas and so on. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have 73 dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast,dinner,tea and supper. _ 74 all these meals are usually simple. Wish you a good time in 75 ! Yours ,


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