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1、Unit 6 Lesson 1 知识点参考学案学习目标:1. To master the important language points in this lesson.学习重难点:1. To learn the key words and expressions.2. To understand the difficult sentences.学法指导:1. 使用优教通学生平台2. 借助教辅和教参自主学习课前 自主预习根据提示完成下列短语1. 邮政储蓄银行 the Post Office _ Bank2. 20世纪早期 in the_ twentieth _3. 有几分的,有点儿 / _

2、of4.一种 a _/_of5.仿佛 as _6. 石制 be _ of stone7. 现代摩天大楼 _ skyscraper8.在顶楼 on top _9.尽可能多的 as many /much.as _10.位于城镇中心 be_ in the _ of town必背句子1. I like the castle because its huge.2. Its on a loach, you know a kind of lake.3. It looks as if its in the water.4. It really looks like something from a fairy

3、tale.5. Its made of a type of stone.6. Inside, its sort of sort of strange.7. Its useful to think about how difficult the exercise were for you.8. Write down as many words as you can that give new information and stressed.9. Its a big building, located in the center of town. 10. Its got a huge garde

4、n, in front with a sort of thing where water comes out, and there are.核心词汇 讲练悟1. roof (n) 意为:“房顶,屋顶”e.g. She and I cant live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。The rain is coming in- the roof needs mending.雨水漏进来了,这屋顶需要修一下。拓展:under the same roof 同住一屋under sbs roof 在某人家做客roof 的复数形式在其后加-s即 roofs。类似的还有:chie

5、f belief cliff gulf proof 2. ruin (v) 意为“毁坏,毁灭” (n) 意为:毁灭,废墟”be/lie in ruins 破百不堪,废墟注:ruin表“毁坏”,表示毁坏了某种好的有用的东西,此物虽然还在,但已失去了优良的特性。破坏的原因通常是自然现象、年龄、疏忽等。此外,ruin多用于比喻用法中。ruin的复述形式ruins则表示“废墟,遗迹”。应用:the fire _ most of the building.We visited the _ of a Normal castle.The crops are all _ by continuous rain.

6、A falling tree_ the roof and we should repair it.(destroyed; ruins; ruined; damaged)重难句导学1. It looks as if its in the water. 它看起来好像是在水中。解析:句中as if 是从属连词,意为“好像,好似”,引导表语从句,用于句型:It looks/seems as if .表示“看起来似乎.”。其中It为无人称代词,本身并无词义。looks/seems是连系动词,as if引出表语从句。e.g.It looks as if it is going to snow.看来,天要下

7、雪。It seemed as if the suit was made to his own measure.这套衣服看来似乎是按尺寸给他定做的。应用:He looks as if he _ the answers.A. knows B. knew C. has known D. had known (B)The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether hewas going in the right directions.A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to

8、 see (B)2. Inside, its sort of strange. 里面有点奇怪。解析:句中短语sort of 意为“有几分地,有点儿”,相当于kind of 或slightly,修饰形容词、副词或动词,作状语。e.g. I am sort of thirsty.我有点渴。拓展:a sort/kind of 一种all sorts/kinds of 各种各样的3. Write down as many words as you can that give new information and are stressed. 尽可能多地写下那些给予新的信息以及被强调的词。解析:句中as many words as you can表示“尽可能多的词”,相当于as many words as possible。英语中as+ adj./adv. +as possible/sb. can较为常用。应用:Come back _ after you finish your work.A.as soon as possibly B.as soon as possibleC.as soon as he can D.as quick as you can (B)


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